


Well, of course it was! Millions of Americans were skeptical from day one! Barack Obama was swept into the White House in 2008 on an emotional outburst. Little was given to thoughts of practicality and experience. The American people sidestepped common sense and handed power to a man whose antipathy and resentment toward this nation is on display more than ever…

Let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we?….

As America thrilled to the inauguration of its 44th President and a new First Lady, the West Wing was filling with a kaleidoscopic army of policy aces, whiz kids, and veteran advisers, all focused on the long haul, no-drama work to which Barack Obama has called them.” – Vanity Fair, March, 2009

“There’ s over 20 percent youth unemployment. We have to create green jobs, do more to provide pay equity – especially for women – and help veterans.” – Labor Secretary Designate Hilda Solis, Vanity Fair, March, 2009

“We are going to take a moon shot on energy independence. The unifying agenda of our nation is energy. Failure is not an option.” – Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar, Vanity Fair, March, 2009

And my favorite….

“He’s very centered and calm. The more challenging things become, the more focused he gets.” – David Axelrod, Vanity Fair, March, 2009

It was a joke, a ruse, a scam….THIS is what we’re left with…





It’s ALL been a lie…all of it!…Every bit of it…and you fell for it!…








The Doldrums?….





I suppose there’s really no such thing as “the doldrums” when it comes to politics and policy in the United States. Especially not with THIS President at the helm! That brings me to the question on my mind…”Is he REALLY at the helm?”

Barack Obama made it clear quite some time ago, he takes very little seriously. He lacks the integrity to pursue sensible solutions to  REAL problems. He would far prefer to inflame and impugn. With the vast majority of the American electorate mired in ignorance, that strategy has served him well. He knows he can perpetuate the problem while offering no resolution. Why? Because a resolution would not serve him politically. It would not shore up his contention that he is fighting the fight..that he championing those he purportedly serves. Of course, if the American people took a long, hard look at the debt, unemployment, foreign policy, as well as other matters, they would realize Mr. Obama offers nothing. Nothing but rhetoric void of any solid value at all. But we know that’s never going to happen.

The frustrating thing is all of this is out there to see! No thanks to the mainstream media, mind you. But it’s there! The problems and reality are exposed day after day after day by sources which take a look at the facts and approach issues with the realization that the President offers no substance…only feigned indifference sprinkled with inflammatory speech.

Examples are plentiful. In the midst of the sequester, Mr. Obama trumpets claim after claim of real suffering. In the meantime, he plays host to a costly White House gathering celebrating ‘Memphis Soul”. With the monstrosity of “Obamacare” looming on the horizon, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius admits implementation of the disaster is going to be more complicated than originally thought! As the President continues his assault on the Second Amendment, he decided to parlay the suffering of Newtown families into what would play good before the cameras by flying families of victims to Washington to lobby Congress.

It goes on and on and on….

Barack Obama continues to show he lacks the maturity, the fortitude, and the rational thought which you would assume would be desirable qualities in the leader of the free world. I suppose they no longer apply. He is a product of antipathy and bitterness toward this country and its founding. He relishes his role of antagonizer while committing nothing. It’s a frightening shame that this is what we’ve come to in our nation. I used to think the President could instill confidence and resolve. Not THIS President! Instead, he fills me with a continuing sense of apprehension and frustration combined with the fact that we’re running out of patience. I hate it. Is it just a national phase, so to speak? I don’t know. Only time will tell. Unfortunately, we seem to be running out of that, too.

More reading:

3 Questions on Immigration – National Review

White House Admits Obama Budget has Middle Class Tax Hike – Big Government

New GAO Report finds $95bn in Overlapping Programs – Washington Examiner





We’re waiting!…….



If you’re like me, your wondering if anyone is AWAKE at Team Romney. The clock is ticking and Mitt Romney seems to be sleepwalking through this campaign. Lackluster ads..which I’ve YET to see on television.., half-hearted responses to whatever President Obama throws out there….and virtually no offense whatsoever! It’s frustrating! His supporters are frustrated, discouraged…and genuinely frightened! I’m not sure what his advisors are telling him, but one thing for sure…it ain’t working!


The country continues to suffer under the MOST DIVISIVE AND DISHONEST President in United States history, yet Romney seems to be encountering a real struggle convincing voters of those facts. I know a good part of it is the plain stupidity of vast numbers of the American electorate. But, he doesn’t seem to be expending any energy to at least try!

In the meantime, President Obama’s support grows due in large part to the perception that he is nothing more than the caretaker-in-chief….witness the woman in Cleveland who bases her support for Mr. Obama because he “gave” her a cellphone! That sort of garbage should incense EVERY, SINGLE AMERICAN who earns a paycheck!

“Romney sucks!”

I suppose there are not enough Americans out there who see anything wrong with this…they don’t care if it continues…or even expands!…This is how much we’ve devolved….

Charles Krauthamer asks the question: Why is Romney hesitant to make big-picture criticisms of Obama’s policies?

Message to Mitt: Make the Case

In mid-September, 2008, Lehman Brothers collapsed and the bottom fell out of the financial system. Barack Obama handled it coolly. John McCain did not. Obama won the presidency. (Given the country’s condition, he would have won anyway. But this sealed it.)

Four years later, mid-September, 2012, the U.S. mission in Benghazi went up in flames, as did Obama’s entire Middle East policy of apology and accommodation. Obama once again played it cool, effectively ignoring the attack and the region-wide American humiliation. “Bumps in the road,” he said. Nodding tamely were the mainstream media, who would have rained a week of vitriol on Mitt Romney had he so casually dismissed the murder of a U.S. ambassador, the raising of the black Salafist flag over four U.S. embassies, and the epidemic of virulent anti-American demonstrations from Tunisia to Sri Lanka (!) to Indonesia.

Obama seems not even to understand what happened. He responded with a groveling address to the U.N. General Assembly that contained no fewer than six denunciations of a crackpot video, while offering cringe-worthy platitudes about the need for governments to live up to the ideals of the U.N.

The U.N. is an institution of surpassing cynicism and mendacity, but the speech was so naïve it would have made a fine middle-school commencement address. Instead, it was a plaintive plea by the world’s alleged superpower to be treated nicely by a roomful of the most corrupt, repressive, tin-pot regimes on earth.


Yet Romney totally fumbled away the opportunity. Here was a chance to make the straightforward case about where Obama’s feckless approach to the region’s tyrants has brought us, connecting the dots of the disparate attacks as a natural response of the more virulent Islamist elements to a once-hegemonic power in retreat. Instead, Romney did two things:

He issued a two-sentence critique of the initial statement issued by the U.S. embassy in Cairo on the day the mob attacked. The critique was not only correct but vindicated when the State Department disavowed the embassy statement. However, because the critique was not framed within a larger argument about the misdirection of U.S. Middle East policy, it could be — and was — characterized as a partisan attack on the nation’s leader at a moment of national crisis.

Two weeks later at the Clinton Global Initiative, Romney did make a foreign-policy address. Here was his opportunity. What did he highlight? Reforming foreign aid.

Yes, reforming foreign aid! A worthy topic for a chin-pulling joint luncheon of the League of Women Voters and the Council on Foreign Relations. But as the core of a challenger’s major foreign-policy address amid a Lehman-like collapse of the Obama Doctrine?

It makes you think how far ahead Romney would be if he were actually running a campaign. His unwillingness to go big, to go for the larger argument, is simply astonishing.

For six months, he’s been matching Obama small ball for small ball. A hit-and-run critique here, a slogan-of-the-week there. His only momentum came when he chose Paul Ryan and seemed ready to engage on the big stuff: Medicare, entitlements, tax reform, national solvency, a restructured welfare state. Yet he has since retreated to the small and safe.



When you’re behind, however, safe is fatal. Even his counterpunching has gone miniature. Obama has successfully painted Romney as an out-of-touch, unfeeling plutocrat whose only interest is to cut taxes for the rich. Romney has complained in interviews that it’s not true. He has proposed cutting tax rates, while pledging that the share of the tax burden paid by the rich will remain unchanged (by “broadening the base” as in the wildly successful, revenue-neutral Reagan-O’Neill tax reform of 1986).


But how many people know this? Where is the speech that hammers home precisely that point, advocates a reformed tax code that accelerates growth without letting the rich off the hook, and gives lie to the Obama demagoguery about dismantling the social safety net in order to enrich the rich?

Romney has accumulated tons of cash for 30-second ads. But unless they’re placed on the scaffolding of serious speeches making the larger argument, they will be treated as nothing more than tit for tat. 

Make the case. Go large. About a foreign policy in ruins. About an archaic, 20th-century welfare-state model that guarantees 21st-century insolvency. And about an alternate vision of an unapologetically assertive America abroad unafraid of fundamental structural change at home.

It might just work. And it’s not too late.

— Charles Krauthammer is a nationally syndicated columnist. © 2012 the Washington Post Writers Group.


HOW TO BUY AN ELECTION – Washington Free Beacon



Well…let’s see where we stand this morning….

The Middle East is still burning out of control…..the media narrative is Romney’s statements on the matter are out of line…and President Obama is off for fundraising in Las Vegas. THIS is the abject GARBAGE that describes perfectly the Presidency under Barack Obama. Yet, I STILL stand by my prediction the moronic voters of this country will award him a second term.

In the meantime, here’s a spot on perspective from the End of the American Dream Blog:


“The truth is that the U.S. government has absolutely no idea what it is doing in the Middle East!”

Many of us tried to warn Barack Obama that using militants from al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations to overthrow governments in the Middle East would not end well.  The Obama administration has been so determined to get rid of some of these dictators in the Middle East that they have not even really stopped to think about who would be replacing them.  Our leaders assured us that those opposed to Mubarak and Gaddafi were “freedom fighters” that just wanted “liberty” and “democracy” in those countries.  Well, of course it turns out that the folks that took control of both Egypt and Libya bear no resemblance to George Washington whatsoever.  They have simply replaced one form of tyranny with an even worse form of tyranny.  Sadly, the last couple of days have been a huge wake up call for all of us.  Radical Islamic militants stormed the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt and replaced the American flag with the al-Qaeda flag.  In Benghazi, Libya the U.S. consulate was attacked by a crowd equipped with guns, homemade bombs and rocket-propelled grenades.  They torched the consulate, looted it, and killed the U.S. ambassador and three other U.S. officials.  Apparently they are not as grateful for our help in “liberating” their homelands as the Obama administration thought they would be.  Unfortunately, our politicians fundamentally misunderstand what is going on in the Middle East, and this is going to continue to lead to more policy errors.

For years, our politicians told us that “al-Qaeda” was the big enemy in the “War on Terror”.

But then during the “Arab Spring” the U.S. government was openly working with “al-Qaeda” and a bunch of other similar organizations all over the Middle East to overthrow established governments.

To say that our approach to the Middle East has been “inconsistent” would be a massive understatement.

After the protesters stormed the U.S. embassy in Cairo, they made it very clear who they are aligned with.  They tore down the U.S. flag and desecrated it, and they put up a black Islamic flag in its place.

So what did the black flag have on it?  The following is how CNN described the flag….

The black flag, which hangs atop a ladder inside the compound, is adorned with white characters that read, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger,” an emblem often used in al Qaeda propaganda.

This is very reminiscent of what happened in Libya in the days after the toppling of Gaddafi.  At the time, the Daily Mail and other international media organizations posted pictures of the black al-Qaeda flag flying high and proud over the courthouse in Benghazi….

The black flag of Al Qaeda was hoisted in Libya yesterday as Nato formally ended its military campaign.

The standard fluttered from the roof of the courthouse in Benghazi, where the country’s new rulers have imposed sharia law since seizing power.

Today, the new government in Egypt is completely dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood.  They hold 47 percent of the seats in parliament and the new president of Egypt belongs to the organization.

So how are they responding to this incident?

Well, they have issued a half-hearted condemnation of the attacks in English, and they have also announced that new protests against the anti-Islam film that originally sparked the violence will be held in Tahrir Square on Friday.

I’m sure that a new round of mass protests will definitely calm everyone down.

Or not.

Hopefully the U.S. embassy in Egypt will have significantly strengthened security by Friday.

In Libya, the U.S. consulate has been essentially destroyed.

You can see pictures of what the U.S. consulate in Benghazi looks like after the attack right here.

Looters took off with whatever they were able to carry.  Reporters saw some people carrying desks, chairs and even washing machines away from the consulate.

The U.S. ambassador, Chris Stevens, was killed along with three other U.S. officials.

You can see a photo of an unconscious Stevens being carried through the streets after the attack right here.

So who was responsible for the attack?

Once again, it appears to have been Islamic radicals associated with al-Qaeda.  The following is from a Reuters article about this incident….

“The attack was believed to have been carried out by Ansar al-Sharia, an al Qaeda-style Sunni Islamist group that has been active in Benghazi, a Libyan security official said. Witnesses said the mob also included tribesmen, militia and other gunmen.

Ansar al-Sharia cars arrived at the start of the protest but left once fighting started, Hamam said. “The protesters were running around the compound just looking for Americans, they just wanted to find an American so they could catch one.”

Most Americans thought that it was a good idea for the Obama administration to back “the rebels” that were fighting to overthrow Gaddafi, but perhaps more people should have been asking what those “rebels” actually stand for.

The following is what former CIA officer Bruce Riedel once said about the composition of the fighters that were attempting to overthrow Gaddafi….

“There is no question that al-Qaida’s Libyan franchise, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, is a part of the opposition. It has always been Gadhafi’s biggest enemy and its stronghold is Benghazi. What is unclear is how much of the opposition is al-Qaida/Libyan Islamic Fighting Group – 2 percent or 80 percent.”

The leader of the Libyan rebel forces even admitted that some of the very same militants that were shooting at U.S. troops in Iraq were among those that were seeking to “liberate” Libya.  The following is from a 2011 article in the Telegraph….

“Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi’s regime.”

You can find much more on the link between al-Qaeda and the rebel forces in Libya right here.

So we were shooting at them in Iraq but we supplied them with weapons and gave them air support in Libya?

What kind of nonsense is that?

The truth is that the U.S. government has absolutely no idea what it is doing in the Middle East.

And it looks like more trouble is ahead.

There were other anti-U.S. protests in Sudan, the Gaza Strip and Tunisia on Wednesday.

Sadly, even the top officials in our own government fail to grasp why these militants hate us.  In response to the torching of the consulate in Benghazi, Hillary Clinton asked the following question….

“Today, many Americans are asking, indeed I ask myself … How could this happen in a country we helped liberate in a city we helped save from destruction?”

And of course foreign policy has never been a point of emphasis for Barack Obama.

In fact, it has been reported that he skips more than half of his daily intelligence meetings.

So the blind are leading the blind and we continue to make mistake after mistake in the Middle East.

When will we ever learn?


What’s it going to take for Americans to open their eyes to the ever growing danger in the White House?…What’s it going to take?…..





Tuesday Potpourri!….

Well, I suppose it’s back to the matters at hand…returning after my departure into the expansion of commercial aviation manufacturing the past couple of days….That being said, yesterday’s announcement about Airbus and their planned expansion in this country continues to make news:

Alabama’s Governor Bentley (R) was fairly blunt when he spoke to Fox Business’s Neil Cavuto:

“We are a right-to-work state… That is, Alabama is one of 23 states that forbid workers from being forced to join a union as a condition of employment. This has resulted in weak unions in those states….”

The governor is right…when the emphasis is placed on the employee being part of a union, it takes precedence over the job at hand..literally. Millions of Americans want to WORK!…THAT is their priority! Union leaders fail to grasp that concept.


I’m sure everyone is well aware of the recent storms that pounded the mid-Atlantic states…and literally bringing areas around D.C. to a standstill…with damage and power outages. The Economic Collapse blog has an interesting piece

today. He expands on the what the outcome would be as a result of an EMP…or electromagnetic pulse from a nuclear explosion in the atmosphere over the United States. And it ain’t pretty. Everything with any sort of electronic circuit…and that’s a LOT of stuff…would be fried…and completely useless! About a year ago I read “One Second After” by William R. Forstchen. It’s fiction, but it was one of the most frightening books I’ve ever read. He chronicles life in this country following just such an event. And trust me…it’s NOT something you want to experience!


Back to the here and now…The Washington Times has an interesting…and disturbing story…about President Obama’s implementation of his “amnesty program” recently announced. Of course, no one should be surprised by this! Mr. Obama is a liar. He deceives and manipulates whatever and whoever he can to achieve whatever he likes:

“Federal immigration authorities have begun granting tentative legal status to illegal immigrants under President Obama’s deportation halt — and in some cases are even ignoring the administration’s eligibility rules to stop deportations for those who shouldn’t qualify, according to the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.”

You need look no further than the healthcare mandate ruling: it’s tax…it’s not a tax…ok it’s only a tax when we want it to be a tax….but it can be a penalty AND a tax…..just add this to the ever growing list of power grabbing edicts from our ruler!…


The resounding answer to that is NO!…I know it, you know it….anyone who is not lying to themselves knows it!…..


“Are you serious?!…are you serious?!”….No, Madam Speaker..we’re asking YOU if YOU are serious.

Michael Barone has a nice piece today at the Washington Examiner. He takes a look at the shielded life of many inside the Beltway and elsewhere. How their disdain for others and their arrogance have shaped lives they consider far superior to you and me….I know of a few people like that…

LIFE IN A COCOON DULLS POLITICAL RESPONSES – Michael Barone @ The Washington Examiner

It’s comfortable living in a cocoon — associating only with those who share your views, reading journalism and watching news that only reinforce them, avoiding those on the other side of the cultural divide.
Liberals have been doing this for a long time. In 1972 the movie critic Pauline Kael said it was odd that Richard Nixon was winning the election, because everyone she knew was for George McGovern.
Kael wasn’t clueless about the rest of America. She was just observing that her own social circle was politically parochial.
The rest of us have increasingly sought out comfortable cocoons too. Journalist Bill Bishop, who lives in an Austin, Texas, neighborhood whose politics resemble Kael’s, started looking at national data.
It inspired him to write his 2008 book, “The Big Sort,” which describes how Americans since the 1970s have increasingly sorted themselves out, moving to places where almost everybody shares their cultural orientation and political preference — and the others keep quiet about theirs.
Thus professionals with a choice of where to make their livings head for the San Francisco Bay Area if they’re liberal and for the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex (they really do call it that) if they’re conservative. Over the years, the Bay Area becomes more liberal and the Metroplex more conservative.
But cocooning has an asymmetrical effect on liberals and conservatives. Even in a cocoon, conservatives cannot avoid liberal mainstream media, liberal Hollywood entertainment and, these days, the liberal Obama administration.
They’re made uncomfortably aware of the arguments of those on the other side. Which gives them an advantage in fashioning their own responses.
Liberals can protect themselves better against assaults from outside their cocoon. They can stay out of megachurches and make sure their remote controls never click on Fox News. They can stay off the AM radio dial so they will never hear Rush Limbaugh.
The problem is that this leaves them unprepared to make the best case for their side in public debate. They are too often not aware of holes in arguments that sound plausible when bandied between confreres entirely disposed to agree.
We have seen how this works on some issues this year.
Take the arguments developed by professor Randy Barnett of Georgetown Law that Obamacare’s mandate to buy health insurance is unconstitutional. Some liberal scholars like Jack Balkin of Yale have addressed them with counterarguments of their own.
But liberal politicians and Eric Holder’s Justice Department remained clueless about them. Then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, asked whether Obamacare was unconstitutional, could only gasp, “Are you serious? Are you serious?”
In March, after the Supreme Court heard extended oral argument on the case, CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin was clearly flabbergasted that a majority of justices seemed to take the case against Obamacare’s constitutionality very seriously indeed.
Liberals better informed about the other side’s case might have drafted the legislation in a way to avoid this controversy. But nothing they heard in their cocoon alerted them to the danger.
Another case in point is Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s law restricting the bargaining powers of public employee unions. The unions and the crowds in Madison, which is both the state capital and a university town and which with surrounding Dane County voted 73 to 26 percent for Barack Obama, egged each other on with cries that this would destroy the working class. No one they knew found this implausible.
The unions had an economic motive to oppose the laws and seek to recall first Republican legislators and then Walker himself. The law ended the automatic checkoff of union dues, which operated as an involuntary transfer of money from taxpayers to union leaders.
But voters declined to recall enough Republicans to give Democrats a majority in the Senate, and Walker currently leads Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett in polls on the June 5 recall election.
The Madison mob seemed unaware that there were attractive arguments on Walker’s side.
Why should public employee union members pay less for health insurance and get fatter pensions than the taxpayers who pay their salaries? Why is it a bad thing for property taxes to be held down and for school districts to cut perks for union members enough to hire more teachers?
Beyond the Madison cocoon, in Wisconsin’s other 71 counties, which voted 55 to 44 percent for Walker in 2010, such arguments are evidently proving persuasive. Maybe liberals should listen to Rush every so often.

Michael Barone,The Examiner’s senior political analyst, can be contacted at His column appears Wednesday and Sunday, and his stories and blog posts appear on


The ‘Campaign’ Speech….and more!

"I am a firm believer in the premise of lying to the people enough to where they eventually believe you....because, by and large, the American electorate is stupid."

So the President delivered his campaign…um, I mean State of the Union speech to Congress last evening. Did he accomplish anything besides the spewing the same tired platitudes and rhetoric? I seriously doubt it. Mr. Obama is running for a second term and he knows it’s best to use the bully pulpit when you can. Which, for him is practically all of the time.

As expected, he proposed raising taxes on those he considers make too much money. Rather than proposing serious and productive ideas to revise a complex, antiquated tax system, he decided to best demonize those people who work and accomplish. This President is well aware his first term has done NOTHING to improve our economy. I heard it said he inherited problems he did not cause. This is true. Nevertheless, he has embarked upon an agenda of retribution and punishment of the “offenders” in his eyes. Along the way, the nation continues to suffer as a whole. This he vehemently proclaims as “shared sacrifice” and “fairness”.

He invites the secretary of the insipid Warren Buffett as an example of the unbalanced nature of the tax code. But he isn’t being completely honest. She pays INCOME taxes! Mr. Buffet pays CAPITAL GAINS taxes! They’re not the same! Upon close examination, Mr. Buffett has already paid INCOME taxes on the money used which yielded CAPITAL GAINS taxes! In reality, he’s paying twice! Which, apparently to his feeble mind, is something he doesn’t mind doing.

"People say I'm the smartest idiot they know."

Mr. Obama will continue is campaign of nonsense in hopes of becoming a two term President. He will continue to distort and divide and lie. Fortunately, the facts are not on his side. As an informed voter, you would do well to take ANYTHING he says with a grain of salt.

Some views from around the web….

“The President wants an economy that’s built to last, as he said repeatedly in tonight’s State of the Union speech. However, among the litany of programs he announced, he promised little action on the driver of economic decay: the blooming debt of government at all levels, but particularly the government that President Obama runs.” – National Review Online

“With Election Day swiftly approaching, Obama is portraying himself as a champion for the middle class — banking that public frustration with both Washington and Wall Street will propel him to victory despite unrelenting unemployment.” – The Washington Examiner

“In short, he was invoking the familiar Democratic refrain of a new government program for every problem—calls that would seem to indicate his later call for a “leaner, quicker and more responsive” bureaucracy in government.” – John Gizzi,- Human Events

“Based on President Obama’s State of My Campaign — er, State of the Union — Address last night, the answer to America’s problems are simple: bigger government, soaking the rich and ensuring equal opportunity for all.” – The New York Post

“In his State of the Union speech, PresidentObama tried to make the case that he has been one of the most successful chief executives in American history when it comes to foreign affairs. “Anyone who tells you that America is in decline or that our influence has waned,” he said, “doesn’t know what they’re talking about.” But it takes more than being briefed on the Osama binLaden takedown to make a great leader. The vast gulf between Mr. Obama’s promises and his results argues against him.” – The Washington Times

“Don’t worry, America. There’s nothing that ails this country that can’t be made right by a catalogue of piddling proposals that will be forgotten tomorrow–and oh yeah, more taxes on the rich. Such was the message of President Obama’s State of the Union address.” – Rich Lowry – Fox News

There aren’t many reasons to watch Whitney (NBC, 8 ET/PT), but here’s one: Kathy Griffin guests tonight as an assistant at Roxanne’s office.
CBS will no doubt celebrate its mystifying hit Criminal Minds (9 ET/PT) reaching its 150th episode with the return of a Houston serial rapist. If that strikes you as a reason to celebrate, be my guest.

•There’s a better viewing option on Fox, which offers a preview of its March series Touch (9 ET/PT). Kiefer Sutherland makes a welcome TV return as a widowed father who discovers his uncommunicative 11-year-old son has a mysterious ability to see patterns in the world that allows him to predict the future.

The premise is obviously a stretch, and the question for episodes to come is whether producer Tim Kring will stretch it beyond all logical constraints, as he did withHeroes.

For now, enjoy Sutherland’s terrific performance and his ability to ground even the oddest concepts in emotional truth.

•Speaking of, it’s sure to be an emotional night over atCSI (CBS, 10 ET/PT) as Marg Helgenberger exits. Fans have adjusted to CSI‘s cast shifts before, but odds are this will be a particularly tough one to take.


Job Creators Fight Back! – John Stossel @ The Washington Examiner



Excellent piece!!!!


Some politicians claim that politicians create jobs.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says, “My job is to create jobs.”

What hubris! Government has no money of its own. All it does is take from some people and give to others, leaving less money in the private sector for job creation.

Actually, it’s worse than that. Since government commandeers scarce resources by force and doesn’t have to peddle its so-called services on the market to consenting buyers, there’s no feedback mechanism to indicate if those services are worth more to people than what they were forced to go without.

The only people who create real, sustainable jobs are in private businesses — if they’re unsubsidized.

Some CEOs are upset that people don’t appreciate what they do. So they formed a group called the Job Creators Alliance.

Brad Anderson, former CEO of Best Buy, joined because he wants to counter the image of businesspeople as evil. When he was young, Anderson himself thought they were evil. But then he “stumbled into a business career” by going to work in a stereo store.

“I watched what happens in building a business. [My store] the Sound of Music, which became Best Buy, was 11 years [old] before I made a dollar of profit.”

In 36 years, he turned that store into a $50 billion company.

Tom Stemberg, founder of Staples, got involved with the Job Creators Alliance because he’s annoyed that the government makes a tough job much tougher.

He complains that government mostly creates jobs — that kill jobs.

“They’re creating $300 million worth of jobs in the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,” Stemberg said, “which I don’t think is going to do much for productivity in America. We’re creating all kinds of jobs trying to live up to Dodd-Frank … and those jobs don’t create much productivity.

Now, Stemberg runs a venture capital business. “I helped create over 100,000 jobs myself,” he said. “Pinkberry and City Sports and J. McLaughlin are growing and adding employment.”

To do that, he had to overcome hurdles placed in the way by government.

“All that we get is grief and more hoops to jump through and more forms to fill out and more regulations to comply with,” complained Stemberg. “Fastest-growing investment segment in venture capitalism: compliance software.”

“Compliance” is the big word in business today. Every business has to have a compliance department. But resources are scarce, so these departments suck away creativity. It’s one reason that these successful businesspeople don’t think they could do today what they did in the past.

Mike Whalen, CEO of Heart of America Group, said he got started with loans from banks that took a chance on an unknown: “It is not an underwriting standard that can be dictated by Dodd-Frank with 55 pages. It’s kind of a gut instinct.”

But John Allison, who built BB&T Corp. into the 12th-biggest bank in America, says that “gut instinct” is now illegal.

“It would be very difficult to do what we did then today. It was semi-venture-capital thing. The government regulations [today] are so tight, including setting credit standards, particularly since the so-called financial crisis and since they … changed the credit standards in the banking industry, making it very hard for the banks to finance small businesses.”

These successful businessmen realize that in one way, they profit from the regulatory burden. They can absorb the costs. That gives them an advantage over smaller competitors.

“Somebody who wants to compete with us can’t because we can afford to hire the guys that can read this stuff and to keep us in compliance with the law. They can’t,” Anderson said.

Politicians rarely understand this. One who learned it too late was Sen. George McGovern. After he left office, he started a small bed-and-breakfast and hit the regulatory wall he helped create. Later, he wrote, “I wish during the years I was in public office I had this firsthand experience about the difficulties businesspeople face. … We are choking off business opportunity.”

Wish they learned that before leaving office.

Examiner Columnist John Stossel is nationally syndicated by Creators Syndicate.