
Though highlighted yesterday, December 3, this piece from Investors Business Daily is definitely worth your read! It makes the solid case for how out of step today’s Democrats and President Obama are with the reality that Americans face EVERY DAY in their lives!


“We keep hearing about how the Republican Party is full of radical Tea Party crazies. But our latest IBD/TIPP Poll shows that it’s Democrats who are out of touch with reality and well outside the mainstream.

The public overwhelmingly believes the country is headed in the wrong direction, that current economic policies aren’t working, that President Obama is doing a bad job, that government should be smaller and that ObamaCare should be repealed. But not Democrats.

On issue after issue, in fact, Democrats are the outliers by wide margins, according to an analysis of the December IBD/TIPP survey.

They are, by and large, Pollyanna-ish about the economy, they can see no evil when it comes to Obama or ObamaCare, and they are extremists when it comes to the size and role of the federal government.

To get a sense of just how out to lunch Democrats are these days, consider:

The economy is barely moving after four years of Obama’s “recovery,” there are millions who’ve given up looking for work, household incomes are down and poverty is up.

Not surprisingly, 64% of the public says the country is headed in the wrong direction — 71% of independents say this. But those who identify themselves as Democrats are positively upbeat. Two-thirds, in fact, are perfectly satisfied with the country’s direction.

Nor are Democrats willing to entertain any doubts about Obama. Overall, his approval rating is just 40% — just 31% of independents give him a thumbs-up. But a ridiculously high 80% of Democrats like the job Obama’s doing.

And while only 42% of independents, and just 15% of Republicans, think Obama is honest and trustworthy — a perfectly reasonable result given his blatant lies about ObamaCare — 93% of Democrats still believe in him.

Even on the obviously botched ObamaCare launch, just 27% of Democrats are willing to say he bungled it, in contrast with 97% of Republicans and 70% of independents.



It’s worth noting, too, that on question after question, Republicans and independents are more closely aligned than independents and Democrats. You can see that clearly in the charts above.

It’s true that some of these responses simply show Democrats rallying around their guy in the White House. But the fact is that Republicans were more willing to admit to George W. Bush’s faults as a leader when they emerged, and own up to a bad economy during his tenure.

On specific issues, meanwhile, it’s Democrats who are out of the mainstream these days. For example, 61% of the public wants a smaller government with fewer services — among independents, 68% want this — but 59% of Democrats want a bigger government and more services.

And while 57% of independents and 88% of Republicans want to repeal ObamaCare, only 13% of Democrats want it killed.

Outside the Democratic Party, in fact, there’s almost no support for a government takeover of the health care system.

Only 28% of independents and 8% of Republicans say the government can be trusted to run the health care system successfully. Nearly two-thirds of Democrats (64%) put their trust in the government.

The only reason Obama and his fellow Democrats aren’t constantly tagged as extreme is because the press is so far left that it treats them as reasonable centrists. Meanwhile, by skewing the polls, the increasingly radicalized Democratic Party manages to make the country appear more liberal than it really is.”



The situation is pretty clear. The nation made foolish choices in 2008 and 2012. And we’re paying the price…






Though highlighted yesterday, December 3, this piece from Investors Business Daily is definitely worth your read! It makes the solid case for how out of step today’s Democrats and President Obama are with the reality that Americans face EVERY DAY in their lives!


“We keep hearing about how the Republican Party is full of radical Tea Party crazies. But our latest IBD/TIPP Poll shows that it’s Democrats who are out of touch with reality and well outside the mainstream.

The public overwhelmingly believes the country is headed in the wrong direction, that current economic policies aren’t working, that President Obama is doing a bad job, that government should be smaller and that ObamaCare should be repealed. But not Democrats.

On issue after issue, in fact, Democrats are the outliers by wide margins, according to an analysis of the December IBD/TIPP survey.

They are, by and large, Pollyanna-ish about the economy, they can see no evil when it comes to Obama or ObamaCare, and they are extremists when it comes to the size and role of the federal government.

To get a sense of just how out to lunch Democrats are these days, consider:

The economy is barely moving after four years of Obama’s “recovery,” there are millions who’ve given up looking for work, household incomes are down and poverty is up.

Not surprisingly, 64% of the public says the country is headed in the wrong direction — 71% of independents say this. But those who identify themselves as Democrats are positively upbeat. Two-thirds, in fact, are perfectly satisfied with the country’s direction.

Nor are Democrats willing to entertain any doubts about Obama. Overall, his approval rating is just 40% — just 31% of independents give him a thumbs-up. But a ridiculously high 80% of Democrats like the job Obama’s doing.

And while only 42% of independents, and just 15% of Republicans, think Obama is honest and trustworthy — a perfectly reasonable result given his blatant lies about ObamaCare — 93% of Democrats still believe in him.

Even on the obviously botched ObamaCare launch, just 27% of Democrats are willing to say he bungled it, in contrast with 97% of Republicans and 70% of independents.



It’s worth noting, too, that on question after question, Republicans and independents are more closely aligned than independents and Democrats. You can see that clearly in the charts above.

It’s true that some of these responses simply show Democrats rallying around their guy in the White House. But the fact is that Republicans were more willing to admit to George W. Bush’s faults as a leader when they emerged, and own up to a bad economy during his tenure.

On specific issues, meanwhile, it’s Democrats who are out of the mainstream these days. For example, 61% of the public wants a smaller government with fewer services — among independents, 68% want this — but 59% of Democrats want a bigger government and more services.

And while 57% of independents and 88% of Republicans want to repeal ObamaCare, only 13% of Democrats want it killed.

Outside the Democratic Party, in fact, there’s almost no support for a government takeover of the health care system.

Only 28% of independents and 8% of Republicans say the government can be trusted to run the health care system successfully. Nearly two-thirds of Democrats (64%) put their trust in the government.

The only reason Obama and his fellow Democrats aren’t constantly tagged as extreme is because the press is so far left that it treats them as reasonable centrists. Meanwhile, by skewing the polls, the increasingly radicalized Democratic Party manages to make the country appear more liberal than it really is.”



The situation is pretty clear. The nation made foolish choices in 2008 and 2012. And we’re paying the price…

Freaky Friday!

Welcome to the end of a rather tumultuous week! Each day brings with it new surprises…and most of them NOT good! It’s a wonder we manage as best we can!…

Let’s take a look at what’s going on, shall we?!


Can you smell that?  It is the smell of panic in the air.  As I have noted before, when financial markets catch up to economic reality they tend to do so very rapidly.  ...Over the past several years they have been grossly twisted and distorted by the Federal Reserve and by the other major central banks around the globe.  Did the central bankers really believe that there wouldn't be a great price to pay for messing with the markets?  The behavior that we have been watching this week is the kind of behavior that one would expect at the beginning of a financial panic. .."

“Can you smell that? It is the smell of panic in the air. As I have noted before, when financial markets catch up to economic reality they tend to do so very rapidly. …Over the past several years they have been grossly twisted and distorted by the Federal Reserve and by the other major central banks around the globe. Did the central bankers really believe that there wouldn’t be a great price to pay for messing with the markets? The behavior that we have been watching this week is the kind of behavior that one would expect at the beginning of a financial panic. ..” – THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG



f you tweet a picture from your living room using your smartphone, you’re sharing far more than your new hairdo or the color of the wallpaper. You’re potentially revealing the exact coordinates of your house to anyone on the Internet. The GPS location information embedded in a digital photo is an example of so-called metadata, a once-obscure technical term that’s become one of Washington’s hottest new buzzwords..." - McClatchy DC

“If you tweet a picture from your living room using your smartphone, you’re sharing far more than your new hairdo or the color of the wallpaper. You’re potentially revealing the exact coordinates of your house to anyone on the Internet.
The GPS location information embedded in a digital photo is an example of so-called metadata, a once-obscure technical term that’s become one of Washington’s hottest new buzzwords…” – McClatchy DC


"I think the Republican House was put on this earth to save us from huge pieces of comprehensive legislation like this that I think are not well designed, would not work well. If we want to solve particular parts of the immigration problem, we can solve them. We can have more high-tech workers, if you want. We could have more guest workers for agriculture, if that's necessary. We could legalize the people who are here. This 1,000-page bill, which is now probably 1,100 page bill--and much more expensive bill--because of this amendment, is not a good idea.." - William Kristol @ The Weekly Standard

“I think the Republican House was put on this earth to save us from huge pieces of comprehensive legislation like this that I think are not well designed, would not work well. If we want to solve particular parts of the immigration problem, we can solve them. We can have more high-tech workers, if you want. We could have more guest workers for agriculture, if that’s necessary. We could legalize the people who are here. This 1,000-page bill, which is now probably 1,100 page bill–and much more expensive bill–because of this amendment, is not a good idea..” – William Kristol @ The Weekly Standard


After months of reassurances that the ObamaCare exchanges would be running by Oct. 1, it turns out they're well behind schedule. Truth becomes an even rarer commodity in the Obama administration." - Investor's Business Daily

“After months of reassurances that the ObamaCare exchanges would be running by Oct. 1, it turns out they’re well behind schedule. Truth becomes an even rarer commodity in the Obama administration.” – Investor’s Business Daily


The president of the Chicago Teachers Union charges that racism and "rich white people" are to blame for the immense financial and educational crisis facing the Chicago Public Schools." - Investor's Business Daily

“The president of the Chicago Teachers Union <Karen Lewis> charges that racism and “rich white people” are to blame for the immense financial and educational crisis facing the Chicago Public Schools.” – Investor’s Business Daily


"They're taking food out of the mouths of babies," Pelosi said of her Republican colleagues following the defeat of the farm bill in a floor vote. "Two million families would lose their food under the bill, much less under the Southerland amendment."

“They’re taking food out of the mouths of babies,” …”Two million families would lose their food under the bill, much less under the Southerland amendment.”


This is just the tip of the iceberg!

We have financial markets collapsing after they’ve been propped up by the Fed for so long. Never mind that this created a false sense of security!

We have a federal government essentially able to monitor nearly every move you make and every word you say and type!

We have moronic Senators, Lindsey Graham (R-SC) among them, practically breathless to craft a piece of crap immigration “reform” bill! Never mind the feds have REFUSED to enforce existing law on nearly EVERY aspect of immigration and securing the border. It doesn’t take a genius to see what the result of this disastrous bill will do!

We have embarrassments like Chicago teacher’s union prez, Karen Lewis, whose failed leadership is in dire need of scapegoats. She simply has to play the race card. THAT will garner support from the fools that don’t have a CLUE on solving the dire problems of public education!

We have the continuing, insipid, stupidity of Congressional Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, who resort to literal lunacy when it comes to spending. Never mind that there are a RECORD NUMBER OF AMERICANS ON FOOD STAMPS! HER PARTY’S SOLUTION: SPEND MORE!

It’s all of this sort of garbage that has placed this nation in the mire it now finds itself. Self serving so called “leaders” are the enemy we all must face. They have “led” us down a road to a situation from which we may never recover. Until more of us wake up, this stuff will continue!









Scandalous!…Oh My!




Now we all know about the track record of this President. He’s managed to disassociate himself from just about every single negative event or aspect of HIS administration. That’s not an easy feat. But, with a willing media and lots of help from various characters in the political arena, he’s done just that. And it’s played well with his base. Several recent polls have reported his popularity rating unchanged, and in some cases, rising slightly! How puzzling is that?…It can all be attributed to the ignorance and obliviousness of the President’s supporters.

Andrew Malcolm at Investors Business Daily has chronicled the unsavory events of the Obama administration. Perhaps this trip down memory lane will persuade a few…a VERY few, mind you…to scratch their head and ask a few questions….we’ll see…


“The standard rule for handling bad news in politics is to get it all out at once. Take your hits for a news cycle, two or three. And then try to move on.

The conventional wisdom has been that the worst thing to do is allow the bad news to dribble out, poison drop by poison drop, for days, weeks, even months.

Yet that is precisely what Barack Obama has done — and continues to do in his current epidemic of embarrassments — over a decade of controversies and scandals. The amazing thing is, so far, it’s worked like a charm. So, why should he change?

Ignore it. Dismiss it. Dissemble it to death. Didn’t know about it. Point at others. Have others point at others. Have others suggest the criticism is really racial. Stay aloof. Stretch the whole thing out as long as possible. Then call every ensuing question old news, that you’ve discussed it many times. Hope the problem goes away.

And, by golly, usually it has for Obama.



Whether that will work this time in the face of three major, simultaneous scandals and the independent investigations certain to grow from them remains an open question. Will the Chicago Democrat skate again? Or will the events, the lies, the half-truths, the cover-ups forever stain his once-historical presidential legacy?

Barack Obama is no stranger to scandal. Here’s a recap of a few:




Benghazi Obama


Benghazi should be the most serious scandal since it involved the deaths of four Americans from unpreparedness and inaction in the face of violent attacks and misleading ensuing excuses devised and spoken by the president and those around him.



When Osama bin Laden was whacked by SEALs, we got a minute-by-minute account of what Obama was doing, as if watching on Dronecam from a secure White House basement bunker was some kind of feat.

Truthless TV talking points aside, on Benghazi we still don’t know A) where Obama was throughout the violent night of 9/11, possibly packing for another fundraising foray in Las Vegas, B) Who forbid prepared Special Ops forces from racing to the rescue or C) Why Benghazi consulate security had been reduced despite pleas for more in preceding weeks.

The commander-in-chief has even professed ignorance of eyewitness accounts being muzzled by State Department officials.




Probably the most serious scandal for Obama, however, is the selective targeting of conservative political groups by the Internal Revenue Service, whose coercive tentacles touch virtually every American.


Typically, Obama says he knew nothing about it. He didn’t even know there was a bombshell investigation about to come out because — wait for it — his chief attorney and chief of staff didn’t think to tell him about the approaching political IED in the weeks before.



This disdain for detail from the man who meticulously designs his own NCAA brackets for a sports special each March.

He has now succeeded in focusing the public discussion on when someone else knew and why she didn’t tell him.


Obama’s so-called press secretary claims the chief executive has the highest regard for freedom of the press — as in the very First Amendment. However, Obama does not regard as a scandal or violation the FBI naming a reporter professionally pursuing information as a criminal conspirator in order to access his private email account and his parents’ to identify a State Department leaker.

Nor is Obama concerned over the FBI pursuing phone records of AP journalists without even seeking their help. Safe to bet, however, that this administration does not mind the aura of intimidation that hangs over would-be whistle-blowers and their potential press contacts.

The Justice probers, however, have not shown similar diligence in tracking leakers of information that made Obama looked good in the war on terror, which he doesn’t like to call a war on terror.




The Fast and Furious scandal offered Atty. Gen. Eric Holder the opportunity to claim ignorance of the gun-running operation by agents within his department. They successfully helped drug dealers smuggle hundreds of weapons from the United States into Mexico, resulting in the deaths of scores.

So eager were Obama and Holder to get to the bottom of this lethal mess that when congressional investigators sought internal messages and memos, Obama refused, claiming executive privilege. This claim is now being litigated, which conveniently stretches out the incident.


Obama Solyndra


Solyndra was a solar-panel company that received more than a half-billion taxpayer dollars before going bankrupt. But it’s just one of dozens of such so-called green energy projects that received billions of dollars in Obama administration subsidies before going belly-up and/or being sold to China. It is perhaps an amazing coincidence that many of these defunct firms had connections to Obama campaign fundraisers.


"Our mutual hatred of America brought us together!"

“Our mutual hatred of America brought us together!”

Remember the Rev. Jeremiah Wright? He was the Chicago pastor who over 20 years married the Obamas, baptized their children and somehow delivered his startlingly racist, anti-Semitic, anti-American sermons only on Sundays when Obama was absent.

Back in 2008 Obama said he had no recollection of such videotaped outrages and could no more renounce the reverend than his white grandmother — until six weeks later in his bitter primary contest with Hillary Clinton, Obama did renounce Wright. Wright later told Edward Klein, author of “The Amateur,” that he’d been offered a large sum of money to stay quiet about his close relationship with Obama.


"I'm tellin''s a win win for both of us!"

“I’m tellin’’s a win win for both of us!”

During Obama’s presidential transition in late 2008, suspicions arose that his team had been in contact with Illinois’ governor over which Democrat should be named to fill Obama’s vacant Senate seat. The governor was later convicted of trying to sell the nomination.

Obama named his own lawyer to investigate his own team and you might not be surprised to learn that Obama’s lawyer completely exonerated Obama’s team.


The grease of Chicago’s machine politics is a bevy of shadowy, unelected men who fundraise, broker deals and otherwise assist Democrat pols so their hands can look clean. Tony Rezko was one.

We say “was,” because the Syrian-born Rezko now resides in federal prison. But beginning in the 1990s he was a close friend of Obama and Rod Blagojevich, a congressman who would go on with the help of Obama and Rezko to become governor and, now, also a resident of federal prison.

Here’s how it works in the Windy City: After Obama’s Senate election in 2004, he wanted a nicer house. He found one on the South Side but could not afford the asking price, which was enlarged because the seller wanted to include a vacant lot next door.

Obama went to his “friend” Tony for “advice.” Then, here’s what happened: On the very same day that Barack and Michelle closed on the house at a reduced price, Tony Rezko’s wife, who had no visible means of income, purchased the vacant lot at full price. She then peeled off a strip of it to sell to the Obamas.

This made the lot remainder too small for any development, which was OK because it guaranteed the Obamas no close neighbor on that side.

In 2008 the future president dismissed most questions on this as old news. He has never really offered full explanations of the amazing coincidences that benefited him in those deals, though he did once confess poor judgment dealing with Rezko, even as those nosy feds were investigating him.

Oh, by the way, the real estate agent collecting the commission for that land deal was Patti Blagojevich, the then-governor’s wife. So, as usual in Chicago, it was win-win-win financially for the bigs — except, of course, for the prison sentences.”

It’s a lot to think about, I know…But, that’s just it! The people that need to be convinced are NOT thinking about it! The truth is not something they want to face. And that truth is we’ve known the TRUTH about this President for a very long time!

Back to Reality?



Now that the melee has begun to settle down, Investors Business Daily has come up with some pertinent issues the media will “discover”. You might disagree with their viewpoint, but you can’t deny these things are out there…daring us to ignore them!


“Now that the election is over, one thing is clear the country will have to deal with several major problems that the mainstream media largely ignored to protect President Obama.

On issue after issue, in fact, the media didn’t cover Obama’s first term as much as they’ve covered up for him, whether it was the dismal state of the economy, the failure of his policies or the increased troubles abroad.

The effort worked remarkably well, helping to shield Obama from responsibility, protecting his image, providing a solid floor under his approval ratings, and ultimately a second term in the White House.

But now that Obama is safely in the White House for another four years, the press is sure to churn out what can charitably be called “now they tell us” stories about these matters, now that any potential election impact has passed.

On Tuesday, Yahoo News provided a glimpse, with a story by seasoned journalist Walter Shapiro, who finally got around to wondering whether “anyone outside (Obama’s) family and the inner sanctum of the White House staff really know Obama or have a clear handle on what he would do with a second term.”

That’s the sort of question you’d expect the press to pursue in the weeks leading up to the election, when it might have helped voters make up their minds. But it’s of little value after they’ve left for the polls.

Among other stories the media are likely to “discover” now that voters have made their decision:

• The economy really does stink. The press studiously ignored the ongoing economic catastrophe under Obama, while parading any “green shoot” they could find that suggested growth was around the corner.

Don’t be surprised if, after the election, they start to notice that three years of subpar growth have left the middle class further behind and more mired in poverty, and created a vast pool of long-term unemployed.

• Massive debt and entitlement crises loom. Despite four straight years of $1 trillion-plus deficits and a national debt that now exceeds total GDP, the media largely treated the debt crisis with a collective yawn.

Ditto the looming bankruptcy of Medicare and Social Security. These crises are nevertheless real and will have to be dealt with soon, a fact the press will almost certainly acknowledge after Nov. 6.

• The debt ceiling limit is fast approaching. Another story that went largely unremarked this campaign is the fact that the country is approaching the new debt ceiling limit. The Treasury Dept. warned last week that it expects the government to reach its borrowing limit before the end of the year.

Congress and the White House will have to deal with that just as they’re trying to avoid the fiscal cliff.

• ObamaCare isn’t what it was cracked up to be. After two years of ignoring health reform’s fundamental flaws, the press will likely admit that ObamaCare is fundamentally flawed.

Reports are sure to appear pointing out the law’s lack of cost controls, its adverse impact on doctors and hospitals, and the fact that, after spending $1.76 trillion, it will still leave 30 million uninsured.

• Obama’s deficit-cutting plan won’t work. The press let the president get away with one of the biggest whoppers yet — that his tax hikes on “the rich” would be enough to pay for his spending binge and bring down the deficit $4 trillion.

Obama’s own budget proved this wasn’t the case. And after the election, you can bet the media will be “shocked” to find that his numbers didn’t add up.

• Questions about Benghazi still demand answers. After almost two full months spent burying the Benghazi story, expect the mainstream press to wake up and notice that, as the Washington Post admitted in an editorial last Friday, “a host of unanswered questions” remains.

So far, only Fox News has bothered to pursue this story, but we expect that other outlets will pick up on it after the elections.

We could go on. But you get the idea.”



More of the same?…You betcha!…Only worse!


“You ain’t seen shit yet…Give me four more years and it’s gonna be f*cked!”


Trying to bounce back from my obvious despondency of yesterday, ‘The Godfather’ today highlighted a noted piece from Investors Business Daily. It makes the unsettling point that should Mr. Obama be rewarded with a second term, we will THEN begin to see how tough it’s gonna be!…

Of course, anyone with half a mind would realize Mr. Obama’s policies are the exact OPPOSITE of what he says he wants! They destroy wealth creation…shrink the middle class..and tax the hell out of EVERYONE!…


“His Agenda: President Obama’s convention speech got rough reviews, and rightly so. He offered little but tired bromides and recycled promises. But critics overlooked one promise that will guarantee an even bleaker future.

There was plenty to dislike in Obama’s speech. The language was flat, his delivery languid. The speech was stuffed with standard Obama chestnuts about the smallness of politics, the corrupting influence of money in politics, and how cynicism is our worst enemy.

Instead of stirring rhetoric filled with hope and promise, Obama pledged that under his leadership, “our path is harder” and “our road is longer.”

Seriously? After four years of the worst economic recovery since the Depression, falling incomes, lower-paying jobs, increased hopelessness and exploding debt, all Obama has to offer is that he’ll make this nightmare last even longer?

He also told the public that they “elected me to tell you the truth” not to “tell you what you wanted to hear,” but then proceeded to hide inconvenient truths while filling the public’s ears with sweet nothings.

For example, he pledged government help for everyone who could possibly want or need it, but managed to avoid any mention of the hard truth that the national debt just topped $16 trillion and entitlements are unsustainable.

He said he’d spend money saved from ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on roads, bridges and schools. Even the liberal press wasn’t buying this one. As the AP pointed out, Obama “laid claim to a peace dividend that doesn’t exist.”

Obama promised to “take responsible steps” that would “keep the promise of Social Security.” But he failed to mention that the only options he’s left on the table are raising taxes or cutting benefits. That may not be what people want to hear, but it’s the absolute truth.

He trotted out his supposed plan to cut deficits by $4 trillion over the next decade. But his actual plan — the budget he presented in February — would add $3.5 trillion in deficits, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Then Obama said he’d create a million new manufacturing jobs, recruit another 100,000 math and science teachers, cut tuition growth in half, and reform the tax code. All by magic, apparently, since he’s provided no detailed plans on any of this.

But while everyone was picking apart these and other flaws in Obama’s speech, they overlooked the most frightening line of all. That was when Obama promised that he’d pursue “the kind of bold, persistent experimentation that Franklin Roosevelt pursued during the only crisis worse than this one.”

That promise might have made liberal hearts swoon. But as Amity Shlaes explained in her outstanding history of the era — “The Forgotten Man” — it was precisely FDR’s “bold, persistent experimentation” that was largely to blame for the length, depth and severity of the Great Depression.

Convinced that the government had to do something, FDR tinkered and experimented, she said, figuring that if he didn’t “get it right the first time … maybe he’d get it right the second time.” But the very arbitrariness of FDR’s actions, she found, made it impossible for businesses to make plans. And so, as FDR’s bold experiments increased, business activity decreased and markets froze.

“From the point of view of a business,” Shlaes said in a 2009 interview, “it is annihilating to hear Washington uncertain, and that itself retards recovery because you really don’t know what to expect.”

If Obama wants to conduct experiments, he should get a job as a high school science teacher, and not use the entire nation as guinea pigs, particularly when we already know how his tests will turn out.”

They’re running scared!…

When you build a house of cards, it’s just a matter of time before there’s a collapse….

Remember this….

“I can’t believe we fooled these dumb ass voters!….”

Well….appears it’s come to this….

“What the f*ck are we gonna do?!…”





The Democrats, the President included, are in complete disarray. Everywhere you turn, their paranoia and lunacy has reached the surface. Witness the remarks about AG Holder (see previous post!). They are grasping at whatever they can to deflect and defend an incompetent Administration and President. Now, I know politics is about as cyclical a phenomenon as there is, but Mr. Obama has shown time after time he lacks the leadership skills and determination required to grasp the seriousness of the problems we face as a nation. His Administration and their allies in Congress have proceeded contentiously (that is when they actually DO something!) on nearly every concern. From energy to healthcare to national defense. They resort to snide arrogance when responding to genuine, valid criticism of their costly, burdensome programs and policies.

Jonah Goldberg has a great piece at National Review Online: OBAMA’S TRUTHINESS


That says a lot about this President. I believe more than I ever have, that Mr. Obama has a deep seated disdain and resentment for this country. He was immersed in that notion from a young age. Fate and politics presented him with an opportunity to act upon those feelings and the nation has suffered for it.

The Democrat leadership, such as it is, has shown about as much backbone when dealing with our nation’s problems, as a jellyfish. Nancy Pelosi’s foolish remarks about Mr. Holder’s contempt of Congress citation being an attempt to restrict voter rights was one of the STUPIDEST things she’s ever uttered. And Ms. Pelosi has a long history of stupid! Meanwhile, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) has been nothing more than a figurehead in the Senate. He’s a sad, shell of a man who is far past the point where he should be put out to pasture. His only accomplishment of note has been delaying the Senate’s vote on a budget…which is likely reaching a record number of days, if it hasn’t already. The remaining Democrats of note have followed their same, tired playbook of demonizing Republicans given any opportunity. Time after time they attempt to frame the narrative of any serious approach to cutting spending as detrimental to this group or that constituency. And, of course, the media and pundits play right along. They would like nothing more than to ignore the problems…period. THAT is their answer. Ignore it!

“Come on guys!…I need four more years to keep up this crap!…”

Barack Obama has never been President. He has been “candidate” Obama for his entire term. And should the country have the misfortune of four more years under his helm, it’s almost certain we will face further destruction and divisiveness. His agenda will promote costly, worthless programs which will result in nothing but more debt. Along the way, he will ask for more from every taxpayer while deriding those that protest as greedy and selfish. He will operate under the notion of being more than willing to accept accolades for his false concerns combined with condescension when confronted with the failure of his policies.

Mitt Romney is seeking to put an end to the malaise..the anger…and the frustration we’ve seen for several years now. Can he do it?…It would remain to be seen should he be given the chance. He will be faced with an army of detractors. One thing of which I am certain. I have no doubt he is aware of the national mood. He is aware that Barack Obama foolishly and willfully took what could have been considered a mandate and squandered it. He is aware that Mr. Obama seeks to frame this nation in HIS own image. He is aware that Mr. Obama has little regard for the value and beliefs that millions of Americans still hold dear. You, along with me, may not agree with Mr. Romney’s approach to certain issues. But it is an absolute certainty he does not regard the COUNTRY as the problem…unlike Mr. Obama. My hope is, come November, American voters will put their faith in themselves, again. And not in Barack Obama.

More good reads:



HOLLYWOOD’S WHITE HOUSE – Washington Free Beacon