
Thought it would be quite timely to play of Rush Limbaugh’s spot on analysis of the legacy of lies which defines the Obama administration.

This president perpetuates a situation where lie after lie after lie has become the hallmark of his presidency. Yet there’s no concern, no genuine consideration…nothing! Nothing but the feigned attention and arrogance that IS Barack Obama….


“People are right to be angry..I’m angry..” – Wall Street bonuses, 3/18/09

“It was something..uhh..we found out..uhh..along with all of you…” – Air Force One buzzes Manhattan, 4/28/09

“I am furious at this entire situation..” – BP gulf oil disaster, 6/03/10

“I heard on the news about this..” – Fast and Furious gun running, 10/14/11

“It’s very upsetting to me that somebody showed such bad judgement..” – Fast and Furious gun running, 10/18/11

“If it turns out some of the allegations that have been made in the press are confirmed, then of course I’ll be angry…” – Secret Service scandal, 4/15/12

“I’ve got no patience with it! I will not tolerate it!..” – IRS scandal, 5/13/13

“I first learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this…” – IRS scandal, 5/13/13

“Americans are right to be angry about it, and I am angry about it…” – IRS scandal, 5/15/13

“We’re going to hold the responsible parties accountable.” – IRS scandal, 5/15/13

“I certainly did not know anything about the IG Report before the IG Report had been leaked through the press.” – IRS scandal, 5/16/13

“The minute I found out about it, then my main focus is making sure that we get the thing fixed.” – IRS scandal, 5/16/13

“Nobody’s madder than me!” – Obamacare rollout, 10/21/13

“I will not stand for it, not as commander-in-chief! None of us should.  It is dishonorable, it is disgraceful, and I will not tolerate it. Period.” – VA scandal, 5/21/14

“Uhhh, I just heard about this… [S]ome advisor who never worked on our staff, uhh, expressed an opinion that, uhh, I completely disagree with …” – Grubergate , 11/17/14

I don’t know about you..but, I’m fairly certain there’s a pattern here….


A Return to the Idiocy

Seems the narrative continues with the Obama administration no matter what the concern. If you can call it a “concern”. Yes, in my absence,  Barack Obama continues his condescension, his arrogance, his oblivious approach to practically every single issue that is of consideration to the American people…   Barack Obama at the White House   Indulge me here as I draw upon an analysis from Rush Limbaugh on the state of the Obama presidency… “They plug Obama into the Democrat presidential peg, and they assign to him the behavioral modes, the structure of every Democrat president who’s ever been without looking at what he’s really doing and what his policies really are, there’s no curiosity, there’s no analysis. And so in their world, which is very narrow, by the way, in their world, which is very small, in their world, where every poll counts — like global warming is essentially a poll.” “The news is devastating for Obama, but it doesn’t matter, for all the reasons that I detailed in the previous hour. It matters to the media; they’re devastated. They’re devastated for a number of reasons. I mean, they’ve been doing everything they can to prop the guy up. They’ve been ignoring all the scandals… They’ve been following the administration line on blaming the Republicans for everything. They’ve been propping Obama up. He’s great, he’s funny, all this. So there’s gotta be a little bit of personal disappointment because they have made it their mission to protect Obama, and they’ve gotta do it for two more years….” “There is no concern whatsoever for what has happened to this country. They continue to report lies about the economy and the great job market and economic growth and all of that. They do this in an effort to keep “this” from happening — and by “this,” I mean this devastating poll from NBC/Wall Street Journal. So they take it personally two ways: Their guy is on the skids and they weren’t able to stop it.” ******************************************************************************* I’ll borrow the ‘godfather’s’ line here too….”DON’T DOUBT ME!”

Reality Strikes!


After yesterday’s embarrassingly BAD news conference, it’s become very real for Barack Obama and the American people, that his administration is bordering on complete implosion. Now, whether that actually happens remains to be seen. But, never in our nations’s history has an American president willfully and without any reservation deceived the people of this country to this extent. Mr. Obama has met the seemingly endless parade of incompetence from HIS White House with his trademark unapologetic, vindictive, arrogance.

Even the most clueless and disconnected American voter can, without a doubt, see the Obama administration is a sinking ship and it’s time to head for the lifeboats…if there are enough to be had!








OBAMA’S POLITICAL MALPRACTICE – Ruth Marcus @ The Washington Post

The list goes on and on and on…..and as you might gather, though they will always be in his pocket, even the liberal media is skeptical at this point. True to form, they’re more concerned about Obama’s presidency than what the nation’s citizens face. In the end, little comfort is taken by myself…and many more..in the fact that we can say “we tried to warn you, but you wouldn’t listen…”



Absolutely LOVED this reader’s response to a WSJ piece about our IDIOTIC vice president and his recent trip to Iowa! She sums up the frustrations of millions of Americans in a few sentences…

“Vice President Joe Biden visited Iowa with a message about the administration’s “laser focus” on the middle class (“Biden Draws the Spotlight in Iowa,” U.S. News, Sept. 16). That explains a lot.

The job market is dismal in historic terms. ObamaCare is restricting employee hours and the wages that go with them. The administration’s regulatory environment can be described as seek and destroy, so start a business at your own risk.

We in the middle class are pretty well toasted, Mr. Biden. Perhaps you could “laser focus” on someone else for a while.

Teresa Blackwell

Austin, Texas “


Confused?…What did you expect?!





Trying to make sense out of a senseless president like Barack Obama is just one of the many day to day frustrations we face.

The president’s out of focus intent on Syria is the latest in the series of events without resolution that have plagued this administration.

Norman Podhoretz tries to help you out with this piece in the Wall Street Journal


The president may look incompetent on Syria. But his behavior fits his strategy to weaken America abroad.

“It is entirely understandable that Barack Obama’s way of dealing with Syria in recent weeks should have elicited responses ranging from puzzlement to disgust. Even members of his own party are despairingly echoing in private the public denunciations of him as “incompetent,” “bungling,” “feckless,” “amateurish” and “in over his head” coming from his political opponents on the right.

For how else to characterize a president who declares war against what he calls a great evil demanding immediate extirpation and in the next breath announces that he will postpone taking action for at least 10 days—and then goes off to play golf before embarking on a trip to another part of the world? As if this were not enough, he also assures the perpetrator of that great evil that the military action he will eventually take will last a very short time and will do hardly any damage. Unless, that is, he fails to get the unnecessary permission he has sought from Congress, in which case (according to an indiscreet member of his own staff) he might not take any military action after all.

Summing up the net effect of all this, as astute a foreign observer as Conrad Black can flatly say that, “Not since the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, and before that the fall of France in 1940, has there been so swift an erosion of the world influence of a Great Power as we are witnessing with the United States.”

Yet if this is indeed the pass to which Mr. Obama has led us—and I think it is—let me suggest that it signifies not how incompetent and amateurish the president is, but how skillful. His foreign policy, far from a dismal failure, is a brilliant success as measured by what he intended all along to accomplish. The accomplishment would not have been possible if the intention had been too obvious. The skill lies in how effectively he has used rhetorical tricks to disguise it.

The key to understanding what Mr. Obama has pulled off is the astonishing statement he made in the week before being elected president: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” To those of us who took this declaration seriously, it meant that Mr. Obama really was the left-wing radical he seemed to be, given his associations with the likes of the anti-American preacher Jeremiah Wright and the unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers, not to mention the intellectual influence over him of Saul Alinsky, the original “community organizer.”

So far as domestic affairs were concerned, it soon became clear—even to some of those who had persuaded themselves that Mr. Obama was a moderate and a pragmatist—that the fundamental transformation he had in mind was to turn this country into as close a replica of the social-democratic countries of Europe as the constraints of our political system allowed.

Since he had enough support for the policies that this objective entailed, those constraints were fairly loose, and so he only needed a minimum of rhetorical deception in pursuing it. All it took was to deny he was doing what he was doing by frequently singing the praises of the free-enterprise system he was assiduously working to undermine, by avoiding the word “socialism,” by invoking “fairness” as an overriding ideal and by playing on resentment of the “rich.”

But foreign policy was another matter. As a left-wing radical, Mr. Obama believed that the United States had almost always been a retrograde and destructive force in world affairs. Accordingly, the fundamental transformation he wished to achieve here was to reduce the country’s power and influence. And just as he had to fend off the still-toxic socialist label at home, so he had to take care not to be stuck with the equally toxic “isolationist” label abroad.

This he did by camouflaging his retreats from the responsibilities bred by foreign entanglements as a new form of “engagement.” At the same time, he relied on the war-weariness of the American people and the rise of isolationist sentiment (which, to be sure, dared not speak its name) on the left and right to get away with drastic cuts in the defense budget, with exiting entirely from Iraq and Afghanistan, and with “leading from behind” or using drones instead of troops whenever he was politically forced into military action.

The consequent erosion of American power was going very nicely when the unfortunately named Arab Spring presented the president with several juicy opportunities to speed up the process. First in Egypt, his incoherent moves resulted in a complete loss of American influence, and now, thanks to his handling of the Syrian crisis, he is bringing about a greater diminution of American power than he probably envisaged even in his wildest radical dreams.

For this fulfillment of his dearest political wishes, Mr. Obama is evidently willing to pay the price of a sullied reputation. In that sense, he is by his own lights sacrificing himself for what he imagines is the good of the nation of which he is the president, and also to the benefit of the world, of which he loves proclaiming himself a citizen.

The problem for Mr. Obama is that at least since the end of World War II, Americans have taken pride in being No. 1. Unless the American people have been as fundamentally transformed as their country is quickly becoming, America’s decline will not sit well. With more than three years in office to go, will Mr. Obama be willing and able to endure the continuing erosion of his popularity that will almost certainly come with the erosion of the country’s power and influence?

No doubt he will either deny that anything has gone wrong, or failing that, he will resort to his favorite tactic of blaming others—Congress or the Republicans or Rush Limbaugh. But what is also almost certain is that he will refuse to change course and do the things that will be necessary to restore U.S. power and influence.

And so we can only pray that the hole he will go on digging will not be too deep for his successor to pull us out, as Ronald Reagan managed to do when he followed a president into the White House whom Mr. Obama so uncannily resembles.”

Mr. Podhoretz was the editor of Commentary from 1960-95. His most recent book is “Why Are Jews Liberals?” (Doubleday, 2009).



Facing the Facts!

As usual, they’re not good. What else would you expect with the man we have in the White House?…

Doesn’t take much more than looking around out there….








Seems even the most clueless Obama supporter could see the obvious. THIS President is an abysmal failure at best. And it’s getting worse. The country was willing to give him a pass, deference, and exceptions for achieving the landmark of the nation’s first African-American president. That concern should have vanished years ago! We’re saddled with an inept, petulant, and vindictive “leader”. With each passing day I hope for more Americans to wake up to that fact. I’ve yet to see much movement in that direction. Instead, Mr. Obama’s incompetence is rewarded and praised. Eventually the significance of the damage has to be recognized. A national epiphany? We can only hope. In the meantime, the struggle continues….


The King of Wishful Thinking!

So President Obama is embarking on a renewed “focus on the economy”….Really?..Is that so?…What a joke! THIS President decides NOW to pivot to an issue which has been NUMBER 1 with the American people for how many years now?…

"You see..I'm very good at ignoring problems and issues which require tough decisions...I'm also very good at stirring up controversy to distract Americans FROM those problems....all the while, I'm offering nothing but hype..."

“You see..I’m very good at ignoring problems and issues which require tough decisions…I’m also very good at stirring up controversy to distract Americans FROM those problems….all the while, I’m offering nothing but hype…”

His initial speech placed the blame upon “Washington”…and how they’ve been distracted by “phony” scandals. You know..stuff like Benghazi, the IRS targeting, etc…you know…insignificant stuff like that. This coming from a President who decided to best focus his efforts on immigration, gay marriage…a gay basketball player..Trayvon Martin..you name it! ANYTHING, BUT the REAL CONCERNS of millions of Americans! THIS from a President who is the MASTER at distraction!

Townhall’s Katie Pavlich puts the president’s speech…and its absolute worthlessness…in perspective…


“President Obama did his best to shift his administration’s focus to the economy today during a speech at Illinois’ Knox College by blaming the anemic economy on Republicans and “phony scandals.”

As predicted, Obama gave America the same speech he’s been giving for five years, saying the country needs more infrastructure spending due to crumbling roads and bridges, that we must fight poverty, that CEOs are making too much money while the poor suffer etc. He even went so far as to tout “saving the auto industry” one week after Detroit filed for bankruptcy.

“Today, five years after the start of that Great Recession, America has fought its way back. Together, we saved the auto industry, took on a broken health care system, and invested in new American technologies to reverse our addiction to foreign oil and double wind and solar power,” Obama said. “Together, we put in place tough new rules on big banks, and protections that cracked down on the worst practices of mortgage lenders and credit card companies.  We changed a tax code too skewed in favor of the wealthiest at the expense of working families, locking in tax cuts for 98% of Americans, and asking those at the top to pay a little more.”

While Obama claims America is “back,” 50 million people are on food stamps and 23 million people are unemployed. The healthcare system is starting to collapse as doctors leave their practices and gas is on average $3.68 per gallon. It isn’t just the rich Obama has asked to “pay a little more.” In January, he raised taxes on everyone. And finally, big banks are getting bigger.

After claiming the country was on the right track economically, Obama proceeded to blame Republicans for “distractions” and “phony” scandals coming out of Washington.

With an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals, Washington has taken its eye off the ball.  And I am here to say this needs to stop.  Short-term thinking and stale debates are not what this moment requires.  Our focus must be on the basic economic issues that the matter most to you – the people we represent,” Obama said.

Funny, I’m not sure the IRS targeting American citizens (with the help of one of Obama’s political appointees) for political purposes or four dead Americans killed in Benghazi count as “phony” but hey, “what difference, at this point, does it make?” And speaking of distractions, apparently taking the time to personally call pro-abortion Wendy Davis, Sandra Fluke and the first openly gay NBA player Jason Collins while opining on local crime cases, playing golf and going on numerous vacations doesn’t count when it comes to deflecting attention away from anything but the disastrous and stagnant economy….

I’ll leave you with this from liberal Washigton Post blogger Ezra Klein:

“That was a lot of hype for  very little policy.” – @ezraklein”



For four and a half years, Mr. Obama has focused his policies on reducing inequality rather than increasing growth…”


“The president wants more infrastructure spending, publically-funded pre-kindergarten education and a higher minimum wage.  However, those will not substantially change the unemployment picture.”


“We are still some 10 million jobs short of what we would need to return to the prerecession employment trend, while the unemployment rate, adjusted for the drop in labor force participation, is closer to 10% than 7%. But Obama mentioned “unemployment” just once.”

OLDER, BUT NOT WISER – The Weekly Standard

“In the unlikelihood you’ve been paying attention to Obama’s speeches, you’ve heard all this before, particularly about what government will do for you.  For Obama, free markets are irrelevant.  But here’s the worst part.  This speech was first of a series on the economy.”

Royal Abuse





It’s been noted over the years of his reign, that King Barack simply decides to rule by decree. Ignoring what he doesn’t like and enforcing what he does. The ‘rule of law be damned’. There was his fiasco on oil exploration, permits, etc., following the Gulf oil well disaster. His so called ‘welfare reform’, an effort to relax the requirements for applicants, and now the delaying of the employer mandate in ‘Obamacare’. HIS signature piece of legislation. The irony here being he had little to do with crafting the law. However, he undoubtedly approved of the final mess of a bill.

Michael McConnell, writing at The Wall Street Journal, takes a look at the latest tangled web the administration finds itself in…


Like King James II, the President decides not to enforce laws he doesn’t like. That’s an abuse of power.

President Obama’s decision last week to suspend the employer mandate of the Affordable Care Act may be welcome relief to businesses affected by this provision, but it raises grave concerns about his understanding of the role of the executive in our system of government.

Article II, Section 3, of the Constitution states that the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” This is a duty, not a discretionary power. While the president does have substantial discretion about how to enforce a law, he has no discretion about whether to do so.

This matter—the limits of executive power—has deep historical roots. During the period of royal absolutism, English monarchs asserted a right to dispense with parliamentary statutes they disliked. King James II’s use of the prerogative was a key grievance that lead to the Glorious Revolution of 1688. The very first provision of the English Bill of Rights of 1689—the most important precursor to the U.S. Constitution—declared that “the pretended power of suspending of laws, or the execution of laws, by regal authority, without consent of parliament, is illegal.”

To make sure that American presidents could not resurrect a similar prerogative, the Framers of the Constitution made the faithful enforcement of the law a constitutional duty.

The Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, which advises the president on legal and constitutional issues, has repeatedly opined that the president may decline to enforce laws he believes are unconstitutional. But these opinions have always insisted that the president has no authority, as one such memo put it in 1990, to “refuse to enforce a statute he opposes for policy reasons.”

Attorneys general under Presidents Carter, Reagan, both Bushes and Clinton all agreed on this point. With the exception of Richard Nixon, whose refusals to spend money appropriated by Congress were struck down by the courts, no prior president has claimed the power to negate a law that is concededly constitutional.

In 1998, the Supreme Court struck down a congressional grant of line-item veto authority to the president to cancel spending items in appropriations. The reason? The only constitutional power the president has to suspend or repeal statutes is to veto a bill or propose new legislation. Writing for the court in Clinton v. City of New York, JusticeJohn Paul Stevens noted: “There is no provision in the Constitution that authorizes the president to enact, to amend, or to repeal statutes.”

The employer mandate in the Affordable Care Act contains no provision allowing the president to suspend, delay or repeal it. Section 1513(d) states in no uncertain terms that “The amendments made by this section shall apply to months beginning after December 31, 2013.” Imagine the outcry if Mitt Romney had been elected president and simply refused to enforce the whole of ObamaCare.

This is not the first time Mr. Obama has suspended the operation of statutes by executive decree, but it is the most barefaced. In June of last year, for example, the administration stopped initiating deportation proceedings against some 800,000 illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. before age 16, lived here at least five years, and met a variety of other criteria. This was after Congress refused to enact the Dream Act, which would have allowed these individuals to stay in accordance with these conditions. Earlier in 2012, the president effectively replaced congressional requirements governing state compliance under the No Child Left Behind Act with new ones crafted by his administration.

The president defended his suspension of the immigration laws as an exercise of prosecutorial discretion. He defended his amending of No Child Left Behind as an exercise of authority in the statute to waive certain requirements. The administration has yet to offer a legal justification for last week’s suspension of the employer mandate.

Republican opponents of ObamaCare might say that the suspension of the employer mandate is such good policy that there’s no need to worry about constitutionality. But if the president can dispense with laws, and parts of laws, when he disagrees with them, the implications for constitutional government are dire.

Democrats too may acquiesce in Mr. Obama’s action, as they have his other aggressive assertions of executive power. Yet what will they say when a Republican president decides that the tax rate on capital gains is a drag on economic growth and instructs the IRS not to enforce it?

And what of immigration reform? Why bother debating the details of a compromise if future presidents will feel free to disregard those parts of the statute that they don’t like?

The courts cannot be counted on to intervene in cases like this. As the Supreme Court recently held in Hollingsworth v. Perry, the same-sex marriage case involving California’s Proposition 8, private citizens do not have standing in court to challenge the executive’s refusal to enforce laws, unless they have a personal stake in the matter. If a president declines to enforce tax laws, immigration laws, or restrictions on spending—to name a few plausible examples—it is very likely that no one will have standing to sue.

Of all the stretches of executive power Americans have seen in the past few years, the president’s unilateral suspension of statutes may have the most disturbing long-term effects. As the Supreme Court said long ago (Kendall v. United States, 1838), allowing the president to refuse to enforce statutes passed by Congress “would be clothing the president with a power to control the legislation of congress, and paralyze the administration of justice.”

Mr. McConnell, a former judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, is a professor of law and director of the Constitutional Law Center at Stanford Law School and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.

A version of this article appeared July 9, 2013, on page A13 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: Obama Suspends the Law.

More reading….






Carl Levin: BLOWHARD!



"You will respect my position  as one of the biggest IDIOTS in Washington!"

“You will respect my position as one of the biggest IDIOTS in Washington…and stop focusing on my comb over!”

As somewhat of a follow up to yesterday’s post, here’s a nice piece from the Wall Street Journal on the Michigan senator’s attempt to “change the subject” with his moronic attack on Apple:

The Apple Tax Diversion

You almost have to admire Carl Levin’s timing. Amid a furor over politicized IRS tax enforcement, the Michigan Democrat on Tuesday tried to change the subject to a hardy Washington perennial—corporate tax loopholes. Too bad his designated business pinata, Apple, demonstrates instead the insanity of the tax code that Mr. Levin has done so much to write.

Mr. Levin unveiled the results of his months-long investigation into Apple’s corporate taxes and accused the American business success of employing “alchemy” and “gimmickry” to lower its tax bill. What Mr. Levin did not do was present any evidence of anything illegal or even inappropriate. He did prove that Apple has smart accountants and tax lawyers.

Mr. Levin is outraged that Apple subsidiaries in Ireland pay little or no corporate income tax on profits generated from Apple’s international sales. Ireland has a laudably low corporate tax rate of 12.5% to attract jobs and capital, but it turns out that for certain corporations controlled by entities outside Ireland, the deal gets better.

The Apple units are based in Ireland, so U.S. law does not consider them to be U.S. corporations subject to U.S. corporate tax. But since they are managed and controlled by Apple in the U.S., Irish law doesn’t consider them Irish companies and thus they are also not subject to the 12.5% Irish corporate tax. This isn’t alchemy; it’s accountancy.


Mr. Levin claims that as a result one Apple subsidiary reported net income of $30 billion from 2009-2012 but didn’t pay any corporate income tax. Apple says that since 2003 its Irish subsidiaries have paid a corporate rate of “2% or less,” though it has also created some 4,000 Irish jobs.

None of this required a Senate “investigation” to discover because Apple is constantly inspected by the IRS and other tax authorities. These tax collectors are well aware of Apple’s corporate structure, which has remained essentially the same since 1980. An Apple executive said Tuesday that the company’s annual U.S. tax return adds up to a stack of paperwork more than two feet high.

We wonder what the Irish think of the spectacle of an American Senator expressing outrage that an American company doesn’t pay enough Irish taxes. As Wisconsin Republican Ron Johnson pointed out on Tuesday, Americans are better off when U.S. companies pay less in taxes to foreign governments.

That includes Americans who are invested in Apple through their mutual and pension funds. And it includes Apple’s U.S. workers who benefit when the company is able to sell more iPhones and iPads overseas. Roughly 50,000 of Apple’s 75,000 employees are in the U.S.

It’s also amazing to behold Democrats who routinely claim that high tax rates don’t matter to business behavior denouncing a business for engaging in behavior to avoid paying higher tax rates. Which brings us to the real scandal that Mr. Levin has exposed: the folly of America’s corporate tax code.

The genuine outrage is that Apple’s profits in the U.S. are subject to a combined state and federal statutory tax rate of 39.1% that is the developed world’s highest. Corporate taxation is so heavy in the U.S. relative to other countries that even while enjoying its near-zero rate in Ireland, Apple ends up with roughly the same overall effective tax rate, 14%, as South Korea’s Samsung, its main global competitor. Yet Samsung still enjoys a tax advantage, because it has more flexibility to allocate those profits to the most promising investments anywhere in the world.

Like other U.S. companies, Apple pays an extreme tax penalty for bringing its foreign profits home to invest in the U.S. This is due both to the punitive U.S. tax rate and the fact that the U.S. is virtually alone in refusing to embrace a territorial tax system that applies corporate income taxes only in the jurisdiction where the money is earned.

So it’s no surprise that Apple keeps $102 billion of its roughly $150 billion cash pile overseas. The repatriation tax penalty is so absurd that Apple chose in April to borrow $17 billion to pay a prospective dividend to shareholders rather than pay out of its overseas cash horde.

All of which argues for a corporate tax reform that would at the very least cut the combined U.S. state-federal rate to the mid-20s to be comparable with many of our trading partners. We’d suggest something closer to the Irish model—ideally zero but 12.5% also works—to turbo-charge growth and coincidentally generate lots of new revenue for Mr. Levin’s beloved IRS.


"Well, I have to appear incensed at companies like Apple in order to score political points..when anyone with any sense knows this is all for show...which we Democrats are very good at thanks to the media...and a complete waste of time..."

“Well, I have to appear incensed at companies like Apple in order to score political points..when anyone with any sense knows this is all for show…which we Democrats are very good at thanks to the media…and a complete waste of time…”

Speaking of which, Mr. Levin is one of those Senators who wrote the IRS demanding that it inspect the tax-exempt status of Americans for Tax Reform, the Club for Growth and other groups that are his ideological opponents. “Why does the IRS allow 501(c)(4) organizations to self-declare?” he roared in July 2012. The IRS seems to have followed his orders, so no wonder he is trying to change the subject.

A version of this article appeared May 22, 2013, on page A16 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: The Apple Tax Diversion.


Profiles in Idiocy….

Just a sampling of what the morons and idiots are saying and thinking out there!….

“Here’s what we have now, we have the menu but we don’t have any way to get to the menu,” Reid said.  “The president is taking money — I wish we had the money just to do this on its own, but he’s agreed, he’s determined he’s going to take money from some of the other things that he feels are less important in the healthcare bill and put it on letting you and others know what’s in the bill.."

“Here’s what we have now, we have the menu but we don’t have any way to get to the menu..”… “The president is taking money — I wish we had the money just to do this on its own, but he’s agreed, he’s determined he’s going to take money from some of the other things that he feels are less important in the healthcare bill and put it on letting you and others know what’s in the bill..”

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)…the only living cadaver in the Senate, letting us know it’s going to cost more money to TELL us about Obamacare….

'Benghazi happened a long time ago. We are unaware of any agency blocking an employee who would like to appear before Congress to provide information related to Benghazi..."

”Benghazi happened a long time ago. We are unaware of any agency blocking an employee who would like to appear before Congress to provide information related to Benghazi…”

Presidential press secretary and official liar for the Obama administration, Jay Carney, yet again, dismissing what happened in Benghazi…The “move on, nothing to see here” approach continues to reinforce the belief the White House engaged in a significant cover up that involved the death of a U.S. ambassador….

We want people to call us if the guy down the street says he hates the government, hates the mayor and he’s gonna shoot him,” Bradshaw said. “What does it hurt to have somebody knock on a door and ask, ‘Hey, is everything OK?’ ”

“We want people to call us if the guy down the street says he hates the government, hates the mayor and he’s gonna shoot him..”… “What does it hurt to have somebody knock on a door and ask, ‘Hey, is everything OK?’ ”

Palm Beach (FL) County sheriff, Ric Bradshaw, hoping you’ll spy on your neighbors, family, and friends….you know…just in case….a la Hitler youth style…


Yeah…I’m sure the police in Seattle were pleased to see that sign as windows were being smashed and buildings being damaged during May Day protests…What better way to further your cause than causing property damage?…

Some in the media are beginning to come away with a diminished view of President Obama’s agenda…so far, anyway…. As it’s pointed out, it’s way too early to dismiss it, but if the past few months are any indication, we are seeing the reality of this administration unlike ever before…..

IS OBAMA A LAME DUCK ALREADY? – Peggy Noonan @ The Wall Street Journal

Not sure, but he sure is quacking like one.

OUT OF HIS HANDS – Matthew Continetti @ The Washington Free Beacon

From healthcare to Syria, President Obama is at the mercy of events.

OBAMA: THE FALL – Charles Krauthammer @ National Review

From the sequester to gun control to Syria, the administration has lost its “juice.”


Like the Iraq war tarnished the Republican brand, ObamaCare could be a long-term political millstone for Democrats

Take from these thoughts what you will….I’ve asked it before, I’ll ask it again…WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?….

"Damn!...this sh*t is f**ked up!..."

“Damn!…this sh*t is f**ked up!…”