Here We Go Again!

As I return to publishing observations here, the nation sees itself on the brink of yet another presidential campaign. November 2016 will be here before you know it!…

We have 3 Republicans, Sen. Rand Paul (KY), Sen. Marco Rubio (FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (TX) up against former Secretary of State and Democrat New York senator, Hillary Clinton.



The themes and memes are already underway in attempts to set the narrative. True to form, the Democrats have trotted out some of their worthless, tasteless voices to express insipid opinions on the Republican field. These quotes are definitely worth retaining as the campaigns move forward…

“Like most other major Republicans his (Rand Paul) views are outdated and way outside the mainstream.."

“Like most other major Republicans his (Rand Paul) views are outdated and way outside the mainstream..” 

The effortlessly moronic DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schutlz, shares her take… – The Guardian, April 7, 2015

This from a woman who claims her daughter expressed concerned she would be shot following the Rep. Gabby Giffords incident in Arizona…

The Republican field for president in 2016 is full of “losers,” Harry Reid said in an interview that aired Wednesday. - The Politico, April 15, 2015

The Republican field for president in 2016 is full of “losers,” Harry Reid said in an interview that aired Wednesday. – The Politico, April 15, 2015  

The walking cadaver and former Senator majority leader from Nevada uttered that description as he recovers from what he expects everyone to believe was an injury from an exercise machine…Right..Harry….right….

“His policy on Cuba is very much in the past. … [He’s] yesterday when it comes to Cuba and international relations.”

“His policy on Cuba is very much in the past. … [He’s] yesterday when it comes to Cuba and international relations.”

The former House majority leader, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) comments to Katie Couric on the candidacy of Marco Rubio… As you might recall, Pelosi proudly proclaimed Obamacare had to be passed into law before we could find out what was in it! To this day, she retains the crown as the most lame brain woman in Congress!

Things are just getting underway. That being said, I detect a hint of concern on the part of the Democrats. They’re realizing the lies they’ve told for decades are losing their political!


It shouldn’t be surprising the lengths the Democrats will go to in order to instill fear in the voting electorate. However, this year’s mid term elections seem to have brought some humdingers!

A few for you..

In North Carolina, a group supportive of incumbent Senator Kay Hagan (D) warns of lynchings and the like, should the GOP win the Senate…

senator kay hagan


In Texas, loopy Wendy Davis, the Democrat candidate for governor, questions whether her Republican opponent, Greg Abbott, would defend an interracial marriage ban. A rather odd scenario in itself, made even more odd by the fact that Abbott himself is in an interracial marriage…

Wendy Davis filibuster

The lunatic, Davis, is about as whack as they come in politics….

And speaking of lunatics…. Massachusetts senator, Elizabeth Warren (D), stumping for fellow idiot, Al Franken (D-MN), is on the rampage again with some garbage about the system being rigged by the Republicans…Yeah…they rigged it so they would lose…


When it comes to complete and utter nonsense, nonstop bullshit, and a complete lack of common sense, the Democrats have DEFINITELY got that cornered!

‘Are We There Yet?’

File photo of Obama and Biden in Wilmington

I know this is a foolish question, but do you ever feel as if your concerns about government, our national future, your children’s future, is all just a big joke to our Washington politicians? THEIR concerns are NOT yours. THEIR day to day is NOTHING like yours. Barack Obama and Joe Biden, two of THE MOST DISCONNECTED individuals to grace the executive branch of government, haven’t the slightest CLUE what worries most Americans. And the sad part is, they don’t seem to care.

So, I’m left to ask if we’re there yet…Have we reached the point where our collective disgust will prompt us to make serious changes, come the next election? Possibly. Likely? I doubt it.

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)

This latest ridiculous example of how out of touch those that purport to serve really are, is the Senate Democrats and their all night session discussing climate change with California’s loony Barbara Boxer leading the way! No matter where your beliefs fall on that issue, an all nighter on the matter is a glittering jewel of how these moronic, arrogant individuals avoid the more pressing, serious issues of the day. They don’t have the fortitude and they lack the personal integrity it takes to tackle the serious problems of the here and now. The national debt, unemployment, the IRS targeting, the NSA spying fiasco, our shrinking presence on the international stage, and the disparaging of our military. Americans struggle to pay bills and provide…if they’re fortunate enough to find work. Yet, the Senate Democrats would MUCH prefer to literally lend lip service to “CLIMATE CHANGE”! Other talking points, such as “immigration reform”, “gay marriage” “gender equality”…the list goes on and on… are not to be diminished in their own right. But, we face endangerments to our nation as a whole that threaten our existence. They don’t seem to matter to those that lack the guts to face the truth.

On top of all of that, let’s not forget we’re all a bunch of liars and ‘tea baggers’…..


Whatever works best for the this that voting block…to this constituency. That’s what matters to Washington. Republican AND Democrat. Whatever they can tell you that will perpetuate the lie. That’s what sells..and guarantees their future in office.

So…it seems the joke’s on us. We send these idiots back to Washington time and time again. And the cycle continues. We’re on a fast track to nowhere. Eventually we will slam into the brick wall of reality. And that’s NOT going to be a pretty sight. The signs are all there. The question is whether we have the wisdom to heed the warnings. As things are now, I think we all know the answer to that question…

In the meantime, the joke continues in Washington…












Just remember….if we don’t want more of this…


It’s time we did this (and it applies to some Republicans, too!)…


The Latest in DUMBassery….

Now we all know there’s no shortage of idiocy in government, especially Washington. That being said, I thought I’d get us up to speed on some of the moronic comments espoused by those supposedly in the know…..


“What CBO said is many American workers would have freedom. Now that’s a good word. Freedom to do things that they couldn’t do. The single mom who’s raising three kids has to keep the job because of healthcare, can now spend some time raising those kids. That’s a family value.” - Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

“What CBO said is many American workers would have freedom. Now that’s a good word. Freedom to do things that they couldn’t do. The single mom who’s raising three kids has to keep the job because of healthcare, can now spend some time raising those kids. That’s a family value.” – Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)


Sen. Schumer, a Congressional blow hard, par excellence, made is point on NBC’s “Meet the Press”, in response to the Congressional Budget Office’s assessment on the effects of Obamacare…


"We are going to have parents being able to come home, working reasonable hours. People are going to be able to retire. People might actually be able to cook dinner rather than have to order out and get some takeout." He added: "If you look at international comparisons country by country, Americans work way more that the average of industrialized countries around the world." He said the report showing fewer work hours gives us the chance "to look at our work/life balance," which he described as "a great opportunity."

“We are going to have parents being able to come home, working reasonable hours. People are going to be able to retire. People might actually be able to cook dinner rather than have to order out and get some takeout.”… “If you look at international comparisons country by country, Americans work way more that the average of industrialized countries around the world.”

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) in response to the same CBO report…Yet another example of the Democrats trying DESPERATELY to rationalize in light of a bad situation. Who needs to work, anyway?…..


"What we are seeing is that people are leaving their jobs because they are no longer job locked...They are following their aspirations to be a writer; to be self-employed; to start business.  This is the entrepreneurial piece.  So it's not going to cost jobs.  Its going to shift how people make a living and reach their aspirations."

“What we are seeing is that people are leaving their jobs because they are no longer job locked…They are following their aspirations to be a writer; to be self-employed; to start business. This is the entrepreneurial piece. So it’s not going to cost jobs. Its going to shift how people make a living and reach their aspirations.”

Here we go again…”queen of lunacy”, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) offers her two cents worth….


“We will be answering the call of all of America because people need work and we’re not doing right by them by creating work,” the Texas congresswoman said. “I believe this caucus will put us on the right path and we’ll give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign with pride and strength,” Jackson said Jan. 29 at a press conference where she and fellow Democrats launched the Full Employment Caucus. “In fact, I think that should be our number one agenda. Let’s write up these executive orders — draft them, of course — and ask the president to stand with us on full employment,”

“We will be answering the call of all of America because people need work and we’re not doing right by them by creating work..”… “I believe this caucus will put us on the right path and we’ll give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign with pride and strength…”
“In fact, I think that should be our number one agenda. Let’s write up these executive orders — draft them, of course — and ask the president to stand with us on full employment..”


The FRIGHTFULLY MORONIC Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX), on her solution to the legislative agenda..just write executive orders for Barack Obama…A scary thought, if there ever was one!….


“We have the CBO report, which rightfully says, that people shouldn’t have job lock. If they — we live in a country where there should be free agency. People can do what they want,” Reid told reporters outside of a close policy luncheon. “And what they’re saying here is — and the fact checkers have already done this — the Republicans talk about losing millions of jobs simply isn’t true. It allows people to get out of a job they’re locked into, because of — they have healthcare in their job.”

“We have the CBO report, which rightfully says, that people shouldn’t have job lock. If they — we live in a country where there should be free agency. People can do what they want…”…“And what they’re saying here is — and the fact checkers have already done this — the Republicans talk about losing millions of jobs simply isn’t true. It allows people to get out of a job they’re locked into, because of — they have healthcare in their job.”

This from the infirm mind of Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), the majority leader in the Senate. It’s just the latest example of what a DISASTER and how lacking in leadership this shameless, worthless man has been…


These are but a few examples of the moronic thought by individuals that shape policy in Washington. These idiots, and others like them, are in CHARGE! That fact alone should be more than enough to shake millions of American voters to their collective senses!

This can’t continue. It has to come to a head. Barack Obama has been a utter and shameless DISASTER since day one as president. Week after week, we see example after example. From domestic policy to international relations, the man lacks any coherent approach to problem solving. His practice of reactionary programs, worthless proposals, and reckless spending has left this nation frustrated and divided. The question remains, do we have the courage to actually DO SOMETHING about it in the 2014 mid-terms and the presidential election of 2016?…




As the disastrous Obamacare train continues its downward spiral, Senate Democrats…and Democrats in general, I’m thinking, are waking up to reality. True to the cowardice of their nature, 12 Democratic Senators recently went begging to the White House in CYA mode! They’re up for re-election in 2014 are realizing their political futures are at risk. Why?…Because they were simply stupid or foolish enough to support what’s turned out to be EXACTLY what those of us in the REAL world KNEW would happen! You are witnessing it as you read this!..

It should be noted that these Senators lack the fortitude and guts to stand by their convictions. THAT is the truly sad part!…


Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK)


Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)

Sen. Al Franken (D-MN)

Sen. Al Franken (D-MN)


Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC)

Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC)


Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA)

Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA)


Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR)

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR)


Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR)

Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR)

Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI)

Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI)


Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)


Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO)

Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO)

Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM)

Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM)

Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA)

Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA)


You can thank THESE Democrats, among others, for your cancelled plans and the ENTIRE fiasco that IS OBAMACARE!













Cruz Explains the Game…

Now that the media assault and hysteria has died down concerning Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his attempts to wake up the American people to the dangers of ‘Obamacare’, we take a look at the absurdity of procedure in the United States Senate. This is courtesy of an interview on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show shortly after Cruz ended his marathon session. He points out how the members manage to convince their constituents of one thing when they’re actually doing another. Of course, with the ‘walking dead’, Harry Reid, running the show, it’s a wonder anything is accomplished at all!

"There's no need for conversations.."

“There’s no need for conversations..”

"The central issue, I think, is the long-standing problem we have had with Washington not listening to the American people with Democrats and Republicans.  It's a lot of folks who've been in office way too long, who stopped listening to their constituents -- and, as a result, we see lots of theater, lots of empty symbolic votes and very little willingness to actually stand up and fight on behalf of the American people..."

“The central issue, I think, is the long-standing problem we have had with Washington not listening to the American people.. with Democrats and Republicans. It’s a lot of folks who’ve been in office way too long, who stopped listening to their constituents — and, as a result, we see lots of theater, lots of empty symbolic votes and very little willingness to actually stand up and fight on behalf of the American people…”

Here’s a portion of his conversation with Limbaugh….

CRUZ:  And, listen, what I tried to spend much of the filibuster all but begging the media to do… In fact, I explicitly said, “Listen. All right, you guys can’t resist writing something about the process, something about that silliness. But let me just ask you: 50% of what you write, discuss the substance of how Obamacare is the number one job killer in the country, how millions of Americans are suffering, how it’s forcing people into part-time work, how it’s threatening millions of Americans’ health insurance.

“Just write a little about the substance,” and the strategy on the other side is really twofold.  Number one: Confuse the voters. Confuse the voters with procedural obfuscation, with complexity, so that they don’t understand what’s going on.  And number two: Make it all about personalities. And, listen, others can engage in that game, Rush. I have no intention of defending myself or of reciprocating.  It’s not about anybody. It’s not about us. It is about listening to the American people and stopping this disaster, this nightmare, this train wreck that is Obamacare.

CRUZ:  Rush, I think you are absolutely right.  And to be honest, look, I think what Mike and I are doing, I don’t view as a terribly big deal.  We’re trying to actually stand for the principles that every Republican in the Senate says he or she believes in.  We’re trying to actually listen to the American people, and we’re trying to tell the truth.  Part of why — you know, people ask, why does Congress have, you know, 10, 12, 15% approval rating?  It’s because for years Congress has ignored the will of the American people.  And this process — I think it’s important for your listeners to understand how this process is gonna play out this next week, because much of what the Senate does is engage in show votes that are designed to look one way to the voters and, in fact, be like World Wrestling Federation, entirely fixed.

So what’s gonna happen next is on Friday or Saturday we’re gonna have a vote on what’s called cloture on the bill.  That is the vote that matters.  It takes 60 votes to grant cloture.  What cloture is is cutting off debate, saying there should be no more debate.  And the reason that matters is if Harry Reid gets 60 votes to cut off debate to get cloture on the bill, he will then file one amendment, he said only one amendment, that guts the House continuing resolution, and that fully funds Obamacare.  And so any Republican in my view who votes for cloture, who votes with Harry Reid, who votes with the Democrats to cut off debate and give Harry Reid the ability to fund Obamacare fully on a 51-vote partisan vote of only Democrats, is voting to fund Obamacare.

Now, a number of Republicans are going to maintain that, no, no, no, no, no, their vote to cut off debate is in support of the House bill.  And, Rush, that’s simply not the case.  It’s a show vote.  Now, if Harry Reid gets 60 votes, every Republican then will vote against his amendment to fund Obamacare, and so all 46 Republicans want to go home to their districts and say, “Gosh, I voted to defund Obamacare, and marvel of marvels, we lost,” which to be honest is the outcome that I think more than a few of them affirmatively desire.  And part of what’s so problematic with Washington is how many Republicans want a show vote to pretend to their constituents they’re fighting for what they say they’re fighting for, rather than actually fighting for it and actually winning. “….

The frustration continues as we deal with a government that is willing to actually LISTEN to its citizens less and less and less.. In the meantime, those that actually have the GUTS to speak up are demeaned, derided, and dismissed. You saw a perfect example in Sen. Cruz’s efforts this week. It’s your choice, folks….


You KNOW he’s right!



"This legislation is a piece of crap, AND YOU KNOW IT!!"

“This legislation is a piece of crap, AND YOU KNOW IT!!”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is literally leading the fight against the unmitigated DISASTER that is ‘Obamacare’! No matter what you think of him, his tactics, his policies…YOU KNOW HE’S RIGHT! The so called “Affordable Care Act” is anything but! And few Republicans have the spine to stand up against this piece of garbage which has been shoved down the throat of Americans. As for the Democrats, not a one of them has the guts to speak out against a costly, confusing, complex, and destructive law which will do more damage than it will offer in benefits. The sad, undeniable truth is if you asked Americans about this law, 9 out of 10 of them would have no clue as to its ramifications, costs, and how it will affect them. THAT in itself should sound the alarm for the nation to wake up!!!



Friday Follies!…


Our world continues in its upside down state!….You can’t make this stuff up! Absurdity is the order of the day in Washington and around the country!…


"So what should I do next Vlad?...I think the Syria fiasco went over well, don't you?..I mean the press loves it!.."

“So what should I do next Vlad?…I think the Syria fiasco went over well, don’t you?..I mean the press loves it!..”


"I basically have no idea what I'm doing or saying..."

“I basically have no idea what I’m doing or saying…”


"Harry and I stand behind the President because as idiots, we have to stick together no matter how dangerous we are to the nation..."

“Harry and I stand behind the President because as idiots, we have to stick together no matter how dangerous we are to the nation…”


"I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...except when I don't want to..."

“I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth…except when I don’t want to…”


"As Democrats we know we  cannot win elections with sensible people voting..that's why we contest the results in Colorado..we'll just get some idiot judge to throw out the results..."

“As Democrats we know we cannot win elections with sensible people voting..that’s why we contest the results in Colorado..we’ll just get some idiot judge to throw out the results…”

"As members of Congress, we know what a freakin' mess this Obamacare crap is..but, that doesn't matter..we'd rather lie to the American people than admit we don't have a clue what we're doing here..."

“As members of Congress, we know what a freakin’ mess this Obamacare crap is..but, that doesn’t matter..we’d rather lie to the American people than admit we don’t have a clue what we’re doing here…”

It just goes on and on and on and on……

The TRUTH on the DISASTROUS Immigration Bill!


"I'd say we've f**ked this country up, but good, Mario!"

“I’d say we’ve f**ked this country up, but good, Mario!”




"We have to pass this bill in order to increase the number of government dependents...I mean Democrats so morons like me can stay in office and inflict more damage upon the's just that simple...our current immigration system isn't "broken" just isn't in our interest to enforce the law..and this way we can get around that....".

“We have to pass this bill in order to increase the number of government dependents…I mean Democrats.. so morons like me can stay in office and inflict more damage upon the country…it’s just that simple…our current immigration system isn’t “broken” just isn’t in our interest to enforce the law..and this way we can get around that….”.


Alabama’s Sen. Jeff Sessions (R) exposes the idiocy of the Senate immigration bill…

“From time to time my office distributes press releases and written statements on state and national issues, debate in the Senate, and legislation that I am working on. For your convenience, I post these documents on my site for your review.

Sessions Issues Statement On Tonight’s Procedural Vote To Advance 1,200-Page Substitute Immigration Bill
Monday, June 24, 2013

“The Gang of Eight and their allies revealed their true tactics tonight. They shut down debate and blocked amendments to a 1,200-page immigration bill that no one has read… This legislation is a crushing blow to the working people of this country, a surrender to illegality, and a capitulation to special interests over the interests of the citizens we pledged to represent.”

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement after tonight’s vote:

“The sponsors of the Corker-Hoeven substitute fell short of the votes they expected tonight to advance what they had erroneously billed to other Senators as a strong border security amendment. Failure to capture the votes they anticipated for this motion demonstrates the building unease this 1,200-page legislative monstrosity has created. I expect that unease will increase as Senators learn more about what’s really inside this proposal.

The Gang of Eight and their allies revealed their true tactics tonight. They shut down debate and blocked amendments to a 1,200-page immigration bill that no one has read. It was anything but the open and fair process that they had promised.

What we know for absolute certain is that this bill guarantees three things: instantaneous amnesty, permanent lawlessness, and a massive expansion in legal immigration that will reduce wages for working Americans. This legislation is a crushing blow to the working people of this country, a surrender to illegality, and a capitulation to special interests over the interests of the citizens we pledged to represent.”

· Immediate amnesty before enforcement
· Guts legal requirement for biometric exit-entry system
· Millions of green cards (permanent residency) before enforcement—debunking another false claim from sponsors
· No border surge. Agents aren’t required until 2021. It will never happen
· No fence requirement. DHS retains discretion in the bill that preempts the call for a fence in ten years. Litigation also provides an escape hatch to never build the fence. The fence won’t happen
· Legalization for gang members and convicted criminals
· Amnesty for future visa overstays (in other words, a prospective amnesty for future illegal immigrants)
· Guaranteed welfare access for illegal immigrants
· Undermines interior enforcement, prompting ICE officers to warn: “There is no doubt that, if passed, public safety will be endangered and massive amounts of future illegal immigration—especially visa overstays—is ensured.”
· Expands non-merit chain migration—less than 10 percent of future flow is merit-based
· Doubles the number of guest workers and triples the number of immigrants granted lawful permanent residency—reducing wages for U.S. workers and driving up unemployment..”

Freaky Friday!

Welcome to the end of a rather tumultuous week! Each day brings with it new surprises…and most of them NOT good! It’s a wonder we manage as best we can!…

Let’s take a look at what’s going on, shall we?!


Can you smell that?  It is the smell of panic in the air.  As I have noted before, when financial markets catch up to economic reality they tend to do so very rapidly.  ...Over the past several years they have been grossly twisted and distorted by the Federal Reserve and by the other major central banks around the globe.  Did the central bankers really believe that there wouldn't be a great price to pay for messing with the markets?  The behavior that we have been watching this week is the kind of behavior that one would expect at the beginning of a financial panic. .."

“Can you smell that? It is the smell of panic in the air. As I have noted before, when financial markets catch up to economic reality they tend to do so very rapidly. …Over the past several years they have been grossly twisted and distorted by the Federal Reserve and by the other major central banks around the globe. Did the central bankers really believe that there wouldn’t be a great price to pay for messing with the markets? The behavior that we have been watching this week is the kind of behavior that one would expect at the beginning of a financial panic. ..” – THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG



f you tweet a picture from your living room using your smartphone, you’re sharing far more than your new hairdo or the color of the wallpaper. You’re potentially revealing the exact coordinates of your house to anyone on the Internet. The GPS location information embedded in a digital photo is an example of so-called metadata, a once-obscure technical term that’s become one of Washington’s hottest new buzzwords..." - McClatchy DC

“If you tweet a picture from your living room using your smartphone, you’re sharing far more than your new hairdo or the color of the wallpaper. You’re potentially revealing the exact coordinates of your house to anyone on the Internet.
The GPS location information embedded in a digital photo is an example of so-called metadata, a once-obscure technical term that’s become one of Washington’s hottest new buzzwords…” – McClatchy DC


"I think the Republican House was put on this earth to save us from huge pieces of comprehensive legislation like this that I think are not well designed, would not work well. If we want to solve particular parts of the immigration problem, we can solve them. We can have more high-tech workers, if you want. We could have more guest workers for agriculture, if that's necessary. We could legalize the people who are here. This 1,000-page bill, which is now probably 1,100 page bill--and much more expensive bill--because of this amendment, is not a good idea.." - William Kristol @ The Weekly Standard

“I think the Republican House was put on this earth to save us from huge pieces of comprehensive legislation like this that I think are not well designed, would not work well. If we want to solve particular parts of the immigration problem, we can solve them. We can have more high-tech workers, if you want. We could have more guest workers for agriculture, if that’s necessary. We could legalize the people who are here. This 1,000-page bill, which is now probably 1,100 page bill–and much more expensive bill–because of this amendment, is not a good idea..” – William Kristol @ The Weekly Standard


After months of reassurances that the ObamaCare exchanges would be running by Oct. 1, it turns out they're well behind schedule. Truth becomes an even rarer commodity in the Obama administration." - Investor's Business Daily

“After months of reassurances that the ObamaCare exchanges would be running by Oct. 1, it turns out they’re well behind schedule. Truth becomes an even rarer commodity in the Obama administration.” – Investor’s Business Daily


The president of the Chicago Teachers Union charges that racism and "rich white people" are to blame for the immense financial and educational crisis facing the Chicago Public Schools." - Investor's Business Daily

“The president of the Chicago Teachers Union <Karen Lewis> charges that racism and “rich white people” are to blame for the immense financial and educational crisis facing the Chicago Public Schools.” – Investor’s Business Daily


"They're taking food out of the mouths of babies," Pelosi said of her Republican colleagues following the defeat of the farm bill in a floor vote. "Two million families would lose their food under the bill, much less under the Southerland amendment."

“They’re taking food out of the mouths of babies,” …”Two million families would lose their food under the bill, much less under the Southerland amendment.”


This is just the tip of the iceberg!

We have financial markets collapsing after they’ve been propped up by the Fed for so long. Never mind that this created a false sense of security!

We have a federal government essentially able to monitor nearly every move you make and every word you say and type!

We have moronic Senators, Lindsey Graham (R-SC) among them, practically breathless to craft a piece of crap immigration “reform” bill! Never mind the feds have REFUSED to enforce existing law on nearly EVERY aspect of immigration and securing the border. It doesn’t take a genius to see what the result of this disastrous bill will do!

We have embarrassments like Chicago teacher’s union prez, Karen Lewis, whose failed leadership is in dire need of scapegoats. She simply has to play the race card. THAT will garner support from the fools that don’t have a CLUE on solving the dire problems of public education!

We have the continuing, insipid, stupidity of Congressional Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, who resort to literal lunacy when it comes to spending. Never mind that there are a RECORD NUMBER OF AMERICANS ON FOOD STAMPS! HER PARTY’S SOLUTION: SPEND MORE!

It’s all of this sort of garbage that has placed this nation in the mire it now finds itself. Self serving so called “leaders” are the enemy we all must face. They have “led” us down a road to a situation from which we may never recover. Until more of us wake up, this stuff will continue!

