Profiles in Lunacy

As I like to say, these idiots said this stuff, not you…

"These men and women, our Marines were training there in Hawthorne. And with this sequester, it's going to cut back. I just hope everyone understands the sacrifices made by our military. They are significant, being away from home, away from families, away from their country..."

“These men and women, our Marines were training there in Hawthorne. And with this sequester, it’s going to cut back. I just hope everyone understands the sacrifices made by our military. They are significant, being away from home, away from families, away from their country…”

Nevada’s embarrassment, Sen. Harry Reid (D) gutlessly trying to tie the unfortunate deaths of U.S. Marines in a training exercise to the sequester…The man defines cowardice and disgust in the United States Senate.

“If we started in 1960, and we said that, as productivity goes up — that is, as workers are producing more — then the minimum wage is going to go up the same. And, if that were the case, the minimum wage today would be about $22 an hour. So, my question, Mr. Dube, is what happened to the other $14.75?”

“If we started in 1960, and we said that, as productivity goes up — that is, as workers are producing more — then the minimum wage is going to go up the same. And, if that were the case, the minimum wage today would be about $22 an hour. So, my question, Mr. Dube, is what happened to the other $14.75?”

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D) in a committee hearing exhibiting her complete lack of common sense…

“And so the answer to you is if it’s coming in three weeks, pray..". “…That’s not bad policy. I’m a practicing Episcopalian and I love what the pope’s doing right now, I’ll tell you. Things have happened. You got to pray.”

“And so the answer to you is if it’s coming in three weeks, pray..”. “…That’s not bad policy. I’m a practicing Episcopalian and I love what the pope’s doing right now, I’ll tell you. Things have happened. You got to pray.”

NASA administrator Charles Bolden telling a Congressional hearing there’s not much NASA can do predicting asteroids (like the recent Russian event) because sequestration has threatened their funding…

Do you EVER ask yourself how we’ve survived as a nation for nearly 240 years?…With people like these 3, and thousands more of them, in charge, the chance of being around another 240 years diminishes with each passing day…