“Trumping” the Election!


Needless to say, I’ve made up MY mind about who to support in 2016. Provided he’s still a candidate. I’m really hoping the latter comes true.

Donald Trump has scored big with millions of Americans who have been looking for someone to give voice to their frustrations over the last decade. Imagine that! A candidate who tells it like it is and says what needs to be said! What a novel idea!

After major Republicans flubs in 2008 and 2012, why shouldn’t they?… How a candidate could lose to the absolute worst president in the history of the United States is beyond me! But, Mitt Romney managed to do so!

Along comes Donald Trump in 2015, seizing upon what he KNOWS Americans feel! No other politician would have the gall to take advantage of that! Of course, Trump isn’t a politician. Considering how BAD this country’s national disgust is with those that have been in charge for far too long, he is the right man at the right time.

As expected, the political class, pundits, and prognosticators are up in arms! There’s no way they’re going to stand by and allow someone who actually LISTENS to the people find his way to the White House. Their frustration lies in the fact that they just can’t seem to grasp the situation. Which is something anyone with common sense can figure out!

I’d like to defer to Rush Limbaugh’s analysis of the Trump saga as it continues to play out since the first Republican debate.. As usual, ‘the godfather’ lays it out in laymen’s terms and makes it crystal clear!….

“There’s a percentage of the population that is totally fed up with the political class, including the media. And they have wanted things said to people and about people for the people they’ve been voting for for years and they haven’t heard it. I mean, the media is not loved. The media in some cases is despised, and Trump is giving it right back to ’em in ways that many people in this country have dreamed of happening. And, as such, he comes off as refreshing….

There is real visceral anger over this amnesty BS. There is real visceral anger over what’s been done for the economy. There is real visceral anger over what is being done to the health care system via Obamacare. The reason they don’t know it is because they do not care to talk to the people who feel that way, so they never do features on them. They never go out and do man-on-the-street interviews with people like that.

Because they are interested in furthering the agenda that has made all of this happen. Now, they know there are gonna be some people that disagree with it, but they immediately relegate them to insignificant status. They’re either bitter clingers or they’re lunkheads or they’re small in number or they’re just old-fashioned ditties that don’t deal well with change or what have you. But they’re missing the real anger, and it’s been building.

The anger, you can see it in the midterm 2010, 2014 elections. There have been people have shown up in droves. The Democrats have lost over a thousand seats in those midterm elections, and part of those elections were Republicans being elected because the people voting for them wanted them to stop all of this, or at least try. And they don’t see any trying to stop it. They don’t see any effort being made, any serious effort to defund Planned Parenthood.

I think there’s some real outrage in this country over what has been learned, was always suspected but now what has been confirmed was going on in those abortion clinics. There’s real anger out there. And the one person that’s come along that’s tapped into it and that gives everybody the impression that he’s fully aware of it and agrees with them is Donald Trump. As such, he’s got a pretty wide berth here. He’s got a pretty big margin of error…”

“Visceral anger!”..That sums it up perfectly! Millions of Americans are simply fed up! And they have been waiting for YEARS to have a candidate that speaks to that! Say what you will about Trump..love him..hate him… He knows what he’s doing and offers the best chance to turn around the disastrous direction in which we’re currently headed. Sadly, most other  GOP options can’t come near dynamic enthusiasm Trump projects. And the strongest attraction?..He doesn’t give a DAMN about the media and political elites. And that frightens them! For me, that is a MAJOR advancement in taking control of a nation that seems to be SPIRALING out of control!

“Pearls of Wisdom”

With so much constantly thrown at us in today’s out of control world, I’ve been searching for a summation that adequately puts it into words.

Of course, leave it to ‘The Godfather’ to put it all in perspective!

Here’s an excerpt from Rush Limbaugh’s radio show on May 14, 2015. I’ve added appropriate illustrations, but once you give it a read, you’ll see how it explains how we’ve come in these dire straits….



Within minutes of this train derailment you just knew the word ‘infrastructure’ was gonna be bandied about all over the place, and it was.   The word ‘infrastructure’ was halfway around the world before anybody found out that infrastructure had nothing to do with this, that it was an engineer.”


“How many other reporters have donated to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation?  That’s what I want to know.  I don’t think it stops Stephanopoulos.”

“What other reporters and news people and who knows who else have donated to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation?  That, to me, is the big question, and I don’t know that we’re ever gonna get an answer.  Wouldn’t it be funny if the New England Patriots have?  He-he.  Just kidding.”

“You may think that there’s still a line between journalism and politicians, the president.  That’s gone.  It’s totally gone.”


“All of this fraud that is occurring to the American people, it didn’t start with Obama, and I don’t want anybody to think that that’s what I believe.  Fraud, at the highest levels of US government, has been going on for a while.  It would be hard, actually, to peg when it began.”

“There’s a reason so many people want to live in Washington.  If you want money, that’s where it is; that’s where it’s allocated; that’s where it’s taxed; that’s where it’s collected; that’s where it’s banked; that’s where it is spent. ”


“The degree and the level of fraud and deceit in the past six and a half years is so bad and so deep that it’s the reason we have the Tea Party.  The degree of fraud, the irresponsible spending and money that we don’t have, has millions of Americans legitimately concerned for the future of the country, particularly in terms of economic opportunity for their kids and grandkids.”

Uncle Sam's arm with palm up on white background

“Where does the government get money?  They have to take it in the form of taxes or borrowing. They take the money from the economy that they’re gonna stimulate.”

“The stimulus bill was not about infrastructure any more than Obamacare is about affordable health insurance.  You cannot fully fund fraud.  You can never satisfy con men.”


“When normal people yesterday, average, ordinary, the people that make this country work, when they were mourning the dead, when they were seriously worried about the accident and the damage and the injuries, the Democrats were out celebrating a crisis while the bodies were still scattered across an accident site. They saw an opportunity to once again defame conservatives and Republicans.  They misstated facts, such as dilapidated infrastructure was the cause of the derailment.”


“The right to private property, I think it’s right in there with free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly.  Not to say the other amendments are of less importance.  It’s hard to quantify them that way.  They’re all crucial, and they’re all relevant, and they are all purposeful and unique in defining this country as something separate and distinct from every other country that exists or ever has.”

“Liberals love Europe, and Europe equals trains.  Trains equal Europe.  Trains equal good liberal.  Trains also equal saving the climate and all this cockamamie crap.”

“You know what New England called the guy that was letting the air of the footballs? The Deflator.  The Patriots are saying, ‘No, he lost a lot of weight.  That’s why he was called the Deflator.’ Come on! There’s never been a person in the world that lost a lot of weight that anybody ever called the Deflator.”

“By the way, the latest pictures of the guy? He hasn’t lost any weight, it doesn’t look like to me.  So I don’t know what the Deflator looked like before he started deflating.”

“You know, it’s a good thing, folks, I have a strong, strong constitution, spine, and am well adjusted, otherwise I would be in the loony bin.”


“Obama’s over $800 billion stimulus bill back in 2009 was an infrastructure bill, so we were told.  Repair roads, bridges, schools, and all that.  It turns out to be as big a lie as Obamacare. The stimulus bill wasn’t about infrastructure any more than Obamacare is about affordable health insurance.”

“One thing that the Bushes are, they’re tight. They’re a very tight family, and loyalty is the coin of the realm to them. I say that in a noncritical way.  Just informative. Jeb is not going to throw his brother under the bus.”

“You’ve heard the old saw, ‘If you criticize Obama, if you criticize Democrats, the independents don’t like it and they’re gonna run right back to the Democrat Party.’ Never mind the fact that the Democrat Party does nothing but defame Republicans.”

“Not every road and bridge and school is federal. It’s up to states to do some of this stuff, too.  Or a combined federal-state effort.”

“Let’s say it’s accurate, that 5% of the federal budget is for infrastructure. Fine and dandy.  That just means the Democrats are gonna have some crumbling infrastructure they can blame on the Republicans.”

“The Republicans haven’t had anything to say about what happens in Baltimore since the 1960s.”

“I don’t know how long ago you have to go back to be able to say that the Democrat Party had people in it that were focused on good governance, responsible government and all that.  All I know is you’ve gotta go back a long way.”

“We’re in the midst of what the Democrat Party thinks could be the last power grab necessary.  They believe if they play their cards right in the next two years, there will not be a viable Republican Party to even worry about.  That’s what they want.”

“When’s the last liberal you can think of that expressed deep concern over the way conservatives are being treated in the media?  Can you name one?”

“I am a household name in all four corners of the world, plus the frozen tundra of Antarctica.”


The excerpt does a great job exemplifying our frustration with 6+ years of this disaster in the White House…a president who has inflicted more damage and managed to pull the wool over the eyes over more voters than ANY president in U.S. history!

A ‘Second Chance’ for HYPOCRITICAL Democrats!

Democrats Want a Second Chance on Obamacare!

The following is excerpted from Rush Limbaugh’s radio show (2/16/15)  on some foolish Democrats in Congress claiming the ‘unintended consequences’ of the disastrous Affordable (boy! THERE’S a misnomer if there ever was one!) Care Act are “unfair”!..


February 16, 2015BEGIN TRANSCRIPT

RUSH: Here’s this AP story on the Democrats. “Democrats Seek Relief From Obamacare Penalties — The official sign-up season for President Barack Obama’s health care law may be over, but leading congressional Democrats say millions of Americans facing new tax penalties deserve a second chance.”

A second chance? You’re the ones that saddle them with this mess. This is the Limbaugh Theorem on display. Here we have congressional Democrats acting like they had nothing to do with this law, that their voters are a bunch of victims of something. And they need a second chance. They need a second chance, ’cause the official sign-up season is ended, and these people didn’t know it, and now they’re saddled with higher costs and penalties and fines that they didn’t know that they were gonna be faced with, and the Democrat Party’s outraged and wants to do something about it. These people deserve a second chance.

This situation exists because the Democrat Party gave us this bill. The Democrat Party and the Democrat Party alone gave us Obamacare. There wasn’t a single Republican vote for it.

The three Democrats bellyaching are “Michigan’s Sander Levin, the ranking Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee, and Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington,” Baghdad Jim, “and Lloyd Doggett of Texas. All worked to help steer Obama’s law through rancorous congressional debates from 2009-2010. The lawmakers say they are concerned that many of their constituents will find out about the penalties after it’s already too late for them to sign up for coverage, since open enrollment ended Sunday.”

Yeah, they did it! This is classic. These three Democrats, it even says here, they “worked to help steer Obama’s law through rancorous congressional debates from 2009-2010.” But this story, they’re allowed to portray themselves like they have no idea any of this was gonna happen, and now their constituents are bellyaching to ’em, and their constituents deserve a second chance. As though some other group of people saddled them with this.This is so classic. Government comes along under the guise of fairness, fixes something, gonna make it fair, gonna make it equal, gonna make it affordable, maybe even make it free. What they end up doing is blowing it all to hell, screwing it up worse than it’s ever been screwed up, then their voters bellyache and complain about it, and the same Democrats come back and demand that something be done, because their voters need a second chance.

I’ll tell you, they can’t blame the Republicans for this because there isn’t a Republican fingerprint on Obamacare. The Republicans have done not one thing to support this. The Republicans, if they’ve done anything, and it’s been a while, but if they’ve done anything, it’s to try to stop it. So now these three Democrats are saying, government must do something, government must fix this mess. Government made this mess. The Democrat Party and Barack Obama made this mess.

“The lawmakers say they are concerned that many of their constituents will find out about the penalties after it’s already too late for them to sign up for coverage, since open enrollment ended Sunday. That means they could wind up uninsured for another year, only to owe substantially higher fines in 2016. The fines are collected through the income tax system.” Yeah, and wait ’til people find out how that happens. You Democrats think your constituents are mad now, you wait until next year when half or more of their refund is taken and kept by the IRS to pay their fine. You are gonna have an open revolt on your hands. And then you’re gonna bellyache and moan again and claim, “We gotta do something to fix it!” You broke it in the first place. It is your mess.

You know, there’s a part of me, just a small part of me, it’s Democrat voters who made all this possible, make ’em pay the consequence. You elected these charlatans. You openly elected these people. You buy into the lies they tell about how mean, evil, and all that the Republicans are. The Democrat Party voters’ best friend when it comes to Obamacare is any Republican he can find. And what does he probably think of any Republican you bring up? Racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobe, only cares about the rich banks, when in fact that is the Democrat Party today. Racist, sexist, bigot and phobic about practically everything, and tightly aligned with the banks.

It’s called crony corporatism, crony socialism, whatever you want to call it. And now all these people who elected all these Democrats to make it fair and to make it affordable. Life, not just health care, but make life fair, and to get even with all those rich people. Now they’re finding out that, oh, my God, it’s gonna cost me now. These same members of Congress who made this possible, made this happen, are now bellyaching that their voters got the shaft by somebody, and they need a second chance.

“This year is the first time ordinary Americans will experience the complicated interactions between the health care law and taxes. Based on congressional analysis, tax preparation giant H&R Block says roughly 4 million uninsured people will pay penalties.” And you know how that’s gonna happen. Their tax refunds, if they are due any, that’s where the money — it’s in the law. If you get a tax refund and you haven’t bought insurance, the fine will be held from your return, your refund.

You wait ’til that happens. Most people know that their refund is gonna be. Let’s say it’s a grand. They’ve already spent it before they got it. They’ve bought a mew muffler, whatever it is, they’ve spent it. And then all of a sudden that thousand-dollar refund becomes, say, 350 bucks, and they’re gonna do told, “Yeah, well, that’s the fine. It was in the law, it was in the law.”

“Nobody told us!” That’s probably right. And, by the way, AP, no sympathy for you. The AP’s writing about this as though, oh, look at how something is so unfortunate here. These poor voters, why, for the first time they’ll be saddled with the first law’s interactions with the law and tax. You knew this while it was being debated. The AP had the ability to tell voters the truth about this before it was voted on.

The entire Drive-By Media knew. Well, that maybe is an exaggeration. I don’t know how many of ’em actually read the health care law. But enough of them knew, enough to be able to tell voters that this law was gonna cost them much more money, that this law was not gonna reduce their costs at all. That was known. Anybody that ran around saying that was called a fearmonger or a liar, or worse, and now all of a sudden everything we’ve said about this bill every month or so, we’re validated again.And there’s a companion story to this, folks. This is in the UK Daily Mail: “Health and Human Services extends Obamacare deadline for some enrollees after computer glitch and long waits kept them from signing up over the weekend. The last day to sign up for Obamacare was Feb. 1, but as many as half a million Americans may have been unable to complete their applications. On Saturday an IRS function that verifies income was out of service, and over the weekend callers faced longer than normal wait times. Affected applicants will now have until Feb. 22 to sign up before they are assessed a fee of $325 or 2% of their income – whichever is greater.”

There is a ceiling on that at some point, but it’s much more than these people — out of their league. So these three members of Congress were able to get a one-week extension, yeah, Sander Levin, big Baghdad Jim McDermott, Lloyd Doggett of Texas, concerned that many of their constituents didn’t find out in time. Yeah, there was a glitch in the law there. Yeah, yeah, there was a glitch, we didn’t realize. Maybe they didn’t know, either. Hell, nobody read this thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if these clowns didn’t know what was in it. Actually, I don’t. I’m not gonna let ’em get by with that. They knew exactly what was in it.

They knew exactly what Obamacare was gonna do. They might not know the details, but they new exactly what this was: government taking over health care. They knew exactly what they were doing. They knew it was gonna cost people more money. They knew and anybody they told the opposite they were lying to. They knew this was not gonna make health care cheaper for people that buy it. People that get it free that’s a whole different ball of wax. But even the subsidy thing is all messed up now.

They knew it, the media and everybody, this was so unnecessary, this need not have happened. See, this is just the ancillary little problems you deal with when you’re taking over a country. “Ah, it’s okay, get some angry constituents for a couple of months, maybe a couple years, we’ll deal with it. But taking over the country, transforming the country and making it into what we want it to be, it’s worth a few people being upset now and then. We’ll deal with it.” And that’s exactly what is going on.


RUSH: In fact, I think it’s safe to say, if my memory on this is right, that Obama, in a speech or two, actually assured the American people that they would have an additional $2,500 every year, disposable income, after Obamacare was implemented. Because their premiums are gonna come down. He said the average premium would be $2,500 less. That means $2,500 more disposable income every American’s gonna have. Well, what the hell happened to that? Well, the thing about that was, it was never true. It was a lie from the get-go. Just as was, “You like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. You like your plan, you can keep your plan.”

Everybody has known this is coming. Everybody has known that the vast majority of the American people have no idea what’s in this plan. They are laboring under misconception upon misconception. Chief among them is it’s gonna cost me less. In fact, it might even be free. The concept of a fine or a penalty, the Fourth Amendment battle over this, the government requiring you to buy a product escaped ’em. They didn’t have any idea what that’s about. So now this is all happening and they’re not prepared for it. “What do you mean, if I don’t have insurance by February 1st I gotta pay a fine?”

So members of Congress come along and act like they didn’t know it, either. They wrote the law. They voted for the law. They debated it. They did it. And yet they come along and act like they had no idea this was in there, and they’re gonna get to the bottom of it, they’re gonna find out who’s screwing their constituents. They had no idea it was there, which is a bunch of BS. It’s what these Democrats do every time, every damn time. It’s the Limbaugh Theorem. Make victims out of everybody, out of stuff you do to ’em, and then when it happens, blame the Republicans for it.


RUSH: In fact, I think it’s safe to say, if my memory on this is right, that Obama, in a speech or two, actually assured the American people that they would have an additional $2,500 every year, disposable income, after Obamacare was implemented. Because their premiums are gonna come down. He said the average premium would be $2,500 less. That means $2,500 more disposable income every American’s gonna have. Well, what the hell happened to that? Well, the thing about that was, it was never true. It was a lie from the get-go. Just as was, “You like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. You like your plan, you can keep your plan.”


Thought it would be quite timely to play of Rush Limbaugh’s spot on analysis of the legacy of lies which defines the Obama administration.

This president perpetuates a situation where lie after lie after lie has become the hallmark of his presidency. Yet there’s no concern, no genuine consideration…nothing! Nothing but the feigned attention and arrogance that IS Barack Obama….


“People are right to be angry..I’m angry..” – Wall Street bonuses, 3/18/09

“It was something..uhh..we found out..uhh..along with all of you…” – Air Force One buzzes Manhattan, 4/28/09

“I am furious at this entire situation..” – BP gulf oil disaster, 6/03/10

“I heard on the news about this..” – Fast and Furious gun running, 10/14/11

“It’s very upsetting to me that somebody showed such bad judgement..” – Fast and Furious gun running, 10/18/11

“If it turns out some of the allegations that have been made in the press are confirmed, then of course I’ll be angry…” – Secret Service scandal, 4/15/12

“I’ve got no patience with it! I will not tolerate it!..” – IRS scandal, 5/13/13

“I first learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this…” – IRS scandal, 5/13/13

“Americans are right to be angry about it, and I am angry about it…” – IRS scandal, 5/15/13

“We’re going to hold the responsible parties accountable.” – IRS scandal, 5/15/13

“I certainly did not know anything about the IG Report before the IG Report had been leaked through the press.” – IRS scandal, 5/16/13

“The minute I found out about it, then my main focus is making sure that we get the thing fixed.” – IRS scandal, 5/16/13

“Nobody’s madder than me!” – Obamacare rollout, 10/21/13

“I will not stand for it, not as commander-in-chief! None of us should.  It is dishonorable, it is disgraceful, and I will not tolerate it. Period.” – VA scandal, 5/21/14

“Uhhh, I just heard about this… [S]ome advisor who never worked on our staff, uhh, expressed an opinion that, uhh, I completely disagree with …” – Grubergate , 11/17/14

I don’t know about you..but, I’m fairly certain there’s a pattern here….


A Return to the Idiocy

Seems the narrative continues with the Obama administration no matter what the concern. If you can call it a “concern”. Yes, in my absence,  Barack Obama continues his condescension, his arrogance, his oblivious approach to practically every single issue that is of consideration to the American people…   Barack Obama at the White House   Indulge me here as I draw upon an analysis from Rush Limbaugh on the state of the Obama presidency… “They plug Obama into the Democrat presidential peg, and they assign to him the behavioral modes, the structure of every Democrat president who’s ever been without looking at what he’s really doing and what his policies really are, there’s no curiosity, there’s no analysis. And so in their world, which is very narrow, by the way, in their world, which is very small, in their world, where every poll counts — like global warming is essentially a poll.” “The news is devastating for Obama, but it doesn’t matter, for all the reasons that I detailed in the previous hour. It matters to the media; they’re devastated. They’re devastated for a number of reasons. I mean, they’ve been doing everything they can to prop the guy up. They’ve been ignoring all the scandals… They’ve been following the administration line on blaming the Republicans for everything. They’ve been propping Obama up. He’s great, he’s funny, all this. So there’s gotta be a little bit of personal disappointment because they have made it their mission to protect Obama, and they’ve gotta do it for two more years….” “There is no concern whatsoever for what has happened to this country. They continue to report lies about the economy and the great job market and economic growth and all of that. They do this in an effort to keep “this” from happening — and by “this,” I mean this devastating poll from NBC/Wall Street Journal. So they take it personally two ways: Their guy is on the skids and they weren’t able to stop it.” ******************************************************************************* I’ll borrow the ‘godfather’s’ line here too….”DON’T DOUBT ME!”

You want to know what’s wrong in the country today?..THIS is what’s wrong!….


Say what you will about Rush Limbaugh. Love him or hate him, he never fails to provoke thought and discussion. As it should be.

This segment from yesterday’s show absolutely NAILED the problems we face in this nation! It is undeniable!…




“RUSH: We have the NSA. We have the IRS. We got Benghazi. We got Syria. We got all kinds of stuff.  And let me tell you what’s really important in the mainstream news.  Audio sound bite number one.  This is it.  We have a montage of CBS, Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, all kinds of talk shows all day yesterday.  This is the big news in America yesterday and last night.


JULIE CHEN: Are Kim and Kanye in crisis? A curvy model claims Kim’s baby daddy Kanye West cheated on Kim.


MARIO LOPEZ:  Kanye caught cheating on Kim?


NANCY O’DELL:  Did Kanye cheat on pregnant Kim?


THEA ANDREWS:  Did Kanye cheat on pregnant Kim?


SHAUN ROBINSON: Did Kanye cheat on Kim?


BILLY BUSH: Did Kanye cheat on Kim?


WHOOPI GOLDBERG: A 24-year-old model is claiming she had an affair with Kanye West while Kim Kardashian was pregnant.


WENDY WILLIAMS: Her name is Leyla. She’s swirly and good though, right? (laughter) Okay, so Leyla is claiming that she had sex with Kanye..


WILLIAMS: …while Kim was pregnant.


WILLIAMS: Allegedly they had sex on two different occasions.


WILLIAMS: And Kanye even tried to meet up with her as recent as last week.

RUSH:  Yeah.  That’s it, folks, Kanye cheating on Kimmy while Kimmy is carrying Kanye’s sperm.  That was the big news all over American television yesterday and last night.  That was what mattered to low-information America.  But it wasn’t just those cheesy shows.  Let’s go to ABC’s World News Tonight.  You want to hear the lead story on ABC’s World News Tonight last night?


SAWYER:  Good evening.  We begin with a severe storm rolling across the nation right now.  Weather experts putting out a kind of all points bulletin.  One in five Americans in the path of what could become a weather phenomenon called a derecho, a 240-mile stretch of wicked wind.

RUSH:  That was what led the ABC World News Tonight last night, and then, after reporting on a line of thunderstorms, the ABC reporter then demonstrates to Diane Sawyer how to duck-and-cover in your car if you are caught in a thunderstorm.

SAWYER:  Ginger, I know you said that people should stay indoors, but what’s your defense if you’re caught and you’re caught outside?


GINGER ZEE:  Right.  Well, we want everyone to be in shelter always, but if you’re outside, if you’re in your car, say, you want to be inside the car, put yourself there, and seat belt, of course, put that on.  We want to put the head down, the flashers on, and cover your head from debris.  So that’s the best.  But, again if you can get to shelter, please do.

RUSH:  We’re talking here, folks, the lead story on ABC’s World News Tonight, what in the name of Sam Hill to do if you’re in your car and it starts raining.  Not even a blizzard.  Now it’s a thunderstorm that creates the lead news item on ABC’s World News Tonight, and, lo and behold, the danger you face if you’re in your car when it starts raining. Make sure you turn on those flashers. Make sure you cover your head.  The roof might not provide enough protection.  And the windshield might not provide enough protection.  Make sure you cover your head from the debris.  And make sure before you do this you pull off to the side of the road so you don’t drive where you can’t see where you’re going.  The lead item on ABC’s World News Tonight.

So, as far as who knows how many millions of Americans are concerned, Kanye West is cheating on Kimmy.  Kimmy’s father, Bruce Jenner, is upset that Kanye isn’t around much.  Now we know why.  He’s out riding dirty, in the words of Reverend Wright.  And now it’s raining over 240 square miles of America, and it’s the lead story on ABC’s World News Tonight.  Let’s go to NBC.  The NBC Nightly News, a portion of chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Washington, reporting about Senator Mikulski, who responded to a Twitter post during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing.


MITCHELL:  In a social media first for any Senate hearing, Committee chair Barbara Mikulski denied she was cutting off questioning, in response to a tweet from BuzzFeed’s Rosie Gray sitting across the room.

Barbara Mikulski

MIKULSKI: I want to respond to a tweet about me from Rosie Gray. There is no attempt here to muzzle, stifle any Senator. So, Rosie, it’s an open hearing. Hi. Look forward to keeping in touch.

MITCHELL: That’s @SenatorBarb.

RUSH:  They had a hearing on the NSA listening to your phone calls and reading your e-mails.  That is what made the NBC Nightly News.  Mikulski pausing the hearing to deal with a tweet that she got from somebody named Rosie Gray at BuzzFeed. ”

Only one thing Rush forgot to ask: ARE YOU REALLY THIS STUPID, AMERICA?????

Fraying Around the Edges…

To borrow a line from “The Lady Heir” skit from ‘The Carol Burnett Show’….

“Well, well, well, well, well..well…..well”…


That’s my reaction to the swirling mess surrounding the Obama administration these past few days. If you follow events even somewhat, you know what an incompetent group of “keystone cops” we have running things in this country. And atop it all sits a President who attempts to constantly disassociate himself from responsibility and policy.


With Mr. Obama’s unfounded claims harking disaster at the prospect of sequestration cuts, he finds himself ranting against a policy he previously endorsed! The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward has found his way to the administration’s enemies list by pointing out this fact. I mean, it doesn’t look good for the White House when the “Post” allows such a story to manifest! Can’t have that, now can we?


Also related to the sequester comes the story that Homeland Security secretary, Janet Napolitano’s department orders the release of illegal immigrants due to anticipated cuts. And, true to form,the White House disavows any knowledge of such a decision. WTF?!!!!

It boggles the mind! Is THIS any way to run a country?!!!!!

"Like we told Americans, Obamacare is supposed to be something for nothing.."

“Like we told Americans, Obamacare is supposed to be something for nothing..”

And from our clueless file comes the revelation that Democratic ‘strategerist’, Donna Brazile’s complaint and claim that her insurance premiums are going up!…This wasn’t supposed to happen! It’s supposed to all be free now!..How can this happen?!!!


All of this stuff, and more, is just the beginning of the fiasco that will be President Obama’s second term. And we asked for it! Or most of us did, anyway. It just doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t add up. We have allowed the idiotic, the clueless, and the senseless to define our nation, our way of life, and our future. We have placed in charge those whose very nature threatens what so many have worked so hard for over so many years. Yet we’ve eagerly allowed ourselves to be duped for one reason or another. Whether it comes from fear or some sort of misguided view of “fairness”. The Obama administration continues to pursue a direction that, hopefully, more and more Americans will question. That questioning must lead to placing responsibility where it belongs…on him and his policies. The President cannot be removed from the equation with this belief that he is somehow separate from the problem. His nonstop campaign mode is not the answer. Mr. Obama continues to demagogue and blame, which will offer no real solution to ANYTHING. Of course, the truth of the matter is, he wants no solution. A resolution or an agreement threatens everything he’s built his house of cards upon.

The day will soon come when an event will shake this nation economically if we don’t turn this around. If we continue to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to reality, we will all pay the price. And in the White House we have a man who exactly wants that to happen.

Sign of the times…


I can certainly understand the hype over Rush Limbaugh’s comments today…Nevertheless, I can agree, with clarification: I am not ashamed of my country per se, but I am MOST DEFINITELY ashamed of a majority of the citizens of this country for their vindictiveness and their foolishness in placing their trust and faith in a man like Barack Obama. Period!

Why Barack Obama will never BE President….






If you ask yourself the question “what the hell happened?” nearly every day, as I do, there just might be an explanation out there. Barack Obama occupies the White House. He has the title of President of the United States. Is he a leader?..No!…Does he govern with the best interest of the nation?..Absolutely NOT!…

So how in the HELL did this divisive, vindictive man con the American people into awarding him the most powerful position on the planet?…“El Rushbo” has a theory….

“TheHill.com: ” Obama Waging an ‘Endless Campaign’.” Where have we heard this?  I love this. I must tell you, I love this.  I elucidated, enunciated what turns out to be a profound theory on Tuesday and Wednesday, and it’s being picked up now.  This is actually just more support for the theory.  And what they’re saying is, Obama doesn’t want to govern. He only wants to campaign because governing would make him responsible for what is happening.  He doesn’t want to compromise.  That would put his name on something.

So he doesn’t want to govern. He only wants to campaign.  As he campaigns, he’s always opposing these mythical, mysterious people, powerful forces who are actually the ones doing all this stuff to the country.  They’re the ones causing unemployment.  They’re the ones causing the housing crisis.  They are the ones, whoever they are.  But Obama’s fighting ’em.  He’s been fighting ’em for four years and they’ve been around a lot longer than Obama.  It goes back to Reagan, as we will learn here in a moment.

He’s not trying to accomplish anything.  Therefore there will be no compromise.  This is all in the story.  “President Obama will never again be an election candidate but, for now at least, he has the look,” and sound, “of a man on the campaign trail.  Thursday brought the latest example, with a rally-style event in Decatur, Ga., intended to build support for the administration’s proposals on pre-K education.” But there won’t ever be any governing.  If Obama ever settles in to where he’s perceived to be governing, that means he’s in charge, that means he’s responsible, that means he’s accountable.  That’s what he’s avoided.

That’s what we all missed for four years.  That’s why you can have polling data that show 55, 60% of the people oppose Obama’s agenda and still support him.  They don’t associate his agenda with the problems in the country.  They don’t believe, they don’t understand, they don’t think that Obama’s policies have had any of the negative impact on the country.  Somebody else did that, other presidents did that.  They view Obama as trying to fix it.

So this led to a discussion of the theory on Fox News yesterday.  Megyn Kelly had a couple of guests.  The first is the Talk Radio News Service president, Tony Sayegh.  And she said to him, “Rush believes that people don’t associate Obama’s policies with what’s happened in the country.  They associate the spending and the debt to the lack of jobs, so they think he’s out there working to fix it as opposed to the one who’s created it.”



SAYEGH:  He does have support, whether Republicans like to admit it or not, on an emotional level with the voters. And if you look at the election, Megyn, what I suggest is that President Obama did something extremely effective.  He ran it like a jury trial.  He knew he was on trial. He found someone else to blame, George W. Bush. He created reasonable doubt that it was his fault, and we saw in the exit polling that people really did not associate the failure of the first four years with this president.  So he’s trying to continue down that road because he knows that he has, as the president, a very strong bully pulpit, and he’s excellent at being able to talk directly to voters.

RUSH:  Right.  But not govern.  He positions himself as the guy fighting all of these powerful forces that are causing you to not have a job, causing your home value to plummet, the gas price to skyrocket, you name it.  The debt, the deficit, whatever it is, he’s just trying to fix it.  And everybody supports him.  A majority support him trying to fix it, and they want everybody to work together in the process.  So the next guest is somebody named Tara Dowdell. Tara Dowdell’s a Democrat strategerist.  Megyn Kelly said to her, “At what point do they look at the guy at the top and say, ‘Okay, now I’m gonna hold you accountable.'”



DOWDELL:  I go back further than George W. Bush.  I think our economy has been in decline for 30 years.  We’ve had a huge gap between people who have money in the United States and people who don’t.  That’s been going on far beyond George Bush.  But I think that people recognize that dynamic, but at the same time, of course they want the president to be out there fighting.  But where I disagree with Tony is, what’s wrong with taking your message and pushing your agenda to the people?  If we’re saying government is the about people, then why not ask the people to get involved and get engaged in our democracy?

RUSH:  Now, you hear this, and you end up scratching your head.  Here’s a woman — by the way, she fits the theory to the T.  All of this mess that we’re in, this goes back to Reagan.  This goes back to Reaganomics.  That’s when the rich got everything. That’s when those tax rates were really reduced.  The rich got all the goodies and that’s what Obama’s fighting.  And he can’t fix what’s been going wrong for over 30 years in four.  I mean, it goes way back further than Bush.  We got a huge gap between people that have money in this country and people who don’t.

All Obama’s doing is trying to fix it.  Everything Obama’s done has been to try to change the differences, the inequalities in economic outcome.  It’s a fair thing.  It’s a very noble thing Obama’s trying to do.  Until Reagan, everything was hunky-dory.  The Republicans were in the minority, Watergate had happened, the Democrats are running the show for the most part. I tell you, as far as the Democrat Party, the American left, and a lot of Republican establishment people, the Reagan eight years did turn this country upside down in a whole bunch of ways, and a lot of them have not gotten over it.

Obama’s written about Reagan and how much he admired him but despised his policies.  Reagan was admired by Obama for becoming a transformational president, changing the ideological trajectory of the country.  And he wants to do the same thing.  You run into a lot of pitfalls trying to compare Obama to Reagan in any way you want, it’s not a really fair thing to do to Reagan.  But the point is that what Reagan did policy-wise upset the insiders, the ruling class like we don’t understand even now.  But that is why the entire Obama presidency is not seen as Obama in charge of anything.  Whatever policies Obama has enacted have nothing to do with the current state of the economy or the country.  It’s an amazing feat, folks.

Look, I don’t want to be too redundant.  We’ve talked about it all week, but this couldn’t happen without a slavishly compliant, activist media, and it couldn’t happen without a Republican Party willing to bend over, grab the ankles and just basically cave on everything.  And I think the racial component, first African-American president, gives him a lot of cover as well.  But don’t doubt me on this.  His is a perpetual campaign.  He’s never seen as governing.  That is the key.  Therefore his policies are not at all responsible for what is happening.  He’s seen totally as somebody fighting all of this, and particularly among the low-information voters and strategists like this woman you just heard, low-information, who vote for him.

RUSH: I do want to go back and cover something here, and we’ve talked about it all week. But based on the reaction that I’m getting from Snerdley, who’s 25 feet away from me, I don’t think I did it. Now, admittedly, he’s been screening calls while I’ve been doing the program. But I don’t know that Snerdley fully comprehends, and he’s right here.

So if he doesn’t fully comprehend what I’ve been trying to say, you may not, and it is profoundly important. I want to go back to Tuesday the 12th of February. There was a story in the New York Times and the headline was all it took. I have been trying to understand something for four-plus years, just like you have. Actually, I’ve been trying to understand it longer than that. I’ve been trying to understand it since the Clinton years.

I have been trying to understand how it is that Democrats in the White House are never tied to the performance of the country’s economy or anything else, how it is they are never linked to it. Yet every Republican is. Whatever happened economically during George Bush’s eight years, he and he alone was responsible for it. Barack Obama has had nothing to do with whatever has gone wrong in this economy since 2009, as far as voters are concerned.

I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why. In the process of tearing my hair out, I’ve been trying to figure out ways to connect with those people who we’ve now named low-information voters, to try to open their eyes in some way and have them understand what they don’t understand now, or have them see what they don’t see now. Persuasion, that is a huge task. There are not very many people that can do it on a mass basis, and even fewer on an individual basis.

It’s a very hard thing to really talk somebody out of what they think they know, things that have become almost core beliefs. But I must tell you: Just like you, I have sat here since the Clinton years and I have been have alternately, shocked, stunned, depressed, angry, you name it, over how Democrats are never ever linked to the effect their policies have on people. I’ve wondered, how in the world have they made people believe that they’re not responsible when they hold all the power?

When it is their policies that are causing jobs to be lost, their policies causing taxes to go up, their policies resulting in the loss of liberty and freedom, their policies that are responsible for gas prices going up and housing values plummeting, how is it that they have never been held accountable? Obama is the king of this. When I saw this headline in the New York Times… There were two things, but the dominant one was this headline in the New York Times.

We had had polling data from Gallup the day before, on Monday, and the Gallup poll shows that on every issue except for one, which was national defense, a majority of people disagree with Obama’s policies. It’s not even close. Fifty-two percent here, 57% there, 64% there disagree with Obama’s policy. Yet he was reelected, and yet people do not hold him accountable for what’s happening. They disagree! They’re informed enough to know what his policies are, and they’re informed enough to know that they’re not good.

But they don’t connect those policies to him, in terms of how the country’s functioning. So this headline in the New York Times: “Polls Show Dissatisfaction with Country’s Direction But Support for Obama’s Agenda.” Now, I can’t tell you what it was, but that headline shone the light on 20 years of frustration, and I finally got it. It finally made sense. The only way it can make sense to you is if you, as I did, totally abandon yourself from the requirement that common sense be part of any education.

How in the world can poll after poll show massive disagreement with Obama’s policies, and poll after poll show dissatisfaction with the direction the country is going, but poll after poll find support for Obama’s agenda? You know, the first reaction you have is, “This country has got to be populated by a bunch of genuine, absolute morons.” That’s the first reaction you have. But then you have to throw that out because there has to be something more than that, and I finally cracked it.

He is not associated with his policies. Or better stated, his agenda, his policies that people disagree with are not associated — there’s no causal relationship — with Obama’s policies and what’s happening in the country. So you say, “Well, why is that? How does that happen? How does anybody get away with that?” And then the second light went off, and it was this: He’s never, ever seen as governing! He’s always campaigning against the very things he’s causing.

He’s out there promising to create jobs, while destroying the market, but people don’t see him destroying the market. We gotta face it. What they hear is, “Obama’s working hard to create jobs.” He had the jobs summit. He says we’re not going to do anything that’s gonna add a dime to the deficit, yet the deficit keeps going up. What I had to come to grips with is, a majority of people who vote think somebody else is doing all this.

Now, how does that happen?

How does Obama make that happen?

It goes back again to the fact that he is not seen as in charge of this. It’s not so much that he’s an outsider, but the constant campaign mode allows him to constantly be seen as running against everything that’s happening. If he ever assumed the role of governing — and that includes if he ever, say, compromised and made an agreement with the Republicans — that would end the idea that he is not attached to what happens.

That’s why there will never be any compromise with the Republicans. That’s why there will not be any bipartisanship. No matter what happens on any issue, legislatively or otherwise, when it’s all done, Obama is gonna run around the country after whatever was signed and start campaigning against the dastardly, mean stuff that was just done to him. With a slavish, supportive, compliant, involved media, he’s able to create this illusion and to continue to present it and sell it. So Megyn Kelly did story on this yesterday.

She had a couple people in, and I want to replay the sound bite from one of her guests, a Democrat strategerist by the name of Tara Dowdell.  Megyn Kelly said (paraphrasing), “At what point do the voters of this country finally look at Obama and say, ‘You know what?  It is your fault.'”  Or, “You know what, Mr. President, you are running the country, you are accountable.”  ‘Cause we’re five years into his presidency, and he’s not accountable to anything, folks, as far as the people of this country are concerned.  She’s asking this Democrat strategist, when’s that gonna happen?  When is he gonna be held accountable?

DOWDELL:  I go back further than George W. Bush.  I think our economy has been in decline for 30 years.  We’ve had a huge gap between people who have money in the United States and people who don’t.  That’s been going on far beyond George Bush.  But I think that people recognize that dynamic, but at the same time, of course they want the president to be out there fighting.  But where I disagree with Tony is, what’s wrong with taking your message and pushing your agenda to the people?  If we’re saying government is the about people, then why not ask the people to get involved and get engaged in our democracy?

RUSH: Now, that answer is an entire disconnect from reality just as Obama’s presidency is a disconnect from reality.  Obama’s presidency has no relationship to reality whatsoever.  But this woman has really made my point.  The way Obama looks at this country is, it was unjustly founded, it was immorally founded, it was a racist country, it favored the few privileged that happened to be white, and those people set up a system, the founding fathers, to make sure that they got to keep most of what was produced.  The precious few got most of it, and then everybody else just got the crumbs. So this country’s been a 200-plus-year mistake, and he’s out trying to fix it now.  And that’s what his perpetual presidency, which is a campaign, is all about.  Trying to right those injustices, trying to correct all these wrongs that have been going on for 200 years. But the focus point in the modern era is the Reagan years.

That’s when everything went south. That’s when it got worse than ever, ’cause that’s when Reagan really let it be known that all he cared about was the rich people.  This is what history revisionists have written.  Of course none of this is true.  That doesn’t matter for this discussion.  The history revisionists have seen to it that Reagan was the exact opposite of what he was.  For example, it was Ronald Reagan, when he took office, the top marginal tax rate was 70%.  By the time he left office it was 28%.  Revenues to the Treasury doubled.  Ronald Reagan did more to elevate lower, middle-income people than anything that had been done prior.  But what is written about him is just the exact opposite.  And this woman, this Democrat strategist, I don’t think knows the truth.

I think she’s been educated, informed, whatever, she’s living the lie, and now she’s out talking about the lie.  But to her it isn’t one.  She really believes Ronald Reagan’s the focus of modern evil, and before him, the Founding Fathers were.  This country’s been unjust and immoral from the beginning, capitalism has never been the fair way to do it, and so Obama is seen as the first president to really come along and seriously to try to fix all this.  And that’s why he’s apologizing for the country, and that’s why he’s running around at every step he can, pointing out the problems, the injustices.  And he’s seen as fixing it.  At the same time he’s made himself out to be Santa Claus.

By the way, did you see Boehner?  When did we say that Obama was like Santa Claus?  It was the day after the election.  “You can’t beat Santa Claus.”  The Speaker of the House figured this out yesterday.  John Boehner actually said that Obama’s trying to make himself ought to be Santa Claus.  So at some point it all clicks for people.  Eventually they will get it.  But polls show dissatisfaction with the country’s direction, support for Obama’s agenda.  The only way to understand this — and it defies common sense, you have to set that aside.  The only way to understand it is people do not hold him accountable.  He will never be seen as governing.  Now, you may think, “Rush, that’s not possible.  He’s president.”  Look at what he does.  He’s constantly campaigning.  He’s constantly running against something.  He’s constantly warning people of the danger and the evil that’s lurking out there unless he does something, unless we come together to do something.”

Remember: No one says more and does less than Barack Obama!

Barack Obama: Nobody does NOTHING better!

‘Logical’ conclusions….






As I typically do nearly every day, I enjoy perusing the thoughts and opinions from various sources. Recently, I’ve again noticed (as it’s really nothing new, mind you) how the media structures “news” to fit “the agenda”…the template. The theme du jour seems to be excusing the situation or the facts…promoting the idea that we need to “re-examine” the way we view matters, etc., etc., etc. It doesn’t matter if the facts are the facts, there HAS to be some other culprit…some other reason why they are what they are…

Rush Limbaugh hit the nail on the head when he pointed this out on his program yesterday. The economy CONTRACTS and the media and the Democrats try to structure a distressing situation to their liking:

“President Barack Obama will let his jobs council expire this week without renewing its charter, winding down one source of input from the business community even as unemployment remains stubbornly high.”  The GDP contracted, unemployment compensation requests for unemployment checks increased.  I have another AP story today — they’re calling the contraction — I kid you not here — they’re calling the contraction in gross domestic product “growth.”  They are describing economic growth in terms of the contraction.”

“When Obama in January 2011 formed his Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, unemployment was hovering above 9 percent. Two years later, more than 12 million people in the U.S. are out of work. The unemployment rate has fallen to 7.8 percent, but both parties agree that’s still too high.”  But it’s good enough.  So we could close down the jobs council… (laughing) The reason I laugh — I know you know why — the jobs council, I’ll guarantee you, when they met, what kind of input would they give?  It’s silly.  We all know how to create jobs.  Do the exact opposite of what Obama does.  There isn’t any pro-growth policy taking place.  I sound like a broken record.  I think it’s hilarious the jobs council shut down, ’cause we’re now supposed to accept, okay, well, this is the new norm. Mission accomplished.”



“Bloomberg News.  Now that the gross domestic product is contracting, i.e., the economy’s shrinking, Bloomberg’s editors have decided that GDP is an imperfect measure of progress.  Just ten hours after a government report showed that the economy went into contraction for the first time in three years during the fourth quarter last year, an item written by the editors at Bloomberg News appeared last night which basically said, you know, you people that focus on GDP are making a mistake.  That’s an imperfect measure of economic activity and progress. We need to be looking at indicators — I kid you not — of social progress or human happiness.  So in measuring economic output, in measuring economic activity, the GDP, ah, it’s old-fashioned, doesn’t work, never was all that accurate.  You shouldn’t rely on that.  Don’t pay any attention.  It’s an imperfect measure of progress.

Instead, we should refocus and look at the indicators of social progress or human happiness. So it’s the usual case: When things go south, the problem is the way we measure it. When the news is bad, the problem is how the news is determined (laughing), not the actual news. So we’re gonna have to change the mechanism by which we measure the economy because it’s not showing the economy in a good enough light to reflect the magnificence of our esteemed leader, “Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!”

“Now, two stories on the unemployment front. It is Thursday, and that’s why we have unemployment news. First off, our old buddy Christopher Rugaber at the AP. Headline: “Weekly US Jobless Aid Applications Rise to 368,000 — The number of Americans seeking unemployment aid rose sharply last week but remained at a level consistent with moderate hiring.” See? We gotta change the way we measure this.”

The number of Americans out of work and filing for unemployment benefits went up big time, but that still indicates that there’s “moderate hiring” taking place. (interruption) Poor Rachel. She’s in for Dawn today. Rachel’s in there and she’s kind of shaking her head like your dog looks at you, kind of curious, not sure what you’re saying but is excited to try and understand. No, it’s tough. The number of people out of work — the number of people asking for welfare benefits, unemployment compensation checks — skyrocketed.

The AP says: Hey, that’s well within our range here that shows there’s moderate hiring taking place!

It’s the Twilight Zone.

It’s surreal.”



It’s definitely the Twilight Zone. It’s the twilight of the United States as we know it! And Barack Obama is unabashedly contributing to out demise with every day he is in office!….


"Actually, I've completely lost touch with reality.."

“Actually, I’ve completely lost touch with reality..”

If you want MORE sobering news, check this out from The Economic Collapse:


our ‘leaders’ seem very confused about what is happening…
