Incompetence on Parade


From The Daily Beast…

This is Obama’s Last Foreign Policy Chance – Leslie H. Gelb

The failure of Obama or Biden to show up in Paris made clear that most of the president’s team can’t be trusted to conduct U.S national security policy and must be replaced—at once.
Here’s why America’s failure to be represented at the Paris unity march was so profoundly disturbing. It wasn’t just because President Obama’s or Vice President Biden’s absence was a horrendous gaffe. More than this, it demonstrated beyond argument that the Obama team lacks the basic instincts and judgment necessary to conduct U.S. national security policy in the next two years. It’s simply too dangerous to let Mr. Obama continue as is—with his current team and his way of making decisions. America, its allies, and friends could be heading into one of the most dangerous periods since the height of the Cold War.


Mr. Obama will have to excuse most of his inner core, especially in the White House. He will have to replace them with strong and strategic people of proven foreign policy experience. He’ll also need to seed the Defense and State Departments with new top people serving directly as senior advisers to the secretaries. And he also will need to set up regular consultations—not the usual phony ones—with the two key Senate leaders in this field, Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker and Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, two people who can really improve his decisions and bolster his credibility. Many will be tempted to dismiss these crash solutions as several bridges too far, as simply unrealistic. But hear me out. It can be made much more plausible than it seems at first blush. What’s more, if Mr. Obama doesn’t do something along the lines of what’s proposed here, he and we are in for unmanageable trouble.

Before I continue, I have to tell you that I’ve never made such extreme and far-reaching proposals in all my years in this business. I’ve never proposed such a drastic overhaul. But if you think hard about how Mr. Obama and his team handled this weekend in Paris, I think you’ll see I’m not enjoying a foreign policy neurological breakdown.

It was an absolute no-brainer for either Mr. Obama or Mr. Biden personally to show the American flag on the streets of Paris. Of course every senior staff person should have recommended it three seconds after the news of the Parisian horrors. So far as we know, none did. Sure, this was an inexplicable and utter staff failure, but the president and the vice president shouldn’t have required anyone to tell them what to do in this situation. It was, after all, about terrorism, the main issue of the era. If all these top officials blew this obvious decision, shudder at how they’ll handle the hard ones.

First, Mr. Obama will have to thank his senior National Security Council team and replace them. The must-gos include National Security Adviser Susan Rice, Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, chief speech writer/adviser Ben Rhodes, and foreign policy guru without portfolio Valerie Jarrett. They can all be replaced right away, and their successors won’t require senatorial confirmation.



Mr. Obama will not be a lesser man but a greater man if he recognizes what’s at stake and accepts the help he must have to ensure our survival.
Here’s who could succeed them and inspire great confidence immediately at home and abroad: first rate former top officials and proven diplomats Thomas Pickering, Winston Lord, and Frank Wisner; Republicans with sterling records like Robert Zoellick, Rich Armitage, Robert Kimmitt, and Richard Burt; or a rising young Democrat of proven ability and of demonstrated Cabinet-level quality, Michele Flournoy. Any one of them would make a huge difference from Day 1 in a top role. Others among them could be brought on to the NSC as senior advisers without portfolio to take the lead on specific problems. These are not just my personal opinions about these individuals; they are practically universal ones.

The State Department really needs help, too. Anthony Blinken, the new No. 2 there, is quite good and should stay. But Secretary of State John Kerry has been described even by the faithful in this administration as quixotic. Any of those mentioned above for the top NSC job could also serve as senior advisers without portfolio to Kerry and Blinken. But they would have to be given real access and authority. Even if they could only do their advising two or three days a week, these are the kind of people who carry most of the relevant information in their heads already, and their experience is unmatched.


Ashton Carter, the defense secretary to be, will be very strong and very good, but he too could use some senior national security/foreign policy advisers to help him through the long list of problems. Particularly good in this role would be Dov Zakheim, a Pentagon undersecretary in a Republican administration. He knows budgets and policy. Carter could also take aboard first rate retired military minds such as Mike Mullen, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and Jack Keane, the former vice chief of staff of the Army.
And Mr. Obama also has a great opportunity that he should try his best to pursue: establishing a genuine working relationship with two new senatorial power brokers. Bob Corker and John McCain really know their stuff and are very good heads. Nothing can stop McCain from going beyond acceptable limits of critiquing Mr. Obama, and if he’s determined to do it so be it, but he has the knowledge and often the good instincts to really improve the president’s defense policies. This can work only if McCain accepts that he is not president of the United States and commander in chief. At some point, he’d have to be a team player as he has proved he can be. Corker is much more self-controlled and a very wise head on foreign policy. The more Americans get to know him in the coming years, the more this gem of a public servant will be recognized.

Finally, Mr. Obama will need the usual wise men for regular informal consultation: Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and James Baker.

These suggestions are all ad hoc and a bit helter-skelter. But no one can figure out how to make the present Obama team work, and I haven’t heard other solutions.

In the end, making the national security system work comes down to one factor, one man—Barack Obama. He’s the key problem, and he’s the only one who can bring about a solution. He’s such a closed person. He’s first rate as an intellectual thinker, but he thinks about problems as an intellectual and not as a policy maker and a leader. Alas, that’s just too clear. He also doesn’t like to be challenged with give and take. If he were to bring in the kind of people I suggest, he would have to resolve at the outset to give them a full hearing and tangible respect for their views.

The world’s challenges to America today are not mere distractions from domestic priorities. They are gut challenges to our national security in the Middle East, with Russia and China, and with the terrorist threat inside and outside our borders. The terrorism and cyber warfare challenges in particular imperil our very survival.


Mr. Obama will not be a lesser man but a greater man if he recognizes what’s at stake and accepts the help he must have to ensure our survival. End of story.

‘Are We There Yet?’

File photo of Obama and Biden in Wilmington

I know this is a foolish question, but do you ever feel as if your concerns about government, our national future, your children’s future, is all just a big joke to our Washington politicians? THEIR concerns are NOT yours. THEIR day to day is NOTHING like yours. Barack Obama and Joe Biden, two of THE MOST DISCONNECTED individuals to grace the executive branch of government, haven’t the slightest CLUE what worries most Americans. And the sad part is, they don’t seem to care.

So, I’m left to ask if we’re there yet…Have we reached the point where our collective disgust will prompt us to make serious changes, come the next election? Possibly. Likely? I doubt it.

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)

This latest ridiculous example of how out of touch those that purport to serve really are, is the Senate Democrats and their all night session discussing climate change with California’s loony Barbara Boxer leading the way! No matter where your beliefs fall on that issue, an all nighter on the matter is a glittering jewel of how these moronic, arrogant individuals avoid the more pressing, serious issues of the day. They don’t have the fortitude and they lack the personal integrity it takes to tackle the serious problems of the here and now. The national debt, unemployment, the IRS targeting, the NSA spying fiasco, our shrinking presence on the international stage, and the disparaging of our military. Americans struggle to pay bills and provide…if they’re fortunate enough to find work. Yet, the Senate Democrats would MUCH prefer to literally lend lip service to “CLIMATE CHANGE”! Other talking points, such as “immigration reform”, “gay marriage” “gender equality”…the list goes on and on… are not to be diminished in their own right. But, we face endangerments to our nation as a whole that threaten our existence. They don’t seem to matter to those that lack the guts to face the truth.

On top of all of that, let’s not forget we’re all a bunch of liars and ‘tea baggers’…..


Whatever works best for the this that voting block…to this constituency. That’s what matters to Washington. Republican AND Democrat. Whatever they can tell you that will perpetuate the lie. That’s what sells..and guarantees their future in office.

So…it seems the joke’s on us. We send these idiots back to Washington time and time again. And the cycle continues. We’re on a fast track to nowhere. Eventually we will slam into the brick wall of reality. And that’s NOT going to be a pretty sight. The signs are all there. The question is whether we have the wisdom to heed the warnings. As things are now, I think we all know the answer to that question…

In the meantime, the joke continues in Washington…












Just remember….if we don’t want more of this…


It’s time we did this (and it applies to some Republicans, too!)…


Remembering …or FORGETTING..2013!

Not exactly one of the better years for our nation no matter where you fall in the political spectrum. The idiocy of Obamacare took center stage. And I believe it’s safe to say it’s every bit the DISASTER it was predicted to be. And the scary part?’s just beginning!

With the year’s end, thought it would be pertinent to relive some of the high points of 2013 in the form of idiotic quotes from prominent Democrats! Courtesy of STUPID STUFF DEMOCRATS SAY on Facebook…

"We need more gun laws because we don’t have time to enforce the ones we have." ~ Joe Biden (D) Delaware

“We need more gun laws because we don’t have time to enforce the ones we have.” ~ Joe Biden (D) Delaware

“I don’t know if you know the genesis of the right to bear arms. The Second Amendment comes from the right to protect themselves from slave revolts, and from uprisings by Native Americans. A revolt from people who were stolen from their land or revolt from people whose land was stolen from, that’s what the genesis of the second amendment is.” ~ Danny Glover

“I don’t know if you know the genesis of the right to bear arms. The Second Amendment comes from the right to protect themselves from slave revolts, and from uprisings by Native Americans. A revolt from people who were stolen from their land or revolt from people whose land was stolen from, that’s what the genesis of the second amendment is.” ~ Danny Glover

"There's been lots of people that have been shot by an unloaded gun, and whether it's loaded or not, it still presents a threat." ~ CouncilwomanSandy Sheedy (D) Sacramento,California

“There’s been lots of people that have been shot by an unloaded gun, and whether it’s loaded or not, it still presents a threat.” ~ Councilwoman Sandy Sheedy (D) Sacramento,California

"We don’t need to be having something like sequestration that’s going to cause these jobs losses, over 170 million jobs that could be lost." ~ Rep. Maxine Waters (D) California

“We don’t need to be having something like sequestration that’s going to cause these jobs losses, over 170 million jobs that could be lost.” ~ Rep. Maxine Waters (D) California

"The United States could owe an infinite amount of money and there is no specific amount that would cause the country to default." ~ Mayor Michael Bloomberg,  New York

“The United States could owe an infinite amount of money and there is no specific amount that would cause the country to default.” ~ Mayor Michael Bloomberg, New York

Believe me, as a busy single mother... er, I shouldn't say single. When you have a husband who's president it can feel a little single... but he's there." ~First Lady  Michelle Obama (D) Illinois

“Believe me, as a busy single mother… er, I shouldn’t say single. When you have a husband who’s president it can feel a little single… but he’s there.” ~First Lady Michelle Obama (D) Illinois

"Global warming for food insecure women with limited socioeconomic resources may be vulnerable to situations such as sex work, transactional sex, and early marriage that put them at risk for HIV, STIs, unplanned pregnancy, and poor reproductive health." ~ Rep. Barbara Lee (D) California

“Global warming for food insecure women with limited socioeconomic resources may be vulnerable to situations such as sex work, transactional sex, and early marriage that put them at risk for HIV, STIs, unplanned pregnancy, and poor reproductive health.” ~ Rep. Barbara Lee (D) California

“Detroit, Michigan, used to be really a symbol of industrial strength and manufacturing in this country. But, thanks to a lot of Republican policies, the city is now filing for bankruptcy." ~ Ed Schultz MSNBC

“Detroit, Michigan, used to be really a symbol of industrial strength and manufacturing in this country. But, thanks to a lot of Republican policies, the city is now filing for bankruptcy.” ~ Ed Schultz MSNBC

"You know what I heard... that it's not black on black crime that's killing kids in Chicago, it's actually cops shooting those kids." ~ SR Monique Davis (D) Illinois

“You know what I heard… that it’s not black on black crime that’s killing kids in Chicago, it’s actually cops shooting those kids.” ~ SR Monique Davis (D) Illinois

"Tea Party'ers are the same group who fought for segregation during the Civil Rights movement. It is the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police. They didn't care about how they looked." ~ Rep. Charlie Rangel (D) New York

“Tea Party’ers are the same group who fought for segregation during the Civil Rights movement. It is the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police. They didn’t care about how they looked.” ~ Rep. Charlie Rangel (D) New York


"Men often do need maternity care." ~ Kathleen Sebelius, HHS Director under Obama

“Men often do need maternity care.” ~ Kathleen Sebelius, HHS Director under Obama


"It's not MY credibility that's on the line... it's YOUR credibility, and AMERICA's credibility that's on the line." ~ Obama (D) Illinois, September 4, 2013

“It’s not MY credibility that’s on the line… it’s YOUR credibility, and AMERICA’s credibility that’s on the line.” ~ Obama (D) Illinois, September 4, 2013


These few examples represent just the TIP of the iceberg! And lest you forget, THESE are the people in charge..making decisions..influencing decisions! It is a frightening thought to consider that so MANY Americans live their lives based upon what these idiotic and DANGEROUS individuals say and do!…

Hopefully,  2014 will see a badly needed injection of common sense in government. But, if I were betting on that possibility, the odds are I would lose.


Lack of Awareness….


On top of our nation struggling through 2 terms of a disastrous President Obama, we are constantly reminded he’s never “aware” of what’s going on in HIS administration!

"President Barack Obama told Merkel that he was not aware her phone was being bugged, or he would have stopped it." - The Verge, 10/26/13

“President Barack Obama told Merkel that he was not aware her phone was being bugged, or he would have stopped it.” – The Verge, 10/26/13

"The president told a news conference this week that operating the IRS in “anything less than a neutral and non-partisan way” would be “outrageous,” and he quickly added that he wouldn’t tolerate it. He also said he wasn’t aware of it until recently and there is no suggestion the White House was behind the idea." - The Raleigh Telegram 5/15/13

“The president told a news conference this week that operating the IRS in “anything less than a neutral and non-partisan way” would be “outrageous,” and he quickly added that he wouldn’t tolerate it. He also said he wasn’t aware of it until recently and there is no suggestion the White House was behind the idea.” – The Raleigh Telegram 5/15/13


" Either the President was fully aware of the extent of the NSA’s criminal activities, which violate both domestic and international law, and was willing to go along with them or the NSA has amassed so much power in Washington that it literally operates outside the chain of command and above the rule of law. In either case, we face a tyrannical force the likes of which have never been seen in the United States before." - The Rutherford Institute 10/30/13

” Either the President was fully aware of the extent of the NSA’s criminal activities, which violate both domestic and international law, and was willing to go along with them or the NSA has amassed so much power in Washington that it literally operates outside the chain of command and above the rule of law. In either case, we face a tyrannical force the likes of which have never been seen in the United States before.” – The Rutherford Institute 10/30/13


"Vice President Joseph Biden speaks only for himself and President Barack Obama, and neither man was aware that U.S. officials in Libya had asked the State Department for more security before the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, a top White House official told The Cable." - Foreign Policy 10/12/13

“Vice President Joseph Biden speaks only for himself and President Barack Obama, and neither man was aware that U.S. officials in Libya had asked the State Department for more security before the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, a top White House official told The Cable.” – Foreign Policy 10/12/13

"In an interview with CNN Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius claimed that President Obama was not aware that problems may arise with the Obamacare exchange website, and that he had only learned about the issues in “the first couple of days” after the October 1 launch." - The Daily Sheeple 10/23/13

“In an interview with CNN Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius claimed that President Obama was not aware that problems may arise with the Obamacare exchange website, and that he had only learned about the issues in “the first couple of days” after the October 1 launch.” – The Daily Sheeple 10/23/13



I’m certain there’s more…

It just astounds me how THIS administration’s incompetence is given a pass, an excuse, and matter how vital, how serious, or how dangerous a national situation can be. President Barack Obama and his cabinet, his staff, his ENTIRE administration seems to be comprised in clueless and careless individuals. The most frightening aspect is this all could very well, and may likely be, intentional. THAT is an extreme possibility. But, a possibility, none the less!


‘Washington’ Seems to be missing the point!…


Barack Obama





















The ONLY point they can understand..and the ONLY one that counts!

The ONLY point they can understand..and the ONLY one that counts!



Absolutely LOVED this reader’s response to a WSJ piece about our IDIOTIC vice president and his recent trip to Iowa! She sums up the frustrations of millions of Americans in a few sentences…

“Vice President Joe Biden visited Iowa with a message about the administration’s “laser focus” on the middle class (“Biden Draws the Spotlight in Iowa,” U.S. News, Sept. 16). That explains a lot.

The job market is dismal in historic terms. ObamaCare is restricting employee hours and the wages that go with them. The administration’s regulatory environment can be described as seek and destroy, so start a business at your own risk.

We in the middle class are pretty well toasted, Mr. Biden. Perhaps you could “laser focus” on someone else for a while.

Teresa Blackwell

Austin, Texas “


Send in the Clowns….don’t bother, they’re here…


As is ALWAYS the case, the Washington establishment (i.e. the Democrats) are all in a tizzy over the antics of a rodeo clown in Missouri who happened to perform in an Obama mask. Again, as is ALWAYS the case, they can express outrage and disgust over such trivial, insignificant matters while ignoring the REAL, EVERYDAY, SERIOUS PROBLEMS this nation faces. They lack the fortitude and courage to tackle these problems. Much preferring to lie to the American people day after day after day.

If you think a rodeo clown is the problem, he’s got NOTHING compared to the morons running the show in Washington!

Sen. Clair McCaskill (D-MO)

Sen. Clair McCaskill (D-MO)

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)

(Fmr) Sec. of State and Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY)

(Fmr) Sec. of State and Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY)

Attorney General Eric Holder

Attorney General Eric Holder

Vice President Joe Biden (D)

Vice President Joe Biden (D)

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)

Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

The President is right....

The President is right….

You tell me where the REAL problem lies….

Clueless and Classless…

The title of this piece may have been used before. But, it accurately describes the subject matter nonetheless.

I’ve never been one to underestimate the stupidity of the American public. I know that’s a sweeping generalization. However, with the ever increasing number of idiots out there, it’s becoming more difficult to find any semblance of common sense. Witness the 2012 election! Barack Obama, easily the most dangerous and disastrous President to occupy the Oval Office, was handed a second term by a majority of Americans who know little more than anything about him beyond his celebrity status. And the sad part…they don’t WANT to know! They were willing to sacrifice the fabric of our society to empower an individual who continuously lies to them with vague promises and empty rhetoric.

But, I’m getting off track here…

The End of the American Dream blog has compiled a list of 19 items offering proof at the ignorance the American people have eagerly embraced. I’ve decided to add illustrations for those unable to grasp the context here!


Are we too stupid to continue as a nation?  That may seem like a harsh question, but I think that it is one that we need to ask.  Even though we have more access to information today than ever before, it seems like the U.S. population just keeps becoming more ignorant.  So at what point does a society become so “dumbed-down” that it can no longer function effectively?  We like to complain about our leaders, but the truth is that we are the ones that elected them.  They are a reflection of who we are as a society.  And when you compare Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner to men like George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, they don’t fare too well.  Sadly, the truth is that most of our founding fathers would not have a prayer of being elected today.  Instead, they would be labeled as crazy “extremists” for insisting that we follow the U.S. Constitution.  In our entertainment-addicted society, Lady Gaga would have a much greater chance of being elected president today than George Washington would.  That is how far we have fallen.

"I won?...really?...what did I win?.."

“I won?…really?…what did I win?..”


Perhaps you think that I am being overly pessimistic.

Perhaps you think that I should have more faith in the American people.

Well, just consider the evidence.  The following are 19 surveys which prove that a large chunk of the population is made up of totally clueless sheeple


#1 One survey found that 56 percent of Americans believe that it is okay for the government to track “the telephone records of millions of Americans” in order to keep us safe.  Apparently those people have never heard of the Fourth Amendment.


#2 When Bush was president, 61 percent of Democrats considered NSA surveillance to be “unacceptable”, but now that Obama is in the White House, only 34 percent of them consider it to be “unacceptable”.

A drone designed and constructed by Concepcion University and the Chilean army is seen during a flight test at Concepcion city

#3 67 percent of Americans support the use of unmanned drones in “homeland security missions” inside the United States.  What’s next?  Will there be “security robots” that stand in the corner and watch us as we eat dinner with our families?

airport-security#4 Close to one-third of all Americans would be willing to submit to a “TSA body cavity search” in order to fly.

Yeah..these people look like a real threat...

Yeah..these people look like a real threat…

#5 20 percent of all government workers and 26 percent of all Obama supporters consider the Tea Party to be “the biggest terror threat” that America is facing.

#6 89.7 percent of Americans believe that they are eating a healthy diet.  Meanwhile, approximately 36 percent of all Americans are obese.
#7 29 percent of Americans believe that “cloud computing” involves an actual cloud.
#8 One survey found that 42 percent of all Americans are unaware that Obamacare is law.

#9 The average American watches 28 hours of television every week.

#10 According to a survey conducted by the National Geographic Society, only 37 percent of all Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 can find the nation of Iraq on a map.
#11 Close to 25 percent of all Americans do not know that the United States declared independence from Great Britain.

#12 We are the most doped up nation in the history of the planet.  As I wrote about recently, a survey conducted by the Mayo Clinic found that 70 percent of all Americans are on at least one prescription drug.  An astounding 20 percent of all Americans are on at least five prescription drugs.

#13 According to one survey, 24 percent of all U.S. teens that have a sexually-transmitted disease say that they still have unprotected sex.

#14 Approximately one out of every five teenage girls in the United States actually wants to be a teenage mother.

#15 As I noted the other day48 percent of all Americans do not have any emergency supplies stored up at all.
#16 One survey found that 51 percent of all Americans agree with this statement: “it is necessary to give up some civil liberties in order to make the country safe from terrorism.”
#17 According to a Bloomberg survey, only 16 percent of Americans believe that the Federal Reserve should be abolished.
#18 29 percent of all Americans cannot recall the name of the vice-president of the country.
#19 In 2008, the American people voted to send Barack Obama to the White House.  After four years of watching everything that he did during his first term, the American people turned around and gave him another four years.
As a nation, we no longer seem to care much about what the U.S. Constitution actually says.  When our politicians tell us that they want to ignore large sections of the Constitution, we just shrug and go along with it.

And we have completely abandoned the values and the principles that this country was founded on.  Our society bears very little resemblance to 18th century America, and we like it that way.  We like to think that we have “progressed” far beyond where they were at, but the truth is that our country is coming apart at the seams all around us.


In this day and age, it is imperative that Americans learn to think for themselves.  Way too many Americans are just like sheep – they just blindly follow the herd.

It is time to break out of “the matrix” and to start seeing things for how they really are.  Our nation is crumbling and our leaders are taking us down a path toward oblivion.  We need to wake up our fellow Americans while there is still time.”
Sometimes it takes pointing out the absurdity to see the obvious…..

Jig’s up!….

As the Obama administration seems to be coming apart at the seams, the key players react to Benghazi, the AP phone records scandal, and the I.R.S. selected targeting…


"Hey!..I'm just the President..I don't know anything about any of this.."

“Hey!..I’m just the President..I don’t know anything about any of this..”


"Hey..if the President doesn't know anything, then I CERTAINLY don't know anything..about anything.."

“Hey..if the President doesn’t know anything, then I CERTAINLY don’t know anything..about anything..”


"How many times do I have to say it..I AM not and will NEVER be honest about what I know.."

“How many times do I have to say it..I AM not and will NEVER be honest about what I know..”


"I'm not known as the most worthless cabinet member in the administration for nothing..Of course, I'm actually fully knowledgable about Fast and Furious, the AP phone records seizures, AND the I.R.S. practices.."

“I’m not known as the most worthless cabinet member in the administration for nothing..Of course, I’m actually fully knowledgable about Fast and Furious, the AP phone records seizures, AND the I.R.S. practices..”


"It is true that I really haven't a clue about national security...or any of that stuff.."

“It is true that I really haven’t a clue about national security…or any of that stuff..”


"'s true...I AM the power behind Barack Obama..of course, many of you have always suspected that..."

“’s true…I AM the power behind Barack Obama..of course, many of you have always suspected that…”


"I will continue to advise the President to spin and's what works for us..."

“I will continue to advise the President to spin and’s what works for us…”


"Hey, as long as I can be a mouthpiece for the administration and spread the lies, I will continue to do so..."

“Hey, as long as I can be a mouthpiece for the administration and spread the lies, I will continue to do so…”


"It's my job to reiterate the lies of the President and this administration to the American people through you morons in the press.."

“It’s my job to reiterate the lies of the President and this administration to the American people through you morons in the press..”



I think it’s well past the time to realize the enemies of the state continue to be just that….