Little Did We Know!….

Boy!…If there was ever an understatement!…

I am referring to our nation’s biggest mistake…the election of Barack Obama. Not once, but TWICE!

"We will learn soon enough just how President Obama and his group can deliver on his lofty campaign promises!" - Vanity Fair, March 2009

“We will learn soon enough just how President Obama and his group can deliver on his lofty campaign promises!” – Vanity Fair, March 2009

This was a foolish quote I stumbled upon while going through some back issues of Vanity Fair magazine. I usually purchased the “Hollywood Issue” each year in time for the Academy Awards. It just happened the March 2009 issue was out to coincide with the new Obama administration’s first months in office.

Being the good liberal publication it is, Vanity Fair was gleefully proclaiming the start of the Obama era. Profiling the cast set to take charge, most of whom have long since departed, was the focus of this issue, along with Hollywood.

Of course, as we all know, things didn’t quite turn out as Vanity Fair had hoped. We soon realized the arrogant and petulant young president was nothing like what so many had been led to believe by the media.

What stood out the most for me was this moronic remark from the now former strategist, David Axelrod…

"He's very centered and calm...The more challenging things become, the more focused he gets.." - David Axelrod, Vanity Fair, March, 2009

“He’s very centered and calm…The more challenging things become, the more focused he gets..” – David Axelrod, Vanity Fair, March, 2009

Just goes to show how you really CAN fool most of the people most of the time!….