Which is it?…..

Do you ever find it interesting that we have a president who has managed to convey this bewildering sense of “reality”…for lack of a better word…to a distracted, detached populace?…



He can go from feigning ignorance on an issue to flat out lying to the American public on another. It doesn’t matter what the scenario. There’s never any push back. Never any outrage. Never any challenge. He’s managed to convince an ill informed, occupied with the day-to-day, electorate that’s just the way things are. No accountability. No redress. We simply move on to the next contentious point of order!

It’s sad that we’ve devolved to this. We take for granted the life we have in this nation. That it will always go on. It will always be as we know it. If you’re the least bit concerned, you know this not to be the case. We’re a society drowning in debt.. a culture diluted by unchecked immigration..and a nation witnessing unspeakable violence practically daily.

Yet…here is Barack Obama. Given carte blanche to seize a substantial portion of the economy (i.e. Obamacare)…negotiate the security of the United States WITHOUT the approval of Congress…and manipulate whatever government issued statistic he pleases in order to present this utopia to a foolish and blind America. WITH the media’s eager assistance, mind you!

Of course, it goes without saying, if we had a Republican in office encountering the same, he would have been impeached years ago. He wouldn’t have the racial guilt of our society to protect him. He wouldn’t have a slavish media to present his presidency to voters who willingly fall for the imperialistic demeanor.

We face another year and a half of the Obama term. There’s no telling what we will encounter down the road. I shudder to think!


Little Did We Know!….

Boy!…If there was ever an understatement!…

I am referring to our nation’s biggest mistake…the election of Barack Obama. Not once, but TWICE!

"We will learn soon enough just how President Obama and his group can deliver on his lofty campaign promises!" - Vanity Fair, March 2009

“We will learn soon enough just how President Obama and his group can deliver on his lofty campaign promises!” – Vanity Fair, March 2009

This was a foolish quote I stumbled upon while going through some back issues of Vanity Fair magazine. I usually purchased the “Hollywood Issue” each year in time for the Academy Awards. It just happened the March 2009 issue was out to coincide with the new Obama administration’s first months in office.

Being the good liberal publication it is, Vanity Fair was gleefully proclaiming the start of the Obama era. Profiling the cast set to take charge, most of whom have long since departed, was the focus of this issue, along with Hollywood.

Of course, as we all know, things didn’t quite turn out as Vanity Fair had hoped. We soon realized the arrogant and petulant young president was nothing like what so many had been led to believe by the media.

What stood out the most for me was this moronic remark from the now former strategist, David Axelrod…

"He's very centered and calm...The more challenging things become, the more focused he gets.." - David Axelrod, Vanity Fair, March, 2009

“He’s very centered and calm…The more challenging things become, the more focused he gets..” – David Axelrod, Vanity Fair, March, 2009

Just goes to show how you really CAN fool most of the people most of the time!….

The Man Who Knew Too Little!

Well…here we go again…one more time….

The Obama administration in the midst of yet another mess. Another mess, which in the REAL world, would have damning consequences. Unfortunately, those days are obviously long gone with the distractions of today’s world.

Nevertheless, the exposing of the matter of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton using a personal server instead of the standard government designated email process, would seemingly run the risk of damaging national security. But, as is ALWAYS the case with the Clintons, she will likely escape with little more than collateral damage. An excuse will be put forth and approved by the media.

Her boss, Barack Obama, is now stepping forward to claim he didn’t know about the situation beforehand and learned about it only through news reports.

.."the same time everybody else learned (of) it..through news reports.."

..”the same time everybody else learned (of) it..through news reports..”

It continues to strike me as disturbing how THIS president conveniently feigns ignorance when it comes to one serious matter after another. It’s just the latest example to vindicate those of us who knew the election of this man continues to grow as one of the biggest disasters to befall this nation.

Of course…this isn’t the first…there’s a virtual parade of these incidents coming out of the White House…

On the IRS’s selective targeting of conservative groups..

"I can assure you that I certainly did not know anything about the [inspector general] report before the I.G. report had been leaked"

“I can assure you that I certainly did not know anything about the [inspector general] report before the I.G. report had been leaked”

On the Obamacare website woes…

President Barack Obama didn't know of problems with the Affordable Care Act's website -- despite insurance companies' complaints and the site's crashing during a test run -- until after its now well-documented abysmal launch, the nation's health chief told CNN on Tuesday.

“President Barack Obama didn’t know of problems with the Affordable Care Act’s website — despite insurance companies’ complaints and the site’s crashing during a test run — until after its now well-documented abysmal launch, the nation’s health chief told CNN..”

On the Justice Department seizing phone records of the A.P….

Other than press reports, we have no knowledge of any attempt by the Justice Department to seek phone records of the AP," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters.."

“Other than press reports, we have no knowledge of any attempt by the Justice Department to seek phone records of the AP,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters..”

On the NSA’s spying on German chancellor Merkel..

President Barack Obama didn't know the United States was collecting communications of allied leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said on Monday.

“President Barack Obama didn’t know the United States was collecting communications of allied leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel..”

Just a few instances of the obvious inconsistent and dangerous sphere in which this administration operates. It makes you wonder WHAT ELSE this president DOESN’T know!

It shows an administration in disarray and mired in incompetence. It shows the arrogance of a leader lacking in substance and skill. And the most frightening part…..it shows a nation so easily swayed by flourished words, promises..and absolute lies…that it would entrust our literal future to a man who has proven himself so UNFIT to hold the office he does and the power he wields.

NO CLUE!!!!!

NO CLUE!!!!!

A ‘Second Chance’ for HYPOCRITICAL Democrats!

Democrats Want a Second Chance on Obamacare!

The following is excerpted from Rush Limbaugh’s radio show (2/16/15)  on some foolish Democrats in Congress claiming the ‘unintended consequences’ of the disastrous Affordable (boy! THERE’S a misnomer if there ever was one!) Care Act are “unfair”!..


February 16, 2015BEGIN TRANSCRIPT

RUSH: Here’s this AP story on the Democrats. “Democrats Seek Relief From Obamacare Penalties — The official sign-up season for President Barack Obama’s health care law may be over, but leading congressional Democrats say millions of Americans facing new tax penalties deserve a second chance.”

A second chance? You’re the ones that saddle them with this mess. This is the Limbaugh Theorem on display. Here we have congressional Democrats acting like they had nothing to do with this law, that their voters are a bunch of victims of something. And they need a second chance. They need a second chance, ’cause the official sign-up season is ended, and these people didn’t know it, and now they’re saddled with higher costs and penalties and fines that they didn’t know that they were gonna be faced with, and the Democrat Party’s outraged and wants to do something about it. These people deserve a second chance.

This situation exists because the Democrat Party gave us this bill. The Democrat Party and the Democrat Party alone gave us Obamacare. There wasn’t a single Republican vote for it.

The three Democrats bellyaching are “Michigan’s Sander Levin, the ranking Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee, and Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington,” Baghdad Jim, “and Lloyd Doggett of Texas. All worked to help steer Obama’s law through rancorous congressional debates from 2009-2010. The lawmakers say they are concerned that many of their constituents will find out about the penalties after it’s already too late for them to sign up for coverage, since open enrollment ended Sunday.”

Yeah, they did it! This is classic. These three Democrats, it even says here, they “worked to help steer Obama’s law through rancorous congressional debates from 2009-2010.” But this story, they’re allowed to portray themselves like they have no idea any of this was gonna happen, and now their constituents are bellyaching to ’em, and their constituents deserve a second chance. As though some other group of people saddled them with this.This is so classic. Government comes along under the guise of fairness, fixes something, gonna make it fair, gonna make it equal, gonna make it affordable, maybe even make it free. What they end up doing is blowing it all to hell, screwing it up worse than it’s ever been screwed up, then their voters bellyache and complain about it, and the same Democrats come back and demand that something be done, because their voters need a second chance.

I’ll tell you, they can’t blame the Republicans for this because there isn’t a Republican fingerprint on Obamacare. The Republicans have done not one thing to support this. The Republicans, if they’ve done anything, and it’s been a while, but if they’ve done anything, it’s to try to stop it. So now these three Democrats are saying, government must do something, government must fix this mess. Government made this mess. The Democrat Party and Barack Obama made this mess.

“The lawmakers say they are concerned that many of their constituents will find out about the penalties after it’s already too late for them to sign up for coverage, since open enrollment ended Sunday. That means they could wind up uninsured for another year, only to owe substantially higher fines in 2016. The fines are collected through the income tax system.” Yeah, and wait ’til people find out how that happens. You Democrats think your constituents are mad now, you wait until next year when half or more of their refund is taken and kept by the IRS to pay their fine. You are gonna have an open revolt on your hands. And then you’re gonna bellyache and moan again and claim, “We gotta do something to fix it!” You broke it in the first place. It is your mess.

You know, there’s a part of me, just a small part of me, it’s Democrat voters who made all this possible, make ’em pay the consequence. You elected these charlatans. You openly elected these people. You buy into the lies they tell about how mean, evil, and all that the Republicans are. The Democrat Party voters’ best friend when it comes to Obamacare is any Republican he can find. And what does he probably think of any Republican you bring up? Racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobe, only cares about the rich banks, when in fact that is the Democrat Party today. Racist, sexist, bigot and phobic about practically everything, and tightly aligned with the banks.

It’s called crony corporatism, crony socialism, whatever you want to call it. And now all these people who elected all these Democrats to make it fair and to make it affordable. Life, not just health care, but make life fair, and to get even with all those rich people. Now they’re finding out that, oh, my God, it’s gonna cost me now. These same members of Congress who made this possible, made this happen, are now bellyaching that their voters got the shaft by somebody, and they need a second chance.

“This year is the first time ordinary Americans will experience the complicated interactions between the health care law and taxes. Based on congressional analysis, tax preparation giant H&R Block says roughly 4 million uninsured people will pay penalties.” And you know how that’s gonna happen. Their tax refunds, if they are due any, that’s where the money — it’s in the law. If you get a tax refund and you haven’t bought insurance, the fine will be held from your return, your refund.

You wait ’til that happens. Most people know that their refund is gonna be. Let’s say it’s a grand. They’ve already spent it before they got it. They’ve bought a mew muffler, whatever it is, they’ve spent it. And then all of a sudden that thousand-dollar refund becomes, say, 350 bucks, and they’re gonna do told, “Yeah, well, that’s the fine. It was in the law, it was in the law.”

“Nobody told us!” That’s probably right. And, by the way, AP, no sympathy for you. The AP’s writing about this as though, oh, look at how something is so unfortunate here. These poor voters, why, for the first time they’ll be saddled with the first law’s interactions with the law and tax. You knew this while it was being debated. The AP had the ability to tell voters the truth about this before it was voted on.

The entire Drive-By Media knew. Well, that maybe is an exaggeration. I don’t know how many of ’em actually read the health care law. But enough of them knew, enough to be able to tell voters that this law was gonna cost them much more money, that this law was not gonna reduce their costs at all. That was known. Anybody that ran around saying that was called a fearmonger or a liar, or worse, and now all of a sudden everything we’ve said about this bill every month or so, we’re validated again.And there’s a companion story to this, folks. This is in the UK Daily Mail: “Health and Human Services extends Obamacare deadline for some enrollees after computer glitch and long waits kept them from signing up over the weekend. The last day to sign up for Obamacare was Feb. 1, but as many as half a million Americans may have been unable to complete their applications. On Saturday an IRS function that verifies income was out of service, and over the weekend callers faced longer than normal wait times. Affected applicants will now have until Feb. 22 to sign up before they are assessed a fee of $325 or 2% of their income – whichever is greater.”

There is a ceiling on that at some point, but it’s much more than these people — out of their league. So these three members of Congress were able to get a one-week extension, yeah, Sander Levin, big Baghdad Jim McDermott, Lloyd Doggett of Texas, concerned that many of their constituents didn’t find out in time. Yeah, there was a glitch in the law there. Yeah, yeah, there was a glitch, we didn’t realize. Maybe they didn’t know, either. Hell, nobody read this thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if these clowns didn’t know what was in it. Actually, I don’t. I’m not gonna let ’em get by with that. They knew exactly what was in it.

They knew exactly what Obamacare was gonna do. They might not know the details, but they new exactly what this was: government taking over health care. They knew exactly what they were doing. They knew it was gonna cost people more money. They knew and anybody they told the opposite they were lying to. They knew this was not gonna make health care cheaper for people that buy it. People that get it free that’s a whole different ball of wax. But even the subsidy thing is all messed up now.

They knew it, the media and everybody, this was so unnecessary, this need not have happened. See, this is just the ancillary little problems you deal with when you’re taking over a country. “Ah, it’s okay, get some angry constituents for a couple of months, maybe a couple years, we’ll deal with it. But taking over the country, transforming the country and making it into what we want it to be, it’s worth a few people being upset now and then. We’ll deal with it.” And that’s exactly what is going on.


RUSH: In fact, I think it’s safe to say, if my memory on this is right, that Obama, in a speech or two, actually assured the American people that they would have an additional $2,500 every year, disposable income, after Obamacare was implemented. Because their premiums are gonna come down. He said the average premium would be $2,500 less. That means $2,500 more disposable income every American’s gonna have. Well, what the hell happened to that? Well, the thing about that was, it was never true. It was a lie from the get-go. Just as was, “You like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. You like your plan, you can keep your plan.”

Everybody has known this is coming. Everybody has known that the vast majority of the American people have no idea what’s in this plan. They are laboring under misconception upon misconception. Chief among them is it’s gonna cost me less. In fact, it might even be free. The concept of a fine or a penalty, the Fourth Amendment battle over this, the government requiring you to buy a product escaped ’em. They didn’t have any idea what that’s about. So now this is all happening and they’re not prepared for it. “What do you mean, if I don’t have insurance by February 1st I gotta pay a fine?”

So members of Congress come along and act like they didn’t know it, either. They wrote the law. They voted for the law. They debated it. They did it. And yet they come along and act like they had no idea this was in there, and they’re gonna get to the bottom of it, they’re gonna find out who’s screwing their constituents. They had no idea it was there, which is a bunch of BS. It’s what these Democrats do every time, every damn time. It’s the Limbaugh Theorem. Make victims out of everybody, out of stuff you do to ’em, and then when it happens, blame the Republicans for it.


RUSH: In fact, I think it’s safe to say, if my memory on this is right, that Obama, in a speech or two, actually assured the American people that they would have an additional $2,500 every year, disposable income, after Obamacare was implemented. Because their premiums are gonna come down. He said the average premium would be $2,500 less. That means $2,500 more disposable income every American’s gonna have. Well, what the hell happened to that? Well, the thing about that was, it was never true. It was a lie from the get-go. Just as was, “You like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. You like your plan, you can keep your plan.”


Thought it would be quite timely to play of Rush Limbaugh’s spot on analysis of the legacy of lies which defines the Obama administration.

This president perpetuates a situation where lie after lie after lie has become the hallmark of his presidency. Yet there’s no concern, no genuine consideration…nothing! Nothing but the feigned attention and arrogance that IS Barack Obama….


“People are right to be angry..I’m angry..” – Wall Street bonuses, 3/18/09

“It was something..uhh..we found out..uhh..along with all of you…” – Air Force One buzzes Manhattan, 4/28/09

“I am furious at this entire situation..” – BP gulf oil disaster, 6/03/10

“I heard on the news about this..” – Fast and Furious gun running, 10/14/11

“It’s very upsetting to me that somebody showed such bad judgement..” – Fast and Furious gun running, 10/18/11

“If it turns out some of the allegations that have been made in the press are confirmed, then of course I’ll be angry…” – Secret Service scandal, 4/15/12

“I’ve got no patience with it! I will not tolerate it!..” – IRS scandal, 5/13/13

“I first learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this…” – IRS scandal, 5/13/13

“Americans are right to be angry about it, and I am angry about it…” – IRS scandal, 5/15/13

“We’re going to hold the responsible parties accountable.” – IRS scandal, 5/15/13

“I certainly did not know anything about the IG Report before the IG Report had been leaked through the press.” – IRS scandal, 5/16/13

“The minute I found out about it, then my main focus is making sure that we get the thing fixed.” – IRS scandal, 5/16/13

“Nobody’s madder than me!” – Obamacare rollout, 10/21/13

“I will not stand for it, not as commander-in-chief! None of us should.  It is dishonorable, it is disgraceful, and I will not tolerate it. Period.” – VA scandal, 5/21/14

“Uhhh, I just heard about this… [S]ome advisor who never worked on our staff, uhh, expressed an opinion that, uhh, I completely disagree with …” – Grubergate , 11/17/14

I don’t know about you..but, I’m fairly certain there’s a pattern here….


Why Is Obama Encouraging Illegal Immigration When We Can’t Take Care Of Millions Of Our Own Citizens?

As with most EVERYTHING in the Obama administration, the unfolding immigration and border crisis is escalating into a catastrophe…Not necessarily for him, but for the nation.

The Economic Collapse blog, as they usually do, has the perfect analysis of the most damaging, disastrous president this nation has seen….



“For years, the Obama administration has been making it abundantly clear that it is a friend of illegal immigrants. Border security is a joke, the federal government refuses to go after “sanctuary cities” even though they are breaking federal law, there is a website that instructs immigrants how to sign up for welfare programs once they arrive in the United States, and the Obama administration has distributed flyers that tell illegal immigrants that their immigration status will not be checked when they apply for food stamps. And Obama has even instructed officials to use “prosecutorial discretion” in deportation cases involving non-criminals. In other words, Obama has been flashing a huge green light to illegal immigrants, and so of course our borders were going to be inundated with them.

Apologists for the Obama administration will debate you all day about what Obama “intended” and what he didn’t “intend”, but there is no doubt about what message immigrants from Central America have been receiving.

For example, one young mother recently told the press that she heard that if you “go to America with your child, you won’t be turned away”.

And you can view video of a little boy from Central America telling an investigate reporter that he believes that Barack Obama has “given permission” for him to live in the United States right here.

It isn’t an accident that our southern border is literally being flooded with illegal immigrants right now. Newspapers in El Salvador and Honduras have been publicizing how easy illegal immigration has become, and even the President of Honduras has said that people are coming to the United States for “Obama’s amnesty”.

When they arrive, thousands upon thousands of these illegal immigrants are using rehearsed answers that border patrol agents are hearing over and over again. Word has spread that if illegal immigrants claim that they are “fleeing gang violence” that it is more likely that they will be allowed to stay.

What we are witnessing down on the southern border is really unprecedented. It has been estimated that twelve times as many kids are crossing our borders illegally now compared to just a few years ago.

And they just keep on coming.

This is utter madness.

Now, please don’t think that I am anti-immigrant. I am all for legal immigration. This is a nation of immigrants and we will always need immigration. But everyone should be required to come in through the front door. Encouraging illegal immigration is simply a recipe for disaster.

If we keep the back door wide open, the truth is that we have absolutely no idea who is coming into our country. Do we really want countless numbers of criminals, welfare parasites, drug dealers and gang members pouring into our cities? According to the FBI, there are now approximately 1.4 million gang members living in the United States, and it has been estimated that illegal immigrants make up approximately 30 percent of the total population in federal, state and local prisons.

And why in the world would we not want to control the diseases coming into this country? Over the past several weeks, it has been documented that some of the illegal immigrants that have been apprehended have scabies and tuberculosis.

But instead of sending them right back out of the country, U.S. officials are setting up camps for this tsunami of illegal immigrants. In other cases, the federal government is simply putting them on buses and planes and shipping them all over the country. The illegal immigrants are released into their new communities and are given papers which order them to eventually appear in court, but of course the vast majority of them never show up. You can see a map that documents areas where the federal government has been shipping illegal immigrants right here.

The rational thing to do would be to secure our borders and to send a very clear message that illegal immigration is not welcome in the United States.

But instead of doing that, the Obama administration is actually bringing in a riot squad to deal with anti-immigration protesters.

During normal times all of this would be crazy enough, but right now we are at a point where we cannot even take care of millions upon millions of our own citizens.

We are told that illegal immigrants do the jobs “that Americans don’t want to do”, but is that really accurate?

In this day and age, there is intense competition for just about any kind of a job. Despite what the mainstream media says, the truth is that there hasn’t been a significant employment recovery in the United States. As you can see from the chart posted below, the percentage of the working age population that is actually working is still far, far below where it was just prior to the last recession…




Yes, there has been a very slight bump in the numbers in recent months, but it is certainly no reason for celebration. When the mainstream media declares that unemployment in America has been steadily going down, they are simply being disingenuous. Right now things are only slightly better than they were during the worst times of the past several years.

And according to shadowstats.com, the broadest measure of unemployment is still well over 20 percent and has been steadily rising since the end of the last recession.

So no, there aren’t nearly enough jobs in the United States.

And thanks to competition from immigrant labor and thanks to the fact that millions of good jobs have been shipped overseas, the quality of our jobs continues to decline as well. For much more on that trend, please see this article.

Needless to say, now is not the time to open up the floodgates to millions of immigrants that will need jobs to support themselves. Many of our major cities are already so economically depressed that they look like war zones. In fact, things have gotten so bad in Detroit that a plan is being considered to bulldoze a fifth of the entire city…

In May, a group ominously titled the “Detroit Blight Removal Task Force” released a report claiming that around 22 percent of the city’s properties were “blighted” – vacant, damaged or considered dangerous. They also found that, of the 84,000 properties owned by public entities, just over 5,000 were occupied by squatters, making the city of Detroit, the report’s authors noted, “a very large and inadvertent landlord”.

The task force’s proposed solution is to demolish it all over the next five years and start again. Unfortunately, the plan doesn’t extend to rebuilding the properties – it’ll be down to private companies and developers to buy up the land and rebuild.

For much more on the decay of our major cities, please see my previous article entitled “The Death Of The Rust Belt”.

Considering the fact that we are already having such a severe problem taking care of our current population, what do you think is going to happen to these waves of illegal immigrants as they attempt to settle in to communities all around the nation?

Ultimately, we are going to have to end up financially supporting a very large percentage of them too.

Right now, more than 20 percent of children in this country are already living in poverty, and 49 million Americans are dealing with food insecurity.

If Obama continues to encourage mass illegal immigration, those numbers are going to get much worse.





Government dependence is already at an all-time record high, and about half the country currently receives benefits of some sort from the federal government every month.

How much more weight can we put on the “safety net” before it breaks? Just check out some more numbers about this crisis from one of my previous articles…

-Ten years ago, the number of women in the U.S. that had jobs outnumbered the number of women in the U.S. on food stamps by more than a 2 to 1 margin. But now the number of women in the U.S. on food stamps actually exceeds the number of women that have jobs.

-The U.S. government has spent an astounding 3.7 trillion dollars on welfare programs over the past five years.

-Today, the federal government runs about 80 different “means-tested welfare programs”, and almost all of those programs have experienced substantial growth in recent years.

-Back in 1960, the ratio of social welfare benefits to salaries and wages was approximately 10 percent. In the year 2000, the ratio of social welfare benefits to salaries and wages was approximately 21 percent. Today, the ratio of social welfare benefits to salaries and wages is approximately 35 percent.

-While Barack Obama has been in the White House, the total number of Americans on food stamps has gone from 32 million to nearly 47 million.

-Back in the 1970s, about one out of every 50 Americans was on food stamps. Today, about one out of every 6.5 Americans is on food stamps.

-It sounds crazy, but the number of Americans on food stamps now exceeds the entire population of the nation of Spain.

-According to one calculation, the number of Americans on food stamps is now greater than the combined populations of “Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming.”

-According to a report from the Center for Immigration Studies, 43 percent of all immigrants that have been in the United States for at least 20 years are still on welfare.

A lot of people that are trying to immigrate here illegally just want to make a better life for themselves, and I can appreciate that.

But a policy of making it incredibly difficult for honest people to come in through the front door while keeping the back door completely wide open for lawbreakers is a recipe for national suicide.

And right now we don’t have jobs for these immigrants.

We can’t even take care of the people that are already living here.

Something desperately needs to be done about this, but I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for Obama to make a bold move to stop illegal immigrants from pouring over the border.”

Profiles in Stupidity!

Long time, no see! Yeah, I know….

But, hey! Let’s get back to what’s important!…

The nation still struggles, Washington feigns interest in..well..not much… Other than continuing to lie to you and me. And the political left continues its insipid, mind boggling foolishness!

Some of the latest…


PELOSI: Well of course I wanted single-payer, and I wanted a public option.  But that not being in the mix, uh, you have to prioritize what it is you want to get over the finish line.  And now let’s refine and improve — and some of that relates to how it is implemented, so you see how it is implemented.

” Well of course I wanted single-payer, and I wanted a public option. But that not being in the mix, uh, you have to prioritize what it is you want to get over the finish line. And now let’s refine and improve — and some of that relates to how it is implemented, so you see how it is implemented.”

The EVER so moronic, former House speaker with her latest musings on Obamacare…and how she didn’t get what she REALLY wanted….Thankfully!…Not to worry, Nancy! There’s more destruction to be had!….


Late last week, I foolishly got involved in a twitter exchange regarding an article about reparations... (1 of 3). It was a dumb idea by me to debate serious and nuanced topics in 140 characters or less... (Cont.) In an attempt to comment on racism in post World War II America, I used a shorthand that was insensitive and wrong. (Cont.)...I am very sorry and will make sure this doesn’t happen again.

“Late last week, I foolishly got involved in a twitter exchange regarding an article about reparations… (1 of 3).
It was a dumb idea by me to debate serious and nuanced topics in 140 characters or less… (Cont.)
In an attempt to comment on racism in post World War II America, I used a shorthand that was insensitive and wrong. (Cont.)…I am very sorry and will make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

MSNBC’s mindless mouthpiece, Toure, found himself in hot water over idiotic comments…IMAGINE THAT!..and followed with an apology…so, it’s ok!…I mean, when you’re not really relevant to the national conversation, you gotta do SOMETHING, right?!

"While my views and experiences will surely be scrutinized by followers of Washington’s long-running soap opera — who took what side, who opposed whom, who was up and who was down — I didn’t write this book for them," Clinton writes. "I wrote it for Americans and people everywhere who are trying to make sense of this rapidly changing world of ours, who want to understand how leaders and nations can work together and why they sometimes collide, and how their decisions affect all our lives."

“While my views and experiences will surely be scrutinized by followers of Washington’s long-running soap opera — who took what side, who opposed whom, who was up and who was down — I didn’t write this book for them,” …. “I wrote it for Americans and people everywhere who are trying to make sense of this rapidly changing world of ours, who want to understand how leaders and nations can work together and why they sometimes collide, and how their decisions affect all our lives.”

Hillary Clinton attempts to clarify the intention of her upcoming memoir. I don’t really understand the necessity of that. Because, as we all know..what difference does it make?…

“That was Mrs. Obama back in 2010, when she signed the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act into law,” .. “Well now some members of Congress and the food industry want to roll back that initiative and loosen requirements to cut costs.” 

CNN’s moronic Carol Costello screws it up regarding Michelle Obama’s controversial initiative regarding kids and school meals, and such…Of course, in Ms Costello’s mind, Michelle Obama might as well BE a president…mmd

For generations, mass entertainment has been overwhelmingly controlled by white men, whose escapist fantasies so often revolve around vigilantism and sexual wish-fulfillment (often, if not always, featuring a steady through-line of casual misogyny),” continues Hornaday.

“For generations, mass entertainment has been overwhelmingly controlled by white men, whose escapist fantasies so often revolve around vigilantism and sexual wish-fulfillment (often, if not always, featuring a steady through-line of casual misogyny),”

I think one look at this pic is all it takes to understand the Wapo’s film critic, Ann Hornaday, and the reason for THIS construct when it comes to an explanation for the recent shootings at UCSB…


So, these are just a few of the latest examples of rampant lunacy from those with a forum to influence the impressionable out there. Unfortunately, they are shining examples of why we see the nation in the shape it’s in these days. You have these guys..and millions more like them..to thank!


Divert & Distract

Though I’ve remiss in keeping this page current, I can see not much has changed in several weeks..



Barack Obama is STILL lying to the American people..The Democrats are DESPERATE for something…ANYTHING..to divert the public’s attention away from the disastrous, deplorable record they have on the issues that REALLY matter…and the media is STILL making sure to go out of its way to cover for both!

Obamacare slowly sinks in as Americans grapple with WHAT it is..and HOW it works. I don’t foresee some massive bombshell with it that will lead to massive anger. It’s going to be one of those things that, as word spreads, more and more will realize what a gigantic pain in the ass it will be dealing with your personal healthcare.The fact that the president LIED about it, along with the Democrats, is NOT going to help matters, as far as their electoral chances. But, on the other hand, we’re talking about a nation that elected Barack Obama, not once, but TWICE! So, I’m hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

The administration’s indifference and continuous ‘CYA’ mode when it comes to what happened in Benghazi could lead to more unsettling discoveries, pending a Congressional investigation. But, don’t expect much to come of it, no matter how obviously incompetent the Obama White House is. The press would NEVER allow that to happen!

And now we have the doomsday scenario floated by the administration when it comes to climate change. Basically, if we don’t STOP RIGHT NOW, WE’RE DEAD! PERIOD! That’s what they’d like you to believe. It’s all part of the grand strategic move to divert attention away from issues like the economy..jobs..debt. These require SERIOUS consideration and DIFFICULT decisions. But President Obama and the Democrats lack the fortitude and courage to make these decisions. So they continue with the divert and distract tactic. But with a record number of Americans not working, I’m not so sure of their luck this time around.

Let’s face it, folks. We were duped in 2008 and again in 2012. Well, I wasn’t..at least not in the last election. The majority of voters, many who lack basic common sense, were lead down the primrose path by lies and promises from a man most of us never heard of! It’s just that simple. He was considered a viable, attractive alternative and propped up by a national political force as the answer to our woes. Instead, we got a deceitful, incompetent, arrogant, and vindictive man, whose efforts have left us with what you see around you today. Admittedly, the opposition lacked much backbone…over fears of racism and what have you. But that’s no excuse. We are in dire need of someone who is NOT afraid to stand up and tell the truth. The nation needs that terribly. So far, those are few and far between.

In the meantime, we’re left with a struggling economy, a diminished presence on the national stage, and a frustrated, exhausted citizenry. Think about it as you see story after story in the media and you realize how utterly ridiculous and STUPID it all is! I’m hoping 2014 will see more of us coming to our senses. HOPING, mind you. America has failed itself time and again in the past. Maybe this time will be different. We shall see!



The Lunacy Continues….

Well, I can certainly see in my extended absence, the idiocy that passes for an administration in Washington, along with the morons the comprise today’s Democrat party, rolls on unimpeded….


Obama lies



How does it feel, America?…How does it feel to realize the man who promised you utopia has turned out to be one of, if not the BIGGEST disaster to occupy the White House?…

The Answer to Everything…

I think we all know the Obama presidency has NOT been what many Americans had hoped for. Whether they will admit that or not…well, that’s another question.

The administration has taken its tired responses from the Democrat playbook for years now. Of course, there is a predominate favorite that’s used. Tried and true, it’s utilized time and again, no matter what a weak, baseless defense it is….

The American people have real concerns and Barack Obama has been completely unable and unwilling to offer any sense of authority…any show of capability..any concerted effort beyond that which wins him political points…such as they are…

I thought I’d review some issues that have been quite egregious and offer the president a chance to respond…

Mr. President, our government continues to mount debt at a breakneck pace and there seems to be no willingness to tackle out of control spending. It’s very frightening for our nation…wouldn’t you agree?

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Mr. President, the IRS targeting of select groups is something that’s very disturbing and unsettling to us..and we feel nothing is really being done about it…

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Mr. President, Benghazi was obviously more than what your administration told us and we feel you’re trying to cover up what really happened….


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Mr. President, Obamcare..excuse me, the affordable care act, is not what most Americans want or expected…


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Mr. president, we don’t like what’s been going on with the NSA and the phone line tapping at the A.P…

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Mr. President, we really don’t like the idea of the federal government become so involved in birth control access and all of that..it seems that is something the vast majority of individuals could decide and obtain for themselves..

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Mr. President, illegal immigration is out of control and a major strain on our economy…despite the theory that those workers are needed for supposed jobs Americans won’t do…


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Speaking of jobs, Mr. President…unemployment is still significant…especially with so many leaving the workforce and your administration has yet to focus on policies to encourage hiring….


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Mr. President, your attempts to frame “wage inequality”, that you say hinders women in the workplace, is not really based upon all of the factors which would normally be included before your administration drafts a policy…

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Well, we can see we’re really not getting anywhere with you….You should know, sir, that come the 2014 midterms, it’s looking like the Democrats are facing quite an obstacle in their arrogance and ineptitude, when it comes to trust and truth…

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There you have it folks! Straight from the president himself… I think we ALL know where we stand, when it comes to what lies ahead with Barack Obama in the White House…